Rural Female Detective

C147 The Crown Prince

Chu Xing brought in breakfast. Seeing that Song Yao was still fiddling with her hair and looking like she couldn't do anything for a long time, she laughed: "Young lady, you really don't care about appearance. I've seen other young ladies who aren't dressed meticulously when they go out.

Song Yao laughed without care, then let go of her hand and asked her to help him tidy her hair. Seeing her nimble hands had quickly tied up a beautiful bun, she sighed in admiration: "So powerful, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn this technique in my entire life."

Chu Xing said: "I'm fourteen, fifteen after the new year."

Song Yao was startled, in that era, she was still at the age of a junior high school, but at such a young age in the eyes of the adults.

She sighed and turned to her.

Chu Xing was startled, then said: "Of course I wouldn't dare say it like that, compared to the other sisters who were called out the same time, it can be said that they are far inferior."

Song Yao asked: "Then what is the most outstanding person in your group doing now?"

Chu Xing frowned: "I am not too sure, I have left the palace for too long, so I have hardly contacted them, but that big sister had relied on her beauty, and was deeply liked by the palace lady. When I was sent to serve the crown prince, it was as if she had entered the Queen's palace."

Just as he finished speaking, a knock came from the door. Chu Tao said from outside: "Miss, I've brought some fruits over. You can have some more fruits after your meal."

Chu Xing opened the door and let Chu Tao in.

The two of them sat at the table for a while, before Song Yao walked over. Chu Xing suddenly asked Chu Tao: "Do you still remember sister Wan Dong? I suddenly mentioned her to the young lady today, I wonder how her current situation is? "

Chu Tao said: "Why did I remember to talk about her, but speaking of it, a few days ago, when I was shopping, I coincidentally met an elder of the palace who happened to come out to do some work, and casually chatted for a while, and coincidentally mentioned her as well?"

"How is she?" Chu Xing asked anxiously, "Did you get a position difference again, allowing you to serve the empress closely?"

Chu Tao said: "I heard that she went to serve by the empress's side a long time ago. But because of this, I heard that the emperor saw the brocade sack she embroidered for the empress once. He liked it very much, praised it in front of the empress, and also wanted to see her. After seeing it, he started to favor it and often gave her some small items.

"Huh? "Dead?" Chu Xing exclaimed, "What? How could I be sick? "

Song Yao drank a mouthful of porridge and muttered, "How could she be sick? As a person of the empress's palace, being favored by the emperor right under the empress's noses, how could the empress let her off so easily?"

Chu Xing pouted: "It's such a pity, her Female Red is so good."

Song Yao said: "Nu Hong is unable to save my life, the palace is burning with water, what is needed is the brain, not the skills. Moreover, the beautiful tree is in the forest, the wind will destroy it, she does not know how to restrain it, and that is only a matter of time. If the Emperor had been a little foolish when he saw her, he would not have killed her. "

Chu Tao said: "What Miss says is reasonable, it is only living in the palace. Most of the time, many things cannot be decided by yourself."

Song Yao said: "How can it only be like this in the palace? Almost everywhere, there is no life as one pleases. Desire is infinite, and people are always dissatisfied. " She looked at Chu Xing, "I understand your thoughts, it is my duty to be a servant, to serve good people and do what I should do, but not everyone is like this. Everyone is a different person, so there are things that are not suitable for everyone. "If you want me to be a beauty, I might not be able to do it in my entire life, but right now, I'm living a good life, no?"

Chu Xing blinked her eyes, only after reacting for a while did she understand, and anxiously said: "It's because I said it wrongly, don't take it to heart Miss."

Song Yao said: "You are not wrong, to ordinary girls, you are warning them in good will; this is kindness, and it is not wrong. It's just that I'm not the same as those girls. Since you've told me, I'll let you know exactly what kind of person I am so that I won't be unhappy with you the next time. "

"I know." Chu Xing said.

Song Yao laughed: "Don't be afraid, I'm very easy to talk to, I won't scold anyone, but I love to listen to logic, you guys can listen, if you can listen, that's fine, but if you can't, that's fine."

Chu Tao laughed: "I'm chatting with Mingyue, and Mingyue told me that lady is not an ordinary person. Her thoughts and attitude towards things are different from ours in many ways, and it might even be out of place, but she's a very good person."

Everyone likes to hear nice words, Song Yao was no exception, and said: "Is she really saying that?"

Chu Xing also said: "I'm serious, Sister Mingyue has a very high opinion of you. I've always thought that you were amazing, but this time, I've experienced it for myself."

"That's not it either!" Chu Xing continued: "And some other things, such as which guard in the palace is the most beautiful!"

Song Yao almost spat out the food in her mouth as she said in amusement, "Are all the women in the world the same? It's as if the topic of conversation between girls revolves around men. "

Chu Tao said: "Chu Xing is still young, I have a lot of nonsense to say, we were just casually bringing it up."

"Haha, cover up!" Song Yao looked at Chu Tao, "Then, who do you think is the most beautiful?"

Chu Xing immediately went straight to the point. "If you were to talk about our palace, I think Guard Fu is the most beautiful. He's handsome, beautiful and gentle."

Chu Tao said: "I actually feel that it's because I want to thank guards. I don't say much, but I have never failed before. Master is extremely respectful."

Song Yao was about to speak, but someone knocked on the door.

Fu Qing entered the house, Song Yao shouted: It's really Cao Cao Cao Cao, I just happened to hear about you, you came.

Fu Qing looked at the three of them, and his gaze landed on Song Yao's face, "What did you say?"

Just as Song Yao was about to speak, Chu Xing pulled on her sleeve with a red face. By the way, did something happen when you came looking for me? Or did you find out something? "

"Yes." Fu Qing nodded, "I found out the real identity of that person."

"So fast?" Song Yao asked curiously, "It's only been one night."

"Do you know why fifth brother can be so lawless in front of master?" Fu Qing asked.

Song Yao: "So that's how it is. Then, who is his true identity? "

Fu Qing looked at the two by the side, and then, the two tactfully retreated.

Fu Qing saw that the door was closed before saying: "It's the Seventh Prince, Rong Shen."

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