Song Yao was so angry by Zi Yanghou that she did not have a temper.

She was not moved, and focused on the direction of the child. During this time, Rong Chu had reminded her several times.

The child's face was covered by a veil, although Song Yao could see the child clearly, but she could not see the child clearly, and she could not find the birthmark or anything.

Her expression became solemn. With her status, forget about lifting the veil on her child's face, she couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes. Could it be that she was going to make this trip for nothing?

Just as he was thinking, Rong Chu suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Third sister, mother seemed to have something to talk to you about.

The Third Princess did not doubt him and handed the child over to Rong Chu.

Song Yao didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but when he clumsily adjusted the posture of carrying the child, Song Yao finally saw the Little Princess's face clearly.

Indeed, there was a flower shaped birthmark at the corner of his left eye. It looked like a peach flower, but he wasn't sure.

Just as he was prepared to take a few more glances, the other princesses surrounded Song Yao and she could no longer see them.

Although it was regretful, this confirmation was enough.

After the feast, everyone relaxed, Rong Chu was surrounded by many officials, he was standing in the center of the crowd and had ease up in his movements.

Song Yao who had sent her goal no longer had the mood to stay, but she still had to use Rong Chu a little in order to achieve it.

She could not leave him now.

Rong Chu did not have much to do, but she was very tired standing, so when the official was about to leave, Zi Yanghou came.

Seeing that the person was getting closer and closer, Song Yao could not help but become afraid, although he had already recognized her, but if this person was allowed to reveal himself here for revenge, he would be done for.

"Ming Yu." It was Rong Chu who spoke first.

"Greetings, your majesty." Gongsun Xiao cupped his fists and said, his attitude was filled with respect.

Song Yao had actually guessed Gongsun Xiao's name based on the book, and that "Xiao Palace Falcon" was something he used to fool others using the reverse order of names. And the "Ming Yu" that Rong Chu called out to everyone was probably a word, while the other was a title.

He really had the status of someone who could act cool.

"Your Highness, this official doesn't know when a night cat comes from the countryside to the Imperial Palace's inner court. You aren't afraid that she'll hurt people by spreading her madness."

Song Yao thought this over in her heart, but there was no sign of movement on her face, as if she had not heard anything at all.

"Something has to change in the palace, doesn't it? Night cats are not necessarily as good as domestic cats, are they? " Rong Chu said expressionlessly, and then said to Song Yao: "The tea is cold, let's have another pot."

Song Yao quickly took the teapot, and replied "Yes", retreating away from the two.

After that, Song Yao was ordered by the two like they were fighting for her life.

When she returned to the East Palace at night, although she had complained of the moisture and hardness of the ground when she had slept on the ground last night, she could now lie motionless on the floor as long as she spread a cloth on the floor.

Rong Chu followed her in. Seeing her limp on the ground, he asked: "Did you manage to see anything?"

Song Yao nodded her head. Suddenly, with some unknown source of strength, she took out a belt that she had obtained from who knows where and quickly tied herself and Rong Chu together.

"What are you doing?" Rong Chu squinted his eyes and was about to lose his temper.

Song Yao anxiously said, "Calm down, listen to my explanation! Right now, I must tie you up so that you can go wherever you want to go. That way, I can prove that Big Sister Feng was wrongly accused. "

"What nonsense are you spouting!" Rong Chu reprimanded her while untying the rope with his other hand.

"Undoing it is useless. From now on, I'll go wherever you go!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Rong Chu was a little impatient, "Don't challenge my patience!"

"No, I won't. Tomorrow, the truth will be revealed. If you let me pester you, I won't pester you either."

"Split up!" Rong Chu insisted.

After hesitating for a while, Song Yao still untied the rope, "Don't be so irritable, it's easy to get into flames."

"Shut up!"


"This prince has already said that no matter what happens, the mother and daughter are not allowed to have any accidents. You'd better carve these words into this prince's mind!"

"I know." Song Yao continued to act obediently.

"Alright, you can leave now."

"No no no, Your Highness, I want to stay with you! I must. If you can divide your bed into half for me tonight, that would be even better. I will definitely be deeply grateful! "

"Stop dreaming! Can anyone sleep in this prince's bed? "

Song Yao's heart stopped. Luckily she didn't really want to sleep with him, other princes had wives, and Rong Chu was the only one who seemed to be single.

Indeed, there was no other way. If one was single, then the emperor and empress would have nothing to say.

"Right, Your Highness."

"What now?"

Song Yao said: "Tomorrow, I will meet with the Master presiding in charge of this case and give him all the evidence I have here. At that time, I will ask you to be my middleman and to be my witness."

"?" Rong Chu looked at her, a little puzzled.

Song Yao continued: "One more thing, because this matter concerns the princess and the young princess, so the fewer people who know, the better. It's best if Master presiding knows about it all by himself."

"You are dreaming!"

Rong Chu glanced at her, his eyes filled with the eyes of a caring fool.

"I know that this is somewhat difficult to accept, but for the sake of the princess and the young prefecture lord, I think it's best for you to consider carefully. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the things that I've promised you before might not be fulfilled."

"Song Yao," Rong Chu suddenly called sher name in all seriousness, causing him to be startled. Then, he heard him say, "I don't hate smart people, but I hate people who can't take a step forward. You should be a smart person. You know where the line is and don't cross the line. Otherwise, no matter who it is, I will not show mercy. "

After Song Yao heard these words, she remained silent for a while before saying, "But sometimes, there are some threads that seem to be extremely vague in my eyes. And what's more, there are some that are more important than these threads. Your Highness, since you know that I am a smart person, you should also know that I am not someone who is easily threatened. "

"Oh?" Rong Chu sneered, "What? After giving you some benefits, are you going to be so arrogant that you want to hit a rock with your eggs? "

Song Yao laughed: "Whether or not you want to hit a rock with an egg, we have to give it a try, right? How can Your Highness directly set a limit for me? In this world, there are many things that you wouldn't even think of doing. "

"Oh? "I …"

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone reporting from the door: "Your Highness, Zi Yanghou requests to see you."

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