Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1592: There is a Chance

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Tang Feng heard the sound, pulled out the Wuya Spear, and then shot the Wuya Spear like a javelin, directly penetrating the demon's body, taking the demon out of the ring and nailing it to the wall. Everyone heard more and more voices on the ring, and everyone stretched their necks to look, but suddenly a spear came out of the black fog and a black shadow was directly nailed to the downstairs of Sakura Road. On the wall, everyone took a closer look and saw a monster that looked like a human but not human, and the rod

The spear was directly inserted into most of the wall. The monster's mouth was constantly vomiting blood, and its eyes were focused and scattered. It seemed that it could not survive. "Father, he is our shikigami!" Kawami Reiko stood up immediately when she saw this monster. Miyamoto Huang also looked solemn. Although Miki Sho came back this time, he has become a super master in the transcendent realm. Facing Tang Feng, he was still a little panicked, even though he knew clearly that Tang Feng would die.

, but I still feel this way. And when he saw this shikigami nailed to the wall, this feeling of panic became even stronger.

"It's Zhan Long's Wuya Spear!" Yaizhen shouted in surprise when he saw the Wuya Spear. Everyone looked solemn when they saw the monster nailed to the wall by the Wuya Spear. They had been together for so long, and they also Knowing Tang Feng's strengths, his strongest one is his close combat ability, and then his Wuya Spear, but now,

Tang Feng's Wuya Spear has flown out. Doesn't that mean Tang Feng is in danger now? "No. 1, Zhan Long's weapon has been taken away, otherwise we will admit defeat!" Jiao Tu was a little worried. Tang Feng was her only hope now, and she couldn't let this hope be dashed. Even if she didn't say this, Tang Feng The "Tianhu Policy" given to her by Tang Feng was also a priceless treasure, and Tang Feng arrived

He has been with the Mad Dragon Team for such a long time and gets along very well with them. They all regard him as a true friend and no one wants him to die in the ring.

"No, wait a moment, Tang Feng can definitely do it!" The man clenched his fists and stared at the black fog. Although he couldn't see anything, he still had full confidence in Tang Feng. He knew from Mr. Hua After all, Tang Feng had only been practicing for three or four years, and he had already reached this point. It was absolutely shocking to say it. Moreover, what he did was unexpected and beyond everyone's imagination. Back then in the primitive jungle, Being pursued and intercepted by the Knights of the Round Table and the Superman Alliance, he was able to bring all the team members out safely, and he was able to kill all the Knights of the Round Table. In the ruins, as a lover, Vera

Betrayal, Tang Feng was seriously injured, but he was naturally able to kill all the Sakura Dao members, and he was able to come out of the sealed ruins a year later. This can be said to be a miracle. Tang Feng has the ability to create miracles. ability! He believes it! Tang Feng's Wuya Gun was released, and Miki Xiang in the ring was also extremely surprised. Tang Feng, who had been beaten by him just now, suddenly burst out with such powerful fighting power, instantly killing three of his powerful shikigami. You must know that these shikigami of his are all heaven-level shikigami. When they cooperate with each other, they can burst out more powerful combat power. However, they are naturally defeated by Tang Feng in an instant, and are defeated by Tang Feng. Of the three shikigami who were instantly killed, two died and one was injured. The weapon of the remaining one also fell into Tang Feng's hands, which could not pose any threat to Tang Feng at all.

Threat. Although the devil couldn't escape, his eyes had betrayed him. They were slowly filled with fear. And Tang Feng, because he killed those two shikigami, was covered in red and green blood, as if he had come from hell. Like a god of death, especially his right arm, it is still red and so good

It seems to have gotten bigger and thicker. Tang Feng had a stream of heat rushing back and forth in his body, and the source of this stream of heat was his right arm. Looking at the trembling demon twenty meters away from him, Tang Feng roared and lowered his body slightly. He tilted his feet hard, and his whole body was shot out like a cannonball. The ground under his feet was cracked. If it were before, Tang Feng could also reach this speed, but it would never be that simple. The inside of his body He didn't know what the heat was, but it actually improved his physical fitness in an all-round way, and it had improved by 30% before. Otherwise, it would have been far higher than

Not to the extent now. Twenty meters away, Tang Feng arrived in front of the demon in the blink of an eye, and then struck the demon with his right arm like a big bow. The demon was frightened and hurriedly gathered a black shield in front of him, but this shield The shield was similar to a wafer biscuit. As soon as Tang Feng's fist touched it,

It turned into black energy again and dissipated, without having any effect at all, and then Tang Feng's fist hit the devil's chest directly. The devil lowered his head and looked at Tang Feng's arm, which had penetrated his entire chest. Tang Feng's fist directly broke his heart and passed through his back. Tang Feng didn't even think of this punch. The power was so strong, he withdrew his hand, and the demon's body retreated uncontrollably.

He took a step forward and then fell heavily to the ground. Tang Feng killed three shikigami, and the last one left was the big mouth that appeared frequently on the ground. However, he no longer posed any threat. Tang Feng's shot definitely seriously injured him. The remaining ones, That is Miki Xiang who still doesn’t know where he is, but Tang Feng also thought of a way


With a move of Tang Feng's hand, the Wuya Gun on the wall vibrated. While vibrating, it kept buzzing, like a pet trying to return to its owner.

"Look, the Wuya Gun has reacted!"

Pixiu paid attention to every move below. When he saw Wuya Gun vibrating, he shouted loudly. Everyone also noticed Wuya Gun's reaction, and then they all frowned in confusion. How could Wuya Gun vibrate on its own? Even if it is a spiritual weapon, it is impossible to be so spiritual, but Wuya Spear makes such a big movement. Either Tang Feng is in trouble, or Tang Feng is summoning him, but the black mist has not disappeared, so Tang Feng must be safe now , the only possibility

That is, Tang Feng is still alive and needs the Wuya Gun.

"There is a chance to fight the dragon!" Pixiu shouted excitedly, and everyone else also looked surprised. The Wuya Gun buzzed, and then flew into the black mist like an arrow from a string. Black scorpions appeared around Tang Feng again. As soon as the Wuya Gun flew back, it directly shattered many black scorpions. As soon as he got the Wuya Spear, Tang Feng's momentum changed again, like a sharp spear that shot straight through the sky.

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