Su qionghu is forced instantly, Liang Chengyu is forced directly, and Zhao Lingling is forced directly

Zhao Lingling cried directly, crying.

"Wuwu, isn't Chen Sanqiu dead? Did you not kill him, did you? " Zhao Lingling is bing xuecongming. Seeing Liu Zhichao calling his sister-in-law respectfully, she thought of all kinds of possibilities.

The biggest possibility is that Liu Zhichao didn't kill Chen Sanqiu at all, but was beaten by Chen Sanqiu.

Liu Zhichao takes a look at Zhao Lingling and grins. He can't help but see Zhao Lingling's intelligence. She and Chen Sanqiu really decide to match each other. She's younger sister. She says that the villagers are honest, the villagers are naive and the villagers are stupid.

Lao Tzu was the first to refuse.

As soon as he grins, Liu Zhichao sees that Zhao Lingling is going to cry again. He is afraid that Chen Sanqiu, who will be provoked again, will get angry and make himself half dead again. Liu Zhichao nods quickly, takes off his coat, comes to Zhao Lingling, covers her, and unties the rope tied to her.

As soon as Su qionghu saw this situation, no matter how stupid he was, he immediately yelled at the shooter Liu Zhichao in his heart. What's really special is not a thing. What's special is too boring.

You are a shooter, a killer, OK?

What's more, can we have some professional ethics these days? Damn it.

Without saying a word, Su qionghu turns around and runs. As for Liang Chengyu, who has been forced out of his mind and is crying in pain, Su qionghu doesn't care. Ya, in this situation, where can he manage so much? To run first, to live first is the last word.

Liang Chengyu now recovered. The pain of the bullet running through her cheek immediately swept her whole body, making her scream in her mouth. She fell to the ground in great pain and kept rolling back and forth.

Looking at Liu Zhichao, you son of a bitch, I paid you 10 million to kill, paralyze and collect money, but I recognized Chen Sanqiu as the eldest brother, Cao and Liang Chengyu. I felt extremely resentful.

Why does this happen? Liu Zhichao's strength, in the whole Chinese killer world, can be ranked on the top. This is the top killer he found through Su Tianci, the elder brother of Su qionghu.

Originally, I thought that it was just to kill Chen Sanqiu. I spent 10 million to find such a powerful killer, which is worthy of Chen Sanqiu.

Unexpectedly, in the end, instead of killing Chen Sanqiu, the shooter Liu Zhichao gave himself a bullet, which made Liang Chengyu angry and sad.

"Why?" Liang Chengyu's heart is full of hatred. He grins at the shooter Liu Zhichao and asks.

Liu Zhichao didn't expect Liang Chengyu to be tough. He was able to speak to himself like this even after he shot Liang Chengyu's cheek.

Liu Zhichao shrugged his shoulders and said to Liang Chengyu, "there's no reason. I just suddenly have a big conscience and want to be a good man."

Liang Chengyu

He clenched his fist tightly, looked at Liu Zhichao angrily with both eyes, and asked with clenched teeth: "am I not a good man? What about Zhao Lingling before? Doesn't Zhao Lingling know? "

"As soon as I went to university, I began to chase you. How many years have I chased you? Have I done anything to you in the meantime? No, even if I hold hands with you, I have to get your consent. "

"But what did you do to me? Why do you treat me like this? What's worse than Chen Sanqiu? You have been scolding Chen Sanqiu, but I know that in your heart, you really like Chen Sanqiu. Why? "

"Zhao Lingling, you answer me, why do you do this to me?" Liang Chengyu's face is painful, and he roars angrily at Zhao Lingling.

With a red face, Zhao Lingling started to do it from the table and moved her legs. In Liu Zhichao's confused look, Zhao Lingling jumped to the ground and went to Liang Chengyu.

Jerk your feet up.

Little foot Ya instantly kicked in Liang Chengyu's face, which can be called Jade face little Lang Jun's face.


The Gunslinger Liu Zhichao was shivering. The sound of the nose bone being cracked was really frightening.

Before, when Liu Zhichao faced this kind of voice, he didn't feel afraid at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed it very much.

I don't know what happened today. When I heard that Zhao Lingling kicked Liang Chengyu's face and broke Liang Chengyu's nose, I shivered in my heart.

The corners of the mouth smoke twice, this special Zhao Lingling and Chen Sanqiu really special is a pair.

Sister, do like to kick people, and, a kick must kick broken bones.


Liang Chengyu had just been shot in the cheek by the shooter Liu Zhichao, and now he was kicked off the bridge of his nose by Zhao Lingling. The pain in his heart made Liang Chengyu scream and look at Zhao Lingling in agony.

I didn't expect that Zhao Lingling, who looks warm and soft on weekdays, even has a weak feeling, would have such a strong side.

"You, why do you want to." Liang Chengyu asked Zhao Lingling with a painful face.

"Why your sister, you are not human at all, you always pretend to be with you, I have no sense of security, asshole, you son of a bitch, now you show your inhumanity, son of a bitch." Zhao Lingling angrily roars at Liang Chengyu and kicks Liang Chengyu's face again.


Liang Chengyu feels that her whole face is going to be crushed by Zhao Lingling. She covers her face with her painful hands and rolls around in pain on the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Zhichao was shocked. He ran to Zhao Lingling, grabbed her and said to her, "sister-in-law, if you want to kill someone, let me do it. You are still young. You have a long way to go. You can't kick this thing to death like this."

Zhao Lingling red eyes, looked back at Liu Zhichao, gritted her teeth and said: "you are not a good person."

Liu Zhichao blushed and said to Zhao Lingling, "sister-in-law, if you want to kick him to death, kick him to death. If you can't kick him to death, I'll help you kick him to death."

With that, Liu Zhichao quickly raised his foot and kicked Liang Chengyu's head.

Liang Chengyu

"I'll give you 100 million yuan to kill Chen Sanqiu and this woman." Liang Chengyu's eyes twinkled with crazy eyes and yelled at Liu Zhichao: "I'll give you a hundred million yuan and kill them."

Liu Zhichao felt a shiver in his heart.

a hundred million.

This is not a small number. For Liu Zhichao and most people in the world, one hundred million is enough to drive people crazy.

Liu Zhichao gritted his teeth and grinned.

A kick kicks in Liang Chengyu's chest, directly kicks Liang Chengyu almost dead.

"Son of a bitch, even if you give me a billion, I won't do it to my elder brother and sister-in-law."

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