Qi Sisi pours into Chen Sanqiu's arms crying. Who knows that Chen Sanqiu has no strength for a long time now. Qi Sisi pours into Chen Sanqiu's arms like this, but without a hum, he falls to the ground directly by Qi Sisi.

Scared Qisi small heart a shiver, thought his strength is so big? Unexpectedly all of a sudden will Chen three autumn such a big man to fall on the ground.

Looking at Chen Sanqiu's pale face falling to the ground, Qi Sisi quickly reached out to explore Chen Sanqiu's nose.

Try whether Chen Sanqiu is alive or dead now.

Chen Sanqiu

"I'm not dead yet. Can you call the hospital now and send me to the hospital first? Damn it Chen Sanqiu opened his mouth hard and scolded Qi Sisi severely.

Qi sisi

Damn, Chen Sanqiu is such a bear. He even dares to scold Miss Bennet. Wu Wu, for the sake of saving me, you have suffered such a heavy injury. Miss Bennet will forgive you.

In particular, seeing that Chen Sanqiu's clothes are in tatters and his whole body is covered with blood, Qi Sisi's eyes are even more red, and a warm current flows through his heart. He is in a hurry to take out his mobile phone.

But immediately realized that his mobile phone now seems to have been burned by the burning car to melt away, Chen Sanqiu's mobile phone should also be finished.

All of a sudden, Qisi was at a loss. He didn't know what to do now. The whole underground parking lot was quiet now, because just now the snipers fired continuously, and all the people had run away.

Qi Sisi looked at the exit, bit his teeth, and said to Chen Sanqiu, "you wait for me here, I'll go out and call someone."

Chen Sanqiu grinned, looked weak, and nodded: "go quickly."

Qi Sisi stood up in a hurry. No matter that he was scared to pee his pants just now, he would be laughed at if he ran out like this. Now for Qi Sisi, it is the most important thing that he wants to do to save Chen Sanqiu.

In order to protect himself, Chen Sanqiu would rather be bloody all over. In order to save Chen Sanqiu, isn't he just throwing himself away?

Qi Sisi thinks that this is nothing. It's the only way to send Chen Sanqiu to the hospital early and let the doctor treat him well.

Zhou Xiaoxiao is very excited now. He has just finished handling Zhao Lingling's case. He is worried that he has nothing to do. The leader here calls again, saying that there was a fierce gunfight in the underground parking lot of Hedong central square. Let Zhou Xiaoxiao lead the team to see the situation immediately.

Zhou Xiaoxiao is excited. Zhou Xiaoxiao is not a person who likes to muddle around, let alone a person who likes to do nothing every day.

In Zhou Xiaoxiao's heart, Zhou Xiaoxiao wishes he could solve a big case every day.

However, Zhou Xiaoxiao felt speechless in so many cases he had handled before.

At the beginning of every case, Zhou Xiaoxiao will feel that it is a big case. However, every time he arrives at the scene of the crime, he will find that, ah, why is there that bastard Chen Sanqiu in every shooting case he takes over?

This time, Zhou Xiaoxiao was very excited to hear that a shooting happened in the underground parking lot of Hedong central square. He thought that Chen Sanqiu would not be on the scene this time.

Hang up the phone, Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately led the team to the underground square of Hedong central square.

On the road, a few policemen looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao with a sad face and excited face. They were speechless in their hearts.

"Sister Zhou, do you need to be so excited? Is it necessary to be so happy to be used as a Spearman by the leader every time? " A policeman said helplessly to Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment and said to the policeman angrily, "what do you mean by that?"

"What else do you mean, sister Zhou? Just use your head to think about every shooting. We didn't go to the police that time. Who else robbed us?" The policeman said to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a speechless face, "but why do other police forces want to go to some cases like thieves and robberies?"

"We've been involved in four or five shooting cases these days, but in the end, it's a good thing that other people's police forces have made contributions to such cases as catching thieves and robbing, but we don't make any contribution."

"Who dares to play with guns? They don't pay attention to the police at all, and those who dare to play with guns are absolutely cruel and calm. We go to arrest people, and we still arrest people at the scene. It's very dangerous. Moreover, such cases are big cases. If we want to solve them, we can't solve them in one or two days. " The policeman saw that Zhou Xiaoxiao was still confused just now, so he explained the situation to Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Finally, he said to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a sad face: "that's our team. Every time we go to the police, we must wear bulletproof vests."

When Zhou Xiaoxiao heard the policeman say this, he gritted his teeth and said, "it was Chen Sanqiu who made trouble several times before. If it wasn't for Chen Sanqiu, we would have solved the case long ago."

"Besides, the last time Zhao Lingling was kidnapped, haven't we closed the case?" Zhou Xiaoxiao hummed.

"But the shooter hasn't been found." The policeman said helplessly: "the shooter can't be found. This case can't be completely closed."

"If we can't close the case completely, we still don't have much credit." The policeman said in silence.

Zhou Xiaoxiao

"This time, we are sure to solve a big case." Zhou Xiaoxiao said with gnashing teeth.

"It's said that the other side has used armor piercing bullets." Zhou Xiaoxiao clenched his fist and said to the policeman, "as long as we catch him, we have made great achievements."

The police of Zhou Xiaoxiao's team in the police car heard Zhou Xiaoxiao say so.

His face turned green. One by one, he looked down at the bulletproof clothes he was wearing. He almost reached out to tear them off.

Grass, people have used armor piercing bullets. Ah, what kind of bulletproof clothes do you wear.

What's the use of this special?

What's the use of this special? A special picture, a psychological comfort?

The police car sped by quickly. Now I don't say anything. It's fate to run into Zhou Xiaoxiao, a team leader who is so desperate.

We can only accept fate.

The police car came to Hedong central square, got off at the gate of the parking lot full of people, and pulled up the cordon.

Zhou Xiaoxiao takes the lead to rush into the underground parking lot carefully.

"Team Zhou, there is a man lying on the ground here."

"It looks like Chen Sanqiu."

Zhou Xiaoxiao


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