If Chen Sanqiu hears that Qi Sisi scolds Zhou Xiaoxiao like this, he must be happy to death. He must give Qi Sisi a thumbs up and praise that Qi Sisi has a normal brain. He really wants to go with himself.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was scolded by Qi Sisi, and he was not at ease. He was wronged.

I remember very well at that time. I saw Chen Sanqiu fall to the ground bloody. At that time, I went up to take good care of Chen Sanqiu. I stretched out my hand and pressed the wound on Chen Sanqiu's back and pressed the bleeding hole on Chen Sanqiu's back.

But later, Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't know anything. When he woke up, Chen Sanqiu disappeared.

Biting cherry lips and blushing, Zhou Xiaoxiao looks at Qi Sisi, who stares at him angrily. He is so wronged that he almost burst into tears. At this time, the door is knocked, and a staff member of the laboratory beckons to Zhou Xiaoxiao: "officer Zhou, come out."

Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately stood up. When he turned around, he quietly wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. Then he went out to the door and asked the staff of the laboratory, "what's the matter? What's the matter with that bottle of water?"

The staff of the laboratory said solemnly to Zhou Xiaoxiao: "we have sent the bottle of water to the Provincial Bureau, let the Provincial Bureau deal with it."

Zhou Xiaoxiao Leng for a while, incredible looking at the laboratory staff asked: "what's the matter?"

"Well, we tested that bottle of water, and it was the same as ordinary water, there was no difference, but the staff in charge of testing this bottle of water fainted after testing, and after waking up, they forgot that he had tested this bottle of water before, as if nothing had happened." "We are not sure why the water in the water bottle has this effect," the staff of the laboratory said solemnly to Zhou Xiaoxiao

When Zhou Xiaoxiao heard the staff of the laboratory say this, he felt that his hair suddenly stood upside down, and a cold sweat came out of his forehead. He frowned and asked the staff of the laboratory, "are you sure you didn't cheat me about what happened just now?"

"No, we all have videos." The staff of the inspection department said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "we are not sure whether it is water or other reasons. Because this matter is too important, we think it may be biological and chemical weapons. Therefore, we directly sent it to the provincial capital. The inspection facilities in the provincial capital are much more advanced than ours."

Zhou Xiaoxiao was excited and asked the staff of the laboratory: "well, is it possible for me to have the same amnesia as that staff member?"

"Very likely." The staff of the laboratory said to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a worried face: "however, we still can't find out what is the reason for the amnesia."

Zhou Xiaoxiao nodded and said to the staff of the laboratory: "you have helped me a lot. Thank you."

After saying goodbye to the staff of the laboratory, Zhou Xiaoxiao went back to the supervision room and asked Qi Sisi, "are you sure there was only one person who came to kill Chen Sanqiu at that time?"

Qi Sisi was stunned for a moment. Hearing what Zhou Xiaoxiao said, he was puzzled and asked, "are there still two people?"

"Very likely." Zhou Xiaoxiao frowned at Qi Sisi and asked, "because I found the reason why I was in a coma at that time, and I felt that I had lost my memory for about 20 minutes."

Qi Sisi saw that Zhou Xiaoxiao was staring at himself with narrow eyes. He looked like a policeman catching a thief. He was stunned for a moment, grinned and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I wonder if you're the one who gave me the water bottle." Zhou Xiaoxiao asked Qi Sisi with a cold face, "tell me, where did you get Chen Sanqiu?"


Qisi is stunned. I'll go. How can the plot change so fast?

It's so fast that Qisi can't recover.

With a grin on his face, Qi Sisi said to Zhou Xiaoxiao in a hurry: "I said, you are spitting blood, do you know?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao gave a sneer and said to Qi Sisi with disdain, "I'm spitting. Then, I ask you, besides you and my police officer, who knows that Chen Sanqiu is seriously injured and lying in the underground parking lot?"

"What's more, you said that you went out to find someone to call and call an ambulance. Then, during the time, where did you go and who can testify to you?" Zhou Xiaoxiao squinted at Qi Sisi and asked, "what else do you have to say?"

Qi sisi

Staring at Zhou Xiaoxiao in a daze, he sat down on the chair with a puff at the corner of his mouth, grinning and gnashing his teeth, and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "there are policemen who can testify to me."

"What else?" Zhou Xiaoxiao asked Qi Sisi.

"Also, I borrowed a cell phone and made a call." Said Qisi at once.

"Then, can the world be connected?" Zhou Xiaoxiao asked Qi Sisi.

Qi sisi

"No Qi Sisi rolled his eyes and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao with a speechless face: "you are really sick. If you can't find Chen Sanqiu, you will shift the responsibility to me. Are you sick?"

With a smile, Zhou Xiaoxiao stood up and walked back and forth in the observation room. After two or three rounds, Zhou Xiaoxiao frowned and said to Qi Sisi, "well, Chen Sanqiu has only two results now."

"What two results?" Asked chisse, grinning.

"First, Chen Sanqiu should have been saved by his people. Now, Chen Sanqiu should be in Luofeng village." Zhou Xiaoxiao said confidently.

"And the second one?" Asked qissi.

"It was taken away by the behind the scenes boss of the shooter." Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "what we have to do now is to go to Luofeng village to find Chen Sanqiu first."

Qi Sisi patted the table: "yes, we should go to Luofeng village to find Chen Sanqiu."

Zhou Xiaoxiao also nodded and immediately left the police station with Qi Sisi. They drove directly to Luofeng village.

All the way to the Sanqiu herbal medicine Hall of Luofeng village.

When entering the door, Li goudan was stunned: "who are you looking for?"

"Chen Sanqiu." Qi Sisi gritted his teeth and said angrily, "where's Chen Sanqiu?"

"He, he just entered his bedroom." As soon as Li goudan looks for two beauties to come to Chen Sanqiu, he grins and doesn't dare to talk much. I'll go. The elder brother is Niubi. As soon as he looks for two beauties, it seems that two women have bumped their heads. GA GA GA GA, there's a good play to watch.

Qi Sisi and Zhou Xiaoxiao look at each other. As soon as their eyes brighten, they rush into Chen Sanqiu's room.



"Put on your pants."

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