Zhou Xiaoxiao was shocked at that time. Zhou Xiaoxiao thought that he was good-looking. He was loved by children. When some children saw him for the first time, they would like to play with them.

I didn't expect that as soon as I met my daughter, she pointed to herself with an angry face and said that she was a bad woman.

Zhou Xiaoxiao felt that his little heart was hit by ten thousand points, and his whole body was shaking.

Qi Sisi was stunned when he saw the scene. Then he looked at the girl with an angry face, pinching her waist, stubbornly refusing to cry, and with tears in her eyes. Looking at Zhou Xiaoxiao's angry little face, Qi Sisi couldn't help laughing.

"Cluck, cluck, I laugh to death." Keith giggled heartlessly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and looked at Qi Sisi with a speechless face. He thought that this woman was really heartless and heartless. What was special just now was the United Front. Now he began to laugh at himself.

Gas of hide to hide small feet, and then gas of point to the daughter Nu way: "you this small wench, how a mouth scold?"

At this time, a Zhu also stood up in a hurry, stopped her in a hurry, and gave her a lecture in Vietnamese.

Nannan looked up to her mother and said, "Mom, if she says that about brother Sanqiu, it won't work. I must reason with them. Mom, go back to have a rest first."

Looking at Nannan's stubborn face, Zhu gave a bitter smile and nodded to her. When she left, she glared at Zhou Xiaoxiao.

It's hard to learn Chinese very well now. If you speak Chinese very well now, you must kneel down and beg for mercy.

When Zhou Xiaoxiao saw that a Zhu had just left, he glared at himself. Zhou Xiaoxiao was speechless. What kind of family is this? As soon as your children open their mouths, they swear. How can you care? What's more, if you leave the children here, are you not afraid that they will be abducted?

What Zhou Xiaoxiao doesn't know is that now Nannan is a little princess in the whole daluofeng village. She wants to run away from Nannan


"Why do you say brother Sanqiu is a villain as soon as you open your mouth?" Nannan reached out to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes and said angrily to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "do you know that my mother was terminally ill before. My father is such a great man. In order to save my mother, he knelt down and kowtowed to those bullshit doctors and begged for help, but they didn't even treat my mother, In the end, brother Sanqiu saved my mother's life. He didn't want any money. Do you think such a man is a villain

Looking at Nannan's stubborn face, struggling to hold back her tears, and her angry face, Zhou Xiaoxiao couldn't help but tremble. She couldn't say a word.

"You follow me." Nannan reaches for Zhou Xiaoxiao's hand and pulls Zhou Xiaoxiao toward the outside.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was startled: "what are you pulling me for?"

Qi Sisi grinned and said to Zhou Xiaoxiao: "a child, are you afraid?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao's face turned red. Although she looked like a child, she was stubborn and not afraid of people. She was a little bit like a child. She was just a little adult.

Just now, I took the initiative to take my hand and walk out. I wanted to teach myself a lesson. I was really scared.

Being teased by Qi Sisi, Zhou Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and said, "what am I afraid of? I have nothing to be afraid of. Chen Sanqiu is a villain. No matter what, I can't deny the conclusion that he is a villain. "

Thinking of the scene just now in Chen Sanqiu's room and in Chen Sanqiu's bucket, Zhou Xiaoxiao's face turned red with shame and anger. Seeing Qi Sisi's heartless smile, Zhou Xiaoxiao glared at Qi Sisi with a red face: "it's not all your fault for what happened just now. It's funny to laugh."

Qi Sisi gave a dry smile and blinked at Zhou Xiaoxiao with embarrassment. He didn't speak with a small mouth.

When she heard that Zhou Xiaoxiao even dared to say that Chen Sanqiu was a villain, she took Zhou Xiaoxiao out and came to the new village under construction.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qi Sisi are shocked by the busy scene of the new village construction site. They are shocked by the rising buildings.

"These buildings are all built free of charge by brother Sanqiu for the villagers." Pointing to the newly built buildings, she asked Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qi Sisi, "you are good people. Why don't you build houses for the villagers for free?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao

Qi sisi

They both rolled their eyes and grinned.

Nannan takes Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qi Sisi to the vegetable greenhouses of the villagers, and looks at the old farmers with happy smiles, loading baskets of vegetables on the car, looking happy.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qi Sisi were stunned.

"Brother Sanqiu can buy the land by himself and make a fortune by himself. But brother Sanqiu doesn't have it. Instead, he lets all the villagers follow him to make a fortune." Pointing to the happy smiles on the faces of the old peasants, Nannan asked Zhou Xiaoxiao and Qi Sisi, "can you do this? Brother Sanqiu's income from a vegetable supermarket is one million yuan a day. If brother Sanqiu makes all of them by himself, brother Sanqiu will earn more. Why does brother Sanqiu want the farmers in the village to join in and work together? "

Zhou Xiaoxiao, Qi sisi

Zhou Xiaoxiao, in particular, was extremely shocked.

Originally, he just thought that Chen Sanqiu was a local tyrant who grew vegetables to get rich. However, seeing the whole Luofeng village take on a new look, Zhou Xiaoxiao was shocked.

"Brother Sanqiu's dream has always been to make the whole Chinese farmers live with dignity and happiness. Brother Sanqiu pretended to force me to say that the Chinese farmers are too tired. They work at sunrise and return at sunset every day. They are so tired that they only earn several thousand yuan a year. This is not right, So brother Sanqiu's dream is to make all the farmers earn more, live happily and live with dignity. " With a proud face, Nannan said to Zhou Xiaoxiao, "for this reason, brother Sanqiu would rather not make money on his own, but also drive people to become rich."

"Can you tell me why brother Sanqiu is a bad man?" The girl angrily said to Zhou Xiaoxiao: "a man who dreams of making all farmers live with dignity and happiness, is he a bad man?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao

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