More than 200 gangsters rushing towards the door saw Chen Xionghu's huge body, like a broken kite, flying back tragically, all of them were stunned.

Chen Xionghu is more than two meters tall and weighs more than 200 Jin. He is just like a bear.

It's Chen Xionghu who takes others out with a slap. When others hit Chen Xionghu with a fist, Chen Xionghu doesn't even move. With such a figure and weight, I didn't expect that he could be beaten upside down. It's amazing.

Chen Yangjiao squints at Chen Xionghu, who is flying backwards. All the time, he watches him crash to the ground. Chen Yangjiao takes a deep breath, bites his teeth, frowns and stands up slowly.

He took out a pistol from his arms and fired directly at the gate of the factory yard without looking at it.

"Brothers, go ahead, two fists are hard to beat, four hands, revenge for Chen Xionghu." Chen Yangjiao's infectious voice rang through the whole factory building, lighting the anger in the hearts of more than 200 little gangsters who had just been frightened.

One by one, they rushed out again.

"Bang bang."

The four meter wide gate is full of more than 200 people. It rushes out to avenge Chen Xionghu.

However, the three people standing in front of them came down like gods.

Li Zhenghua, in particular, kicked one by one.

In an instant, more than 200 people were torn open, and the miserable scream rang through the whole factory yard.

Chen Sanqiu, Li Zhenghua and the gunner Liu Zhichao step into the factory yard with a cold face. The temperature of the whole factory yard seems to have dropped several degrees in an instant, and a cold feeling sweeps everyone's body and mind in an instant.

Let inside more than 200 small gangsters can't help shivering all over.

Looking at Chen Sanqiu, Li Zhenghua and the shooter Liu Zhichao in horror, I feel like seeing the Yin and Yang apostles coming out of hell. I feel hopeless in my eyes.

Grass, this is not an existence in the order of magnitude at all. It's like a group of children facing three powerful fighters. No matter how many they are, all of them are one punch Ko.

What's more, it doesn't mean that there are 10000 or 20000 people here. Tiredness can kill them.

More than 200 people can't be exhausted at all.

This is what makes the little gangsters of more than 200 people feel desperate.

Chen Yangjiao squints his eyes and looks at Chen Sanqiu, Li Zhenghua and the shooter Liu Zhichao with a cold face. He can't see what Chen Yangjiao is thinking.

Chen Sanqiu squinted and looked at Chen Yangjiao standing in the factory. He grinned and asked Chen Yangjiao, "I still don't understand."

"Don't understand what?" Chen Yangjiao said indifferently to Chen Sanqiu: "I don't understand why I want to kill you?"

Chen Sanqiu grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He felt a little speechless about Chen Yangjiao's frankness. He sighed and nodded: "I really want to know why you want to kill me. I saved you before, and I'm your benefactor. Why do you want to kill me? I have nothing against you. "

Chen Yangjiao ha ha a smile, a face ferocious looking at Chen Sanqiu said: "you and I have no injustice or hatred?"

"Yes." After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Sanqiu didn't think about the hatred and injustice between himself and Chen Yangjiao.

I heard Chen Yangjiao say to Chen Sanqiu with a cold face: "I've been wooing you, but you know this thing."

Chen Sanqiu heard Chen Yangjiao say so, Leng for a while, then nodded, said to Chen Yangjiao: "this matter I really know."

"Why don't you promise to follow me? If you follow me, I will let you become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people, and you will become my right arm. If you join hands with me, not only the whole Hedong City, even the whole China and the whole world will be trampled under our feet. " Chen Yangjiao's face is crazy. He looks at Chen Sanqiu with anger in his eyes and says angrily, "why don't you promise me?"

Chen Sanqiu

Looking at Chen Yangjiao, who is crazy and angry in his eyes, his face is full of helpless smile. Unexpectedly, Chen Yangjiao, who has been saved by himself, wants to kill himself just because he didn't promise to mix with Chen Yangjiao and he didn't promise to be Chen Yangjiao's younger brother.

Thinking of this, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help laughing wildly.

Looking at Chen Yangjiao with disdain, the anger in Chen Yangjiao's eyes is even worse.

"Chen Sanqiu, do you look down on me?" Chen Yangjiao roared wildly, gnashing his teeth at Chen Sanqiu.

Chen Sanqiu laughed wildly and said to Chen Yangjiao, "do I look down on you? Ha ha, I don't just look down on you. I don't treat you as a human being now. You are not worthy to be a human being. "

Chen Sanqiu sneered at Chen Yangjiao and said, "I don't want to be your little brother because you don't deserve me to be your little brother. No one in the world is qualified to let me be his little brother, let alone you?"

"I didn't expect that you were going to kill me just because of this. Ha ha, you wanted to kill me in this way despite my help to you. Besides, you almost killed the leopard. You should die." Chen Sanqiu said to Chen Yangjiao with an angry face.

Chen Yangjiao mouth a burst of pumping, cold face, a face of disdain to Chen Sanqiu said: "do you think you can kill me?"

Chen Sanqiu grinned and shrugged: "you will surely die."

"Ha ha." Chen Yangjiao said to Chen Sanqiu with a crazy face: "Chen Sanqiu, Chen Sanqiu, you look too high on yourself, and you look too low on me. Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Chen three autumn Leng for a while, frowning at Chen Yangjiao, don't know Chen Yangjiao said this is what meaning.

He heard Chen Yangjiao sneer and point his hand at Li Zhenghua. He said to Chen Sanqiu, "this man is Li Zhenghua."

Hearing what Chen Yangjiao said, Chen Sanqiu frowned, nodded, narrowed his eyes and said, "it's Li Zhenghua. What's the matter?"

"Ha ha, you idiot, do you know who Li Zhenghua has provoked?" Chen Yangjiao said to Chen Sanqiu with a wild smile: "why do you think a villain like Li Zhenghua wants to take refuge in you? Why do you think a big bastard like Li Zhenghua is shrinking in Luofeng village? Ha ha, don't you know who Li Zhenghua has offended? "

Li Zhenghua's face changed in a flash, and he looked a little indifferent.

And Chen Sanqiu is about to say what's going on.

Chen Sanqiu's body moves instantly. The next second, Chen Sanqiu has rushed to Chen Yangjiao's body. In Chen Yangjiao's terrified eyes, he reaches out and pats Chen Yangjiao's chest.


Chen Yangjiao immediately felt his heart suddenly stop, and finally he made a sad sound and fell to the ground.

Li Zhenghua suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Sanqiu standing next to Chen Yangjiao's body. He looked at Chen Sanqiu with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't understand why Chen Sanqiu wanted to do this and why he would kill Chen Yangjiao if he didn't listen to Chen Yangjiao's words.

Chen Sanqiu smiles at Li Zhenghua: "we are brothers."

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