Through a little light, Lin Xiaoye stands in front of Huo Li, suddenly appears that his body is really more and more thin.

Lin Xiaoye looked at Huo Li's delicate and beautiful face, and suddenly felt a burning sensation sprouting somewhere in her heart.

This is the first time that she and Huo Li are alone at home and spend the night together. Now they have shown their heart to each other. So tonight, they are living in the same room. Will they do anything?

With this in mind, Lin Xiaoye suddenly thought of what sister-in-law Hu said to her that day, and suddenly felt tight.

Then he quickly shook his head.

Lin Xiaoye, be reserved. You can't be carried away by this beauty!

But don't know, at this time opposite Huo Li is a face good interest of looking at her.

This girl, what's in her mind?

Such a thought, Huo Li suddenly thought of what, the corner of the mouth suddenly aroused a trace of evil spirit.

In a twinkling of an eye, Lin Xiaoye saw that Huo Li was walking towards him, and he was getting closer and closer.

"You, what are you doing?"

Lin Xiaoye can't help retreating, but Huo Li doesn't stop. He moves forward step by step until Lin Xiaoye leans against the wall and has no way to retreat. Huo Li also stops.

Tall body block in front of Lin Xiaoye, Lin Xiaoye only feel Huo Li that undulating powerful chest is facing his face, and the strong masculine atmosphere surrounded her.

The top of her head was Huo Li's hot and powerful breath, which made her almost delirious.

Lin Xiaoye tightened her hands, and her heels were close to the wall.

"You, you speak."


Lin Xiaoye's voice just fell. Huo Li's magnetic voice rushed to Lin Xiaoye's eardrum, and immediately rushed Lin Xiaoye's blood to the top of his head. Suddenly, his face was as red as a ripe apple, and he looked up at Huo Li's eyes.

Did he do it on purpose? Did he really, really want to?

Just thinking, Huo Li suddenly gets closer, and Lin Xiaoye suddenly gets tighter. Even she doesn't dare to breathe too loud. She stares at the enlarged face in front of her eyes and has a dreamlike feeling.

Oh, my God! What on earth is he going to do?

I saw that Huo Li was getting closer and closer to her. As long as she moved a little, they could stick their lips together.

Just when Lin Xiaoye thought he really wanted to do something, he suddenly felt a warm and powerful feeling in his hand.

I found that I didn't know when I clenched my fist, and it was still so tight.

Huo Li gently opened her fist and stroked her hand with his rough but warm hand, which made her nervous feeling disappear.

Lin Xiaoye looked up at the eyes in front of her.

She was not sure that the man in front of her was really the cold Huoli she saw for the first time?

And the warm feeling at hand made her feel that she was like a bird without wings. She was held tightly by a pair of big wings, full of warmth and security.

It's like when I was a child, my father would hold his hand tightly every time I went out, and I never had to worry about anything.

Think so, don't know how, the Mou son of Lin Xiaoye suddenly wet.

Huo Li looks at Lin Xiaoye like this, and suddenly feels a little sour in his heart.

This girl, sometimes is really distressing.

Raise a hand to lightly caress to caress Lin Xiaoye that cheek.

"Girl, don't cry."

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoye's tears broke out like Hongshan's.

Lin Xiaoye hugs Huo Li's waist and cries.

Why is she crying? Perhaps now she does not know, maybe she is homesick, and maybe recently she is too tired, feel the warmth, the heart of that fragile inexplicable surge out.

I don't know how long I've been crying. Huo Li's chest is really strong and warm. Lin Xiaoye only feels that she is full of security around her. This is the first time she has such a feeling since she came to this world. She is very relieved.

"You, don't do that." Lin Xiaoye lies on the bed, and sees Huo Li walking towards him little by little.

Huo from the corner of his mouth with a smile, gently stroked her cheek.

"Girl, let's have a baby."

"Have a baby, have a baby?" The palm of Lin Xiaoye's hand is tight. She is excited and nervous. A while ago, she seems to have some expectations. She looks forward to further development with Huo Li. But now, in front of her, is she really, really ready?

Just think of, see Huo Li suddenly pounce on her body, she just reaction come over, don't know when, Huo Li's clothes unexpectedly disappeared.With strong arms, broad and powerful chest, and excellent muscle lines, the figure can't be better.

Lin Xiaoye reached out and touched the muscle on his shoulder. He was shocked.

Huo left the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Girl, do you like me?"

Lin Xiaoye is tight all over.

"Hi, I like it."

What's wrong with holly today?

Just thinking about it, I saw that Huo Li suddenly reached out and was about to pick her clothes. The big hands drifted away on her body. Every place was like a Firestone. The place she passed always made her feel extra nervous.

Until Huo Li unties her belt, Lin Xiaoye suddenly feels tight and looks up at Huo Li.

"No, not now."

"Girl, I like you, too."

Huo Li said in her ear, but the action on her hand was rough. Lin Xiaoye only felt that her clothes were torn open.

All of a sudden, Lin Xiaoye was stunned and immediately called out: "no!"

Then Lin Xiaoye suddenly rose up, opened her eyes, looked around, and gasped twice.

"Dream, it's a dream!"

Lin Xiaoye wiped the sweat on her forehead and looked around. There was no Huo Li beside her. Then she remembered that she had fallen asleep crying last night.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was daylight outside. Lin Xiaoye got out of bed, put on his shoes and went out. When he got to the door, he heard the sound of Ping Ping.

Lin Xiaoye looked in a twinkling of an eye. It turned out that the pigsty in the yard had dried out. Huo Li was dragging the pig in.

"Why don't you call me."

Lin Xiaoye rolled up her sleeves and rushed to help.

It's not that Huo Li can't lift the pig, it's just that the pig is too Tossy and always runs.

Finally put the pig into the pigsty, Huo Li this just turned an eye to see Lin Xiaoye that pair of swollen into fish bubble eyes.

Turning around, he went to the room, took a towel soaked in cold water, and was about to apply it to Lin Xiaoye's eyes. Lin Xiaoye felt the chill, and immediately twisted her brows.

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