"Ten coppers?" Lin Xiaoshan asked in surprise.

It seems that what my mother said is right. Xiaoye is really rich now.

Xiaoya said at this time: "Dad, what are you still doing? Go

Lin Xiaoshan came back and was planning to go again, but suddenly he thought of something and immediately turned back.

"But what if no one else would go?"

After all, it's very dangerous in the mountains now. If you let yourself choose between ten coppers and your own life, you will naturally choose this life.

Moreover, ten coppers, though many, are not many, though not too few.

"Then say twenty coppers!"

Lin Xiaoye is really angry. I really don't know whether Lin Xiaoshan doesn't know how to adapt or how. It always gives people such a headache?

Lin Xiaoshan was shocked again, but seeing that Lin Xiaoye was almost angry, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he quickly turned around and went to the village head's house.

Sure enough, this time Lin Xiaoye was willing to give money, but a few young men were willing to go, but each one asked for 20 coppers.

In addition, Lin Xiaoshan, a total of five people went to the mountain, each with a torch in his hand, and then one even tied a rope around his waist, so that when there was a landslide or a beast, no one would lose it.

And Lin Xiaoye, worried about the comfort of Huo Li, once again looked at the Wang family in the room, also felt a headache.

However, Lin Xiaoye doesn't know that these are not the only two troubles. There are more troubles waiting for her.

At this time, people in the village have already gone to sleep, that is to say, they are still dawdling in twos and threes, and the rest is Lin Xiaoye's family.

At this time, everything is quiet. There must be no pedestrians outside. Although it's not so dark that you can't see people's faces clearly.

At this time, in the courtyard of the Lin family, Alan changed into a coarse linen suit and moved awkwardly as soon as he went out.

Is this dress for people? It tickles her to death!

Alan tuckled in his heart, scratching his back, but he had to make complaints about his work.

Standing in front of the courtyard of the Lin family, he looked around in a twinkling of an eye. After a while, he saw a dark shadow coming. Alan suddenly widened his eyes and looked carefully. Only with a little light could he see the man's face clearly.

This person has always been very fond of Alan. Every time there is something good, the first thing he thinks of is Alan's muddy man Tiezhu.

Tiezhu is not serious at ordinary times. He likes to flatter Lai Wengui every day. But since Alan came to this village, Tiezhu has shifted his attention and put most of his energy on Alan.

Tiezhu is a black man. It's hard to see his face when he comes here at night. Only when Tiezhu grins and sees his big white teeth can he know that he is coming.

Alan just walked past.

Tiezhu immediately grinned: "Alan, I'm not late, am I?"

This is the first time that Tiezhu has come to see Alan in such a big night. And the most important thing is that Alan asked him out of his own accord this time. When he knew it was so late, he could wear less clothes. It's nothing else, but he thought it would be a good time to find a farm to do things.

He felt in his heart that it must have been such a long time, that he was sincere to Alan, and that his insistence had moved Alan, so Alan was ready to make an offer tonight.

Seeing Alan coming, tie Zhu's heart can be itching very much. This evening, you can see Alan's exquisite figure.

Just thinking about it, Alan twisted his body and said, "brother tie Zhu, I thought you didn't plan to come tonight."

Tiezhu immediately said: "how can it be? No matter when Alan needs me, I will come to you right away. "

With that, tie Zhu gently touched Alan's shoulder with his shoulder.

This is the first time that he got so close to Alan. When he asked about the fragrance of Alan, tie Zhu was fascinated. He was afraid that even if Alan wanted him to die now, he would like to.

But Alan didn't think so. He just felt disgusted by the sweat smell of Tiezhu. He was going to raise his hand and pat the dust on his shoulder, but when he thought of directly asking Tiezhu to do something, he didn't want to do it so obviously.

Think, this just directed iron pillar to smile.

"Brother tie Zhu, since you are here now, let's not delay."

Hearing this, tie Zhu suddenly felt excited. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Alan's body and swallowed his saliva.

"Well, Alan, I'm ready. Don't worry, I'll make you satisfied."

With that, tie Zhu looked around in a twinkling of an eye and made sure that there was no one. Then he opened his hand and was going to hug Alan. But without thinking about it, Alan took out a bright thing and immediately stunned tie Zhu."Ah, Alan, what are you doing with the nails? You, didn't you say I wasn't late? We have something to say, to say. "

Looking at the nail in Alan's hand, tie Zhu's excited mood just now was suddenly extinguished, and the rest was more worry and fear.

He really didn't think that it was hard for Alan to call him out at such a big night, not to accompany her lonely heart, but to feel that he was usually very annoyed and wanted to kill people?

Thinking of these, tie Zhu subconsciously stepped back, and the sweat on his forehead suddenly scared out.

And Alan, looking at the iron nail, smiles.

"Brother tie Zhu, what are you afraid of? I'm not going to do anything to you? Alan just thinks that brother Tiezhu is a good man, and he is also very good to Alan. But recently, there is something bothering Alan, which makes him not eat well and sleep well. So he thinks of brother Tiezhu. Brother Tiezhu is so good to Alan, so he will definitely help Alan, right? "

Hearing this, tie Zhu swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and then looked at the nail in her hand.

"You, you just want me to help? Not to kill me with nails? "

Alan smiles: "brother tie Zhu, what do you think? Brother Tiezhu is such a good person. How can I have the heart to attack brother Tiezhu? What's more, as a weak woman, how can I do that kind of killing? Can't it be in brother Tiezhu's heart that Alan is such a cruel woman? "

Said, Alan on a face of grievance don't go too far.

Now, where can iron pillar stand?

Immediately said: "Alan, I don't mean that, in my heart, you have always been so gentle, so good-looking, so kind, you know? I, when I saw you from the beginning, I just

"Brother Tiezhu, don't say so much. Alan knows what you mean."

Without waiting for tie Zhu to finish, Alan said immediately.

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