But what Lin Xiaoye didn't think of was that today, I don't know who gave sun what news or how. When the ox cart arrived at the village, I saw sun standing there with Luo's and Alan's hands akimbo.

It looks like they are waiting for them.

Xiaoya's heart was tight.

"It's milk, sister. What shall we do?"

There are so many things on the cart. It's easy to say if there's nothing. If sun sees so many things, where are they? I'm sure they'll be robbed by sun at that time.

Lin Xiaoye tightened her hand and looked at the things on the car. It's hard to hide so many things. It seems that today she can only fight against sun to the end.

"Xiaoya, you protect your mother and Tuanzi, and I'll take care of sun."

Xiaoya nodded firmly on her face. No matter what, she must protect her mother today. She will not let Sun bully her mother again.

Wang, however, was also worried. Looking at the things in the car, he quickly blocked them with his own body, hoping that sun would let them go.

After a while, the ox cart arrived in front of sun.

Lin Xiaoye said with a smile: "I'm so excited. Why don't I have to work and squat here now? Who are you waiting for? "

Sun's cold hum a: "cheap germ son, don't give me poor mouth, that car is what thing?"? Take them to the Lin family. "

Lin Xiaoye's heart is tight.

It seems that sun really came prepared!

Thinking about it, Lin Xiaoye said, "what can it be? I'm afraid you're wrong. OK, I have to hurry back to cook for Huo Li. I won't say much about it."

With that, Lin Xiaoye turns around and prepares to return to the bullock cart. But without thinking about it, she raises one foot, and the other foot is caught by sun. Then, without waiting for Lin Xiaoye to react, sun Yanks her foot down.

Where does Lin Xiaoye's strength have sun's big, is pulled by her so, Lin Xiaoye immediately whole person backward one Yang, immediately fell to the ground.

"Sister!" Xiao Ya cried out worried.

Lin Xiaoye quickly gets up from the ground and touches the back of his head. Fortunately, it's all mud road, but it's a little painful. Fortunately, it's not so serious.

Alan came forward and said: "Xiao Ye, I advise you to hand over all those things quickly, otherwise you won't be angry later, and your body will hurt again. Don't say that I didn't remind you."

With that, Alan took a look at Wang in a twinkling of an eye. Wang was still a little afraid at this time. When he saw that Alan came over, he immediately turned around and even dared not lift his eyelids.

As soon as Lin Xiaoye saw sun, Luo and Alan, they all looked proud. It seems that it is imperative for them to cut off their own things today.

No way! She paid for all these things. Besides, she gave them to them. Even if she gave them to beggars, she could never let them succeed.

Just thinking about it, sun made a color for Roche. Roche immediately nodded, and then went directly around Lin Xiaoye to the ox cart. He immediately saw the pork on the cart and widened his eyes.

"Oh, pork, a lot of pork!"

Shouting, Roche is about to get it. Lin Xiaoye is surprised: "Xiaoya!"

Xiaoya is not a vegetarian at this time. She goes forward and kicks Roche's hand.

"Oh, you cheap hoof, my aunt's hand will be broken by you!" Roche, get up.

After a while, those people around also gathered around. It was the Lin family who were tossing about here again. They were busy watching again. They put down their work one by one and squatted beside them to watch the good play.

At this time, Sun said, "Wang, do you want to be shameless? It's my Lin's daughter-in-law. She doesn't go home every day and lives outside. She's not afraid of being laughed at? You have defeated all the faces of our Lin family! "

On hearing this, Wang was a little nervous. He took a look at sun and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Xiaoya then said: "my mother is with me to live in my sister's house, how shameless? It's you who beat my mother to death and have the face to ask us for things. You are shameless! "

"Well, you little loser, your wings are hard now, aren't you? Look, your ancestors don't skin you today Sun's going to fight Xiaoya.

Lin Xiaoye immediately went forward and grasped sun's hand.

"Sun, Xiaoya is no longer a member of the Lin family. You are not qualified to beat her!"

Sun's eyes turned red and looked at Lin Xiaoye: "you son of a bitch, why can't I hit her? I'm not only going to fight, I'm going to kill this son of a bitch! "

At this time, I'm afraid sun has forgotten that she wanted to sell Xiaoya before, right?

On the contrary, Lin Xiaoye didn't stop her. Instead, she said, "well, you'd better kill Xiaoya. But don't blame me for not reminding you. When Xiaoya was in the Lin family, you knew what you had done to her."With that, Lin Xiaoye took a look at the villagers next to him.

"There are so many people here. If you dare to touch Xiaoya, can you believe me to tell you all the things you do now?"

Sun's family has never been so threatened. How can he bear the anger at this time? Although in the heart hair empty, but she still feel, Lin Xiaoye certainly dare not say, before so weak person, now how can anything dare to say?

Then he said, "you, dare you?"

Lin Xiaoye a smile: "that you see I dare not."

With that, Lin Xiaoye looked at the villagers in a twinkling of an eye: "you don't know, I..."

"Shut up, you son of a bitch!" Without waiting for Lin Xiaoye to finish, sun immediately covered Lin Xiaoye's mouth.

Lin Xiaoye broke free for a while, and then he could speak: "sun, I thought you were not afraid. Didn't you just let me say that? Yes? I'm afraid of that? "

Sun's heart was even more empty at this time: "you, don't think you can scare me like this. I also remind you that we signed the agreement. Even if you bring it into the coffin, you have to rot it in my stomach."

Lin Xiaoye a smile: "I will not say naturally, but that also depends on how you treat us."

Alan looked at the scene. It was obvious that Lin Xiaoye had crushed sun to death again. Although her goal today was not to get those things, it would be better if she could get them and make Lin Xiaoye make a fool of herself.

Thinking, Alan immediately came forward and said: "Lin Xiaoye, you are less arrogant here. Don't forget, even if you get married, you are still a member of the Lin family. You dare to fight against your milk and do it with your milk. It's unfilial. Are you not afraid that everyone will pull you to the pig cage?"

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