Although Xin'er can't understand Lin Xiaoye's meaning, she also loves her master, but she adores Lin Xiaoye very much. In this era, a woman can have such a mind, open a restaurant and do business one by one. It's the first time for her to see her.

At this point, she is also more convinced that in the future, she must be sincere to the master.

But listening to Xin'er talking about this, it reminds Lin Xiaoye of one thing: "Xin'er is right. Now the restaurant is almost on the right track. I'm going to hire some guys."

Hearing this, sister-in-law Hu immediately said, "what? Are you going to hire a mate? "

How can this work? I saw the restaurant start to make money. Before that, I was making money. When I get the money back, I have to hire a man? Isn't there another expense every month after that? How many coppers do you have in your hand?

But Mrs. Hu also thinks that Lin Xiaoye is really tired recently, and she can understand that she wants to find a few guys to help.

"Xiao Ye, I don't think that guy needs to be invited. You're really tired recently, but it doesn't matter. I'm in good health with your brother Hu. There's Gangzi. Your father and Xiaoya can also help. Just have a rest. We can be busy with the restaurant business."

Mrs. Hu's mind is very clear. Usually, she can see that she can live well. Even if she is tired, she is reluctant to use the money to hire two men.

Lin Xiaoye laughed: "man, I want to invite you, but not to be lazy, but to make more money."

After hearing this, everyone was confused. How can we ask the man to help or make money? It's the first time they've heard that.

Seeing everyone's puzzled look, Lin Xiaoye said, "you forget that my restaurant has a third floor." Said, Lin Xiaoye pointed up, but in spite of this, we still look puzzled, really don't know what medicine Lin Xiaoye sold in this gourd.

Gangzi suddenly exclaimed, "I know!"

Everyone looked at Gangzi in a twinkling of an eye, and sister-in-law Hu said with a smile, "can you guess with your wooden head? What do you mean

Although Mrs. Hu didn't expect Gangzi to make any great achievements, she would be relieved if she could see that he had a bright mind, could follow Lin Xiaoye and Huo Li well, and could support her family in the future.

"Xiaoye, I guess what you mean is that you want to open the third floor to be a restaurant, and then everyone will go upstairs. As for why, it must be because you want to decorate it more luxurious and give it to those dignitaries. Do you think I'm right?"

As soon as we heard what Gangzi said, we all felt that it was very likely that Lin Xiaoye meant that, but what Lin Xiaoye thought was not so simple.

"Gangzi, I'm afraid I'm going to wipe your face this time. I don't plan to continue to make a dining place on the third floor. I'm going to make some chess rooms."

"Chess room?" We all spoke in unison and looked at each other. We didn't understand what the chess and card room was.

Lin Xiaoye nodded: "to put it simply, it's a place for entertainment. Usually, if the guests want to have a rest after eating, they will invite their relatives and friends to play cards and thirteen Yaos on it. We will be responsible for providing them with tea and snacks every day, collecting some venue fees and the winner's draw."

On hearing this, Mrs. Hu immediately waved her hand and rushed to Lin Xiaoye: "Xiaoye, although I don't know what the chess and card room is, my sister-in-law probably understands what you want to do. What you have to do is to be the same as the gambling place? This thing can kill people. "

Chen Jinyan looks at Lin Xiaoye and is a little worried. However, in her opinion, what Lin Xiaoye wants to do is not a traditional gambling house. After all, Lin Xiaoye's ideas are always different from others. He is also cautious and will not do anything that is uncertain.

Xin'er stands behind Lin Xiaoye, frowning slightly. She is also worried, but no matter what Lin Xiaoye wants to do, she will support Lin Xiaoye.

Lin Xiaoye laughs. Her way of nature is that gambling house will kill people. But what she wants to do is not the kind of gambling house in this era. She wants to make friends with cards and come to play. It must be those high-end people, dignitaries and nobles. Only in this way can she make more contacts as soon as possible.

"What I'm going to do is not an ordinary gambling house. I'm going to make friends with cards, and it will be open to the outside world at that time. The main entertainers are officials and nobles. First of all, I'm not bad at getting people. Second, I'm naturally morally cultivated."

Chen Jinyan thought about it: "it sounds interesting. Those rich ladies really don't have much fun every day. They just stay in the boudoir, work as maids, wear beautiful handkerchiefs, practice calligraphy and read books. It's hard to make some friends."

When Chen Jinyan said that, everyone looked at her. When she said that, it was as if everyone had seen Chen Jinyan's life in Chen's house before. I think Chen Jinyan really has more say in this matter.

Seeing that everyone did not speak and looked at himself, Chen Jinyan suddenly blushed: "I'm just talking about my views, and I don't know if it's right."Xiaoya immediately said: "Jinyan elder sister, you are a real rich lady here. You are the treasure of Chen family. If my elder sister really plans to open a chess and card room, your opinion is very important. Please tell us more about your rich lady's views on this matter."

"That is, we are all rural roughs, and we don't know anything. If you talk about it, you can give us some confidence." Said Sister Hu.

Chen Jinyan was a little depressed at this time. He couldn't help sighing and said, "what's Chen's family now, and what's the rich lady."

Hearing the news, Xiaoya immediately found that she had said something wrong and quickly covered her mouth. Sister Hu also felt a little embarrassed and immediately came out to make ends meet. Chen Jinyan also realized that everyone cared about her. Now it's futile to entangle the things that have passed. On the contrary, it makes everyone unhappy.

Chen Jinyan continued: "those rich ladies have been required to stay in a circle since childhood. They have been learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood. If they are better, they have to learn poetry, song and Fu, so that they can be liked by more powerful CHILDES when they grow up. If they are born with a better foundation, they will be nothing. If they are not, they will be in vain."

With that, Zhang Yusheng hugs Chen Jinyan's shoulder. Chen Jinyan feels the warmth in Zhang Yusheng's arms and adds a smile to his face.

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