RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 34 - Sending Off Ruby and Yang.

Inside a wooden house inside the woods on an island was a family, currently they were packing up all of the items they would need for moving houses without taking everything there was.

The father of the group seemed rather nervous as he was sending off his daughters from the house for the first time where they won't immediately be back. "Do you have your bags packed?" He asked with a tone that was rather quick and higher in pitch than usual. He seemed to truly be worried.

With a flick of the tongue came out "Yes Dad" The eldest daughter replied in a very annoyed tone, almost as if she were asked this very question for a small eternity.

Still rather worried he reminded his daughters of the most basic necessity. "What about your personal hygiene items? You tend to forget your toothbrushes." He seemed almost as if used to the process of asking such questions and giving equally befitting remarks.

The answer he received was "Of course we have them packed!" With slight veins protruding from her forehead, the eldest daughter found it almost unbearable to answer his questions any longer but gave a response in hope he would quite down.

But that hope was quickly dashed as he continued to ramble on. "Finally how about your-" He was cut off.

Finally the eldest daughter exploded with a mighty rage. he hair flared up and eyes turned a slight red. "DAD! We have gotten all of our stuffed packed and ready for switching to a dorm. Besides, we'll be seeing you there anyway. You are an instructor there!" By the time she finished her hair had calmed down and her eyes returned to a normal or somewhat normal amethyst purple in color.

Dejected at the response of his daughter the father sulked a bit. "I guess that is true… But are you sure your all ready, i mean you all will rarely get to see each other outside of the free time allotted to you by the school." He was worried the kids would not get to be kids and have fun together as a family.

Seeing his honest opinion and expression, Yang calmed down and comforted Taiyang. "Dad, even Darian is packed and ready for school. Besides with the help of Big Bro we can get there in an instant. Remember the Kunai he handed to you and said to keep in your dormitory back at the school? He plans to see us there that way." She was sure that Darian would save some money by using the trick of his that he already uses quite often.

Nodding at his daughter, Taiyang knew that he had nothing to fear as long as the girls are watched over by Darian.

With a smiling surfacing on his face he put on a playful look, see the look on his face the girls knew what was up and sent him equally playful smiles. "You girls think it is time to gift him 'that'?" Taiyang was rather secretive of the item he planned to give his adoptive nephew.

In return to his question the black and slightly red-haired girl jumped up and shouted "Yeah! He'll love it!"

This was because the gift they got for Darian was specially made just for him.

Walking down the stairs I notice that the house was rather quiet for this time of day, too quiet.

Using my Sensory Jutsu soon I found that everyone was inside the kitchen at the table and seemed to have a hidden box to the side 'Perhaps Taiyang is lecturing them on what they can bring to Signal Academy with them?' Was the only thought that ran through my head as I entered the quiet room where even hushed voices cannot be heard.

Looking at the serious expressions the three of them wore when I entered I feel a shiver run down my spine and come to the worst conclusion, that the three of them have found that I will not be going to Signal Academy.

Or worse, my stash!

With sweat running down my back I'm left at a loss for words, I then see Taiyang slowly lower his hand behind his chair and as he brings his arm back up I can see that in his hand was a single box.

The one I already found.

Dumbfounded by this strange event I look to my sisters for confirmation on what is happening.

Looking at the both of them I see they have smiles that seem to be saying that they were looking at something funny. Now my worry's increased.

Focusing back on Taiyang I ignore my lip that is twitching greatly and try to listen to what he has to say.

But he says nothing, not a word.

He then hands me the box and when I grab it I can feel that it most certainly weighs more than it looks to be. This box has got to be filled with some sort of metal object or something similar.

But hoping for a normal item as a gift would be to much to ask for in this house.

Placing the box onto the wooden coffee table I then slice open the tape which held the top flaps open and then I slowly ease the top flaps up and peer inside.

When I see what was held within the box, my face went red and I feel a slight bit of shame wash over me.

… An exact replica of Madara Uchiha's Armor and underclothing.

It was a bright red colored samurai like armor that protected the torso, shoulders and waist. The underarmor consisted of indigo blue long sleeved shirt with a knee-high length mantle, pants, open toed shoes and gloves. On the back of the clothing the Uchiha Clan symbol can even be seen.

This was the battle clothing that Madara Uchiha had decided to wear due to the insistence of Hashirama Senju.

… But the reason for embarrassment?

That was because I never told anybody of the clothing designs that I drew in secret. The journal that it was drawn in was kept placed away and out of sight, almost as if a naughty magazine.

I mean my real 'treasures were kept hidden away', such as the work of Pervy Sage and magazines that I have collected over the years.

But that doesn't change the fact that I keep these works of mine sealed away!

And even all of my clothing that I wear was hand made by me over the years, so to be gifted one of the designs I created in secret showed that my family went through my stuff in my absence.

Hell, even the items my sisters wear time to time were hand made by me!

Now that I look up back at them I can only gnash my teeth in frustration at their act of 'benevolence'. Pisses me off!

And they still dare to wear smirks on their faces as if they did me a favor?!

Of course I will give them 'gifts' in return for today!

Half an hour later, I find myself on the campus of Signal Academy.

Here I brought the girls so that they can settle in and prepare for them to transfer in.

Currently we were in the girls dormitory, the main reason I was allowed in was so that I can help the girls settle in and so it was a minor exception for the time being.

"Hey Big Brother, you gotta help me and Yang figure out how we are gonna arrange our room!" Currently Ruby was whining because she found that the room they were given was very plain and empty of all entertainment.

The room I was standing in was so plain that I felt my eyes would fall out of the sockets. It was so BORING!

"Yeah Big Bro, leave us a few consoles and a stack of games! They should last us the next few years at least!" Yang was already unpacking and heard Ruby so she obviously jumped in to gain a few benefits.

Latching onto my arms the girls thought it would be best to use their adorableness and snuggled up on me.

Looking at the cute little girl who attached herself to my left arm and upon the almost mȧturė girl who just a moment ago throwing about her personal decorative items I can only let out an age accelerating sigh.

"You girls are asking for so much already! We haven't even gotten unpacked and you want to ask me for a bunch of free stuff!" Exasperated with them I just had to tell them my thoughts.

The both of them wore very mischievous smiles as they looked my way, instantly I can feel my body stiffen up as I can tell whist that face meant. It was the face they would put on when they were sure they could convince me to jump into a volcano.

My tears that were filled with despair nearly came out and fell to the ground out of hate for myself 'Why am I such a sis-con?' To be accurate, I wasn't a sis-con, I'm just the kind of guy who would do anything for the people he loves and that would 100% include beating nonsense out of them if need be.

Not giving them a chance to try and demand more I only place several consoles on the ground and two stacks of games for the time being. Next I grabbed some of the posters from the hands of Yang and place them on the wall while the girls are left with hopeless faces on.

They really did want to get more out of me, but I didn't give them the chance to do so.

Walking to both of the beds in the room I then take them away into my inventory and then place down a couple of beds that I personally picked out for the girls many years ago. Ruby likes a softer bed and it has to be smushy while Yang like a firm bed that is also snug on her body.

Moving back into the room I also place down a few items such s ŀȧptops and desktop PCs, these items may be somewhat primitive looking in this world but they run better than some of their most advanced super computers.

The only catch is that the girls will only be able to access roughly half of their full potential as they lack any and all training.

Thinking about it closely I even decided to hang up two separate Flying Thunder God Kunai on each end of the room and one in the restroom just in case of an emergency. Though I hope that they will never find the need to use these at any time.

… Taking a step back and admiring my work that I did for the girls I can only come to the conclusion of 'This screams out Yang and Ruby alright!'

With a nod I turn to look over at the girls who were playing the game 'Fallout 3' on the TV I set up for them in the main room of their dorm.

Watching them play i was slowly reminiscing on the time that I was playing the same game in my past life. Slowly delving into the work I found that my mind was calm and empty… So this was tranquillity?

It almost feels like some sort of enlightenment.

As I finish securing the room and adding the final details I tend to notice that the choice words of the girls were rather off… Looking over at them, I see that they notice that I noticed and had smirks run along their faces.

"Hah~ Seems I can't hide anything from the both of you. Now can I?"

My entire being was somewhat exasperated with them and their evolving mindsets, they actually think beyond what most ȧduŀts are capable of at times. Especially when it involves me.

"Yeah Big Bro, we knew that you aren't the kind of guy to stay in one place forever. So we kinda guessed that you would use this chance to take off."

"Mm! It's so obvious when we saw that you refused to take most of your items with you~."

Being seen through by people would normally make me rather upset due to my past line of work, but knowing that my little sisters could see through me with such minimal evidence heightens my hopes for their futures to a great extent.

Truly, I want to see them reach the peak of this world. I will do any and every conceivable thing possible to help them in their future quest of purifying this damnable planet!

Tears threatened to flow down my face, but I would lose a bit of my dignity if I shed tears so easily!

With a calm smile that lets them know I expected as much I say "It is true, I will be leaving. Though do not let this minor 'See you later' cause you any discomfort. I will always be there for the both of you whenever you need me." These were my true thoughts. 'No matter what. I'll always be there for them'

Walking up to the both of them I get down to my knees and calmly look into both of their eyes that held a tinge of sadness due to knowing that I will not always be at their side, but just knowing that I will be their support at the most difficult of times brought them great strength and comfort.

Slowly leaning in I stretched out my arms and embraced the both of them, feeling the familiar warmth they held on tightly and accepted that I must go. Though they were reluctant, they knew that I couldn't grow in such an environment.

Releasing myself from their hold, I looked them over one last time and spoke out "I expect you girls to remain at my side forever, therefore you shouldn't slack off in the least."

As the both of them heard me speak, they renewed their extraordinary fighting spirit that I implanted into their mind. The flame that sought out power has begun to grow in size!!

Making my last use of Flying Thunder God before my trip to set off I go to a remote location, here is a place far from the disturbance of human and Grimm… It was the grave site of the woman I see as my mother.

Summer Rose.

… Here at her grave could be found a very unique Kunai, it was one that seemed to be made out of a material unlike that of normal steel. This blade was a Damascus Kunai, specially crafted at my hand after I gained a kilogram of ore.

Quite expensive and unique to the point that very little exist on the market.

It was at one point my greatest work and I created it solely for the purpose of watching over the grave of the woman whom I wished to protect but had no other choice than to let die.

There never goes a day in my life where I do not think of the many things that I regret and in the future I can only expect more of such instances.

But I will do everything in my power to keep it at a minimum.

*Shh~ Shah~*

The rustling of the bushes disturbed my reminiscence of the past and I paid attention on what was making its way toward me, but I felt not one once of hostility and awaited the arrival of this newcomer.

Soon after I focused my attention I see that the one to exit the woods was in fact Taiyang and at his side was Qrow. As they looked toward the grave site they discover me, standing and waiting for their arrival.

Taiyang put on a helpless smile and Qrow just continued to drink from his flask in an uninterested manner. Though I could tell that his interest was actually peaked.

Approaching me after I lost interest in the newcomers I feel that a large palm rested itself on both of my shoulders, both come from different people.

Feeling the oversize hands on my shoulders had actually seemed to soothe my emotions that had been slightly difunctional after I made my choice to leave my family behind in my quest to grow in power.

It seems that the both of them could feel my resolve strengthen over time as hands made a slight grip on me, though they refused to speak.

Even without any words being said, they both knew of my choice and supported me, they knew that the world was a bottomless abyss and I was still sitting in the shallows so they prepared for my departure long ago. This was to be my fist attempt at diving below the surface and they wanted to show their support.

Lowering myself before the grave I took from my inventory a single rose and placed it down on my mother's grave.

As my gaze lifted and stretched out upon the world before my eyes that hung over the edge of the cliffside, my resolve strengthened and became firm.

Going forward and standing at the edge of the cliff I see an almost endless world that has yet to be explored… And I intend to conquer it, even if only a little at a time.

Looking over my shoulder and back at the two men who I see as my family.

A deep nod was given to them.

They responded with but a small smile that almost had gone unnoticed by the world.

With a similar smile on I had turned back to the sight stretched out in front and after a moment of time…

I finally put on a very serious face.

Like I was never there at all I was gone.

This was but the beginning, now it was time for things to progress.

It was only just starting.

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