RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 27 - First Semester Part 27

"No, we eventually managed to push them back and reclaim several territories, however, we went into the heart of the Darklands and ended up in a very intense fight." Jaune finished his second beer, "Another one Junior, and keep your distance, if you try to eavesdrop on any of this, I'll be cutting your tongue out tonight so you can never speak of it."

Junior frowned, however, all Jaune had to do was flux his Aura slightly to scare the crap out of him, grumbling Junior slid down another bottle, "Stupid kids, what are their parent's feeding them these days."

Jaune caught the bottle and took a few sips, "Eventually, we met up with some survivors from Atlas, a future friend helped us create a safe zone for humans. That place was our home for 2 years, to of the happiest years of my life."

Jaune gave Yang a funny look, "You got married too."

Yang's eyes bulged, "You, didn't, we didn't?"

Jaune laughed and shook his head, "No, no, no, no, don't tell Ren this, you wouldn't know it from looking at the guy, but Ren can be a pretty jealous person. You and I become pretty good friends, enough to tie with Ren's best friend status, I almost picked you to be my best man, now that was one funny event. You two actually started competing with each other."

Yang smiled, "So who do I get married to?! Wait, you tie the knot too, anyone I know?"

Jaune grinned, "Sorry, can't tell you that either, you might end up changing what makes him fall for you."

Yang pouted, "Come on, please!"

Jaune shook his head, "No, however big sis, I can tell you who I marry."

Yang froze, "No..."

Jaune laughed, "Congratulations Yang, once Ruby and I got married you became the middle daughter of the Arc family, I went from 7 sisters to 8 sisters."

Yang didn't know what to think, she thought of her precious Ruby, and then she imagined her in a wedding dress, "Wait, just wait..."

Jaune smiled, "I knew that would shock you, however, I promise you, I love Ruby with all my heart and I would die to protect her. I will never hurt her, ever. This is the second time I've made this promise to you."

Yang took a deep breath, "A promise?"

"Yeah, you picked on me every day that I was dating Ruby, dragged me out of bed early in the morning and forced me to train in martial arts with you. You're not strong enough to protect my sis, I can't tell you how many times that insult revved me up."

Yang laughed, "Funny, I was just thinking of doing that!"

"Please spare me, I promise, I worked hard to earn your approval!" Jaune said sipping on his beer.

"I'm starting to doubt again, you earn my approval? Hah! That will never happen!" Yang crossed her arms and shook her head.

Jaune chuckled, "Well, anyways, I married Ruby in the end, but, that was short lived." Jaune sighed.

"The final battle, my final battle was against one of the strongest Grimm and an army of overpowered Grimm minions. We ended up killing the big bad Grimm in control of the army, but, we were still surrounded." Jaune finished off another beer, "You said you'd never forgive me if I died, you said you'd kill me yourself..." Jaune looked at Yang, "Sorry, I let you guys down."

Yang looked shocked, "You..."

"Died a heroes death," Jaune looked up and sighed, "I made her cry..."

Yang bit her lip, she could see the pain in his eyes, "I held out as long as I could, but, it just wasn't good enough, after I died, some things happened that I can't talk about yet, and a spell was used to send me back to initiation day." Jaune gripped his bottle so tightly it shattered.

"Fat lot that did me! Turns out there was still an even stronger enemy! The only reason I was sent back, was because I died first! This new enemy could even destroy the soul, so, even in death, I would never see you guys again. So I had to make a choice, kill everyone now by overriding the timelines or let them die and have their souls perish and never see them again."

"Jaune..." Yang's usual cheery disposition was nowhere to be seen.

"You know what they say about good intentions and all, I know you want to know more, but, wait until the second semester or better yet, wait until I make Grimm's Bane, I promise, I'll explain everything to you guys." Jaune used his Inventory to deal with the mess.

"What are you going to do about Ruby?" Yang asked.

"Hahh, take it slow, it took Ruby a long time to open up, mostly because of what happened to Pyrrha," Jaune answered.

"Pyrrha?" Yang looked at Jaune up and down.

"Hey, what can I say, I was a popular guy." Jaune gave Yang a dorky thumbs up.

"No way!" Yang's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, but, Pyrrha died before we could even get our relationship started, Ruby saw it happen too, dumb girl blamed herself for not being strong enough to save Pyrrha," Jaune said, causing Yang to gasp.

"I can see why Ruby would be hesitant now." Yang finished off her drink, "How does she... you know?"

Jaune stretched his neck and said, "Another thing I can't talk about yet, those morons are gonna walk right up to me, and when they do, I'm going to cut them down."

Yang frowned, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"She wasn't killed by Grimm, she was killed by a very powerful witch, that bitch and her lackeys are going march right into Beacon acting like they own the place, and when she gets here, the first thing I'll do is cut her down," Jaune gripped his fist until his knuckles turned white. "Yang do me a favor; when I lose it and attack these guys, back me up.

"How will I know?" Yang asked.

"Because it will be sudden, really sudden and out of character for me," Jaune said thinking of when they first met in the hallway.

"Tell me more about this safe haven we built." Yang tried to take his mind off his trouble and focus on something good.

Jaune smiled and said, "After we set up the barrier, we rebuilt Kuroyuri and slowly retook Vale, Ruby and I had been dating for almost a year, and once the barrier went up, I popped the question. You punched me in the face, thought I was asking you." Jaune started to laugh, seeing her confused expression, Jaune explained, "Ruby ran, and you were standing behind her."

Yang giggled, "She ran, that must of hurt you more than the punch."

"Nah, she only ran because she didn't how to express her happiness. After she ran her victory ŀȧp around the village, she had quite a puzzled look on her face as to why her fiancee was unconscious." Jaune grinned.

Yang scratched her head, "Ha ha hah! Sorry about that I guess."

"Your husband tried to stop, but S...Oops," Jaune covered his mouth.

Yang smiled, "So my husband's name starts with an S?"

Jaune shook his head, "Just forget I said that!"

Yang grinned, "Junior, another beer for my friend, he's paying."

Jaune shook his head and said, "Thanks, but getting me drunk isn't going to loosen my lips."

"Okay, what about Weiss? Blake? Come on Jaune, give me the details." Yang slugged his arm.

Jaune tilted his head, "Weiss was dating someone, their relationship was a little rocky at first, but in the end, he really stepped up to take care of her, Blake got married to one of my other best friends. You guys will meet before winter-break, but, don't tell Blake about any of this, I don't care if you poke fun at her, cause let's face it, you're you, and were always going to encourage them, but don't tell her anything about the future."

"You do know me!" Yang laughed as she slapped his back.

"Just keep being you, I know you'll figure out what to say." Jaune started on his fourth beer.

The two continued to talk for some time, and after an hour or so, Jaune ended up getting plastered, for once Yang had to be the responsible one and drive him home.

When they got back, Jaune was thrown onto his bed while everyone else crowded around him.

"Look, he had a lot to get off his ċhėst, but just give him time, he promised to tell you guys what's going on with him next semester." Yang brushed off their questions.

"No fair, Yang! How come he opened up to you!" Ruby pouted.

Yang laughed, "He didn't tell me everything, said, he didn't want you guys to be left out, besides it took him 7 beers to really open up." Jaune told her many embarrassing stories related to his dorkiness, something he would regret later.

"Did you know there's a Pumpkin Pete bunny on Jaune's sweatshirt, you know, the one he always wears under his armor?" Yang chuckled.

Everyone looked over at Jaune and tried to hold in their laugh, "That cute little bunny on the cereal box!" Ruby snorted as she fell over laughing.

Pyrrha smiled and said, "I think that's cute!"

Yang looked at Ruby and Pyrrha and sighed, "Well, goodnight, I beat!"

"Wait, Yang, you must have more info, dish!" Ruby shouted.

"Why, Ruby, do you want to know about your potential suitor?" Yang teased with a devilish grin.

Ruby threw a pillow at Yang and said, "Why do you always go there?"

Yang grinned and thought, "Because I think you two are perfect for each other, and now I know you end up as husband and wife!" She then coughed and said, "Oh, it's just instinct. Now go to bed, we have class tomorrow!"

Everyone grunted and went to bed, the next morning Jaune woke up, no one pressured him to reveal his secrets, thankful for their trust, he continued his usual routine.

Pyrrha ended up joining Jaune for his training, she said that it would be their way to bond, even Ren joins in sometimes.

As time passed, they grew closer together as friends and even fiercer teammates. Jaune and Ruby were doing such good jobs as leaders, that not even Weiss could find room to complain.

Jaune was sitting in the middle of one of Doctor, Oobleck's lessons about one of many fallen cities, and while he attended, Jaune made sure to complete his designs on Grimm's Bane and Save the Queen with Ruby.

After the class finished, he noticed that it was getting pretty close to the class's first task with Glynda, they were to go and gather Red Sap from the Vale Berry Trees in the Forest of Forever Fall.

Jaune laughed as he thought of doing this ȧssignment during his first life, being Cardin's errand-boy really got under his skin, however, the events that took place there, was a really big change in Jaune's confidence, there was standing up to his bullies, seeing just how powerful his Aura was, "Heck I even killed an Ursa Major by myself." to this day Jaune still doesn't know that Pyrrha helped him with her Semblance.

Seeing as it was lunch time, everyone headed to the cafeteria, while everyone was eating, they talked about their field trip with excitement.

"Did you know that the sap is edible?" Nora said with a grin on her face.

"Nora, we have to collect the Sap, not eat it," Ren said shaking his head.

"Oh come on, I heard it taste like Juniper Barries!" Nora whɨnėd.

Everyone at the table laughed when they hear a certain Faunus shout out, "Ow, that hurts!"

Jaune looked over to see Velvet getting her ear pulled by Cardin, Jaune stood up and walked over to the table before the situation got out of hand and grabbed Cardin by his ear.

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