RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 30 - First Semester Part 30

"I found this place a while back, I thought it would be fun to bring Zwei here in case dad visits, Zwei is our dog, he's the smartest animal on Remnant" Ruby bragged.

Jaune smiled, "If he's as smart as you say, then he must have his Aura unlocked as well."

Ruby placed her hand on her chin and spoke with an expression of great contemplation, "Hmm, you know, that makes a lot of sense! I never thought that is was his unlocked Aura that made him so smart!"

After entering the pet store, Ruby and Jaune quickly picked up the items they would need, in total, they spent 500 Lien on toys and food for the wolf pup.

Ruby was smiling happily as they walked back to the Dorm, along the way, Jaune saw a sweets shop that she was eyeing, "You want to grab a snack?"

Ruby smiled and shook her head, "No, I'm not that hungry," Ruby's stomach suddenly growled, "Hahaha! Ignore that!"

Jaune smirked and walked into the store, he bought a pack of Vale Chip Cookies and came back out with them in hand, "So Yang tells me you love Cookies, right?"

Ruby-eyed the bag of freshly baked cookies and started to drool a bit, Jaune handed her the bag and said, "It's my treat."

Ruby grinned and took the bag from his hand, as she started to grin, "Well, if you insist."

Jaune smiled and watched his future wife devour a pile of cookies in no time flat, Jaune let out a chuckle that made Ruby's face light up, she found herself captivated by his expression, so much so, that she almost walked into a pole.

Luckily Jaune was looking out for her, he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her over into his ċhėst, Ruby's face lit up as she heard him say, "Whoa there, are you okay Ruby? You almost hit that lampost."

Ruby's face brightened up even more than usual, she bit her lip as she backed off as she said, "I'm fine, I was just wondering...." Ruby paused, she knew she had been caught oogling Jaune, "Think Ruby, think!" she tried her best to come up with something when she suddenly spouted, "So, what made you want to become a Hunter?"

Jaune smiled and scratched his head, "Well, to be honest, and don't laugh..."

Ruby stared at him with eyes of interest, "I won't."

"I wanted to be a Hero, like the rest of my family, a bit of it was to make them proud, but it was mostly for myself, ever since I was a kid it's always been my dream to go off on adventures with a team, slaying monsters and saving people, like the knights you'd hear about in old fables," Jaune explained watching Ruby's eyes go wide.

She stopped in her tracks and froze, "He, he's the same as me!"

Jaune waved his hand in front of Ruby's face and said, "Hello! Ruby, your face is bright red, do you have a fever?"

Jaune placed his hand on her head and then his own head against the back of his hand, their noses were so close, Ruby swore she was about to have her first kiss, she closed her eyes and waited for Jaune to make the first move only to hear him say, "You feel a little warm, maybe you should get some rest when we get back, Ren and I can make you some soup."

Ruby mind emptied before she started to stutter, "Y.y..yeah..M...Maybe I should get some sleep."

Jaune moved in front of her and bent down, "If you want, I can carry you."

Ruby's hands shook, she then knew in order to keep up the image she had no choice, secretly happy that Jaune was helping her, Ruby jumped onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Thanks, Jaune." Ruby whispered as she buried her face into his hoodie.

Jaune smiled and replied, "No problem." as he carried her back to the school.

Somewhere along the way, Ruby had fallen asleep, Jaune looked up to see the stars coming out as he boarded the airship to Beacon; when they got back to their room, Yang was the only one up, she gazed over him several times while giving the two several funny looks.

After she helped him tuck Ruby into bed, she looked to Jaune and whispered "Have a good time?" while winking and elbowed him a few times.

"We just walked and talked, Yang, it's too early for her and you know it," Jaune whispered back.

"Hmm, I don't know about that...I think Ruby already likes you plenty." Yang teased, this time it was Jaune's turn to show a blushed face.

He shook off Yang's teasing and sighed, "I still don't want to rush things."

Given Jaune a rare moment of seriousness, Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well don't wait too long, she might end up falling for someone else."

Jaune froze and shook his head, "My Ruby, someone wants to touch my Ruby! I'll kill em!"

Seeing his temperament change like this for her sister made Yang feel even closer to Jaune than ever before, "Just ask her out, three months is long enough to expect some kind of Date." Yang suddenly had an Idea, "Ruby's birthday is next week, ask her out then!"

Jaune smiled and nodded his head, "Alright, I was going to tell you guys over Winter Break anyways, it would be weird to mention that Ruby and I were married in the future when we're not even dating in this timeline."

Yang nodded her head, "Well, future boy, goodnight."

Jaune grinned and said, "That's Future Man to you young lady." making her snort as she climbed into bed.

Jaune the made sure to feed the puppy and headed to bed that night thinking of a way to ask out the woman he loved, and being honest with himself, Jaune was freaking out, "Why is this so hard, we've slept in the same bed, we've made love for Oum's sake, she's my wife damn it."

Just as he was started to get some sleep, both Yang and Jaune completely missed a certain Ninja-Cat's ears twitching, "What did I just hear?" She kept her eyes closed and was in a state of panic, still completely unable to believe what she had overheard.

"Future, Ruby and Jaune Married?" She was so stunned she didn't know how to approach the problem, were they crazy, was Jaune from the future, is he a prophet, her head was full of ideas, but she didn't know how to even start asking them about it.

The next morning, it was clear that Blake didn't get any sleep, she looked over at Jaune as he woke up extra early, she made sure to watch him move the puppy off of his ċhėst and onto Ruby's bed.

She saw the pained and loving expression on his face as he stepped away and got ready for his training routine.

After he left, Blake shot up and went over to the book they spoke about, "The next book comes out next week, if what happens goes as Jaune said, then...I will confront him." Blake jumped back into bed because she heard the champion waking up, Ren soon followed after, since they've started to join Jaune's training regiment, they've been waking up an hour after him, however, it seemed today they got up early.

After they left the room Blake snuck out and went to a nearby hiding spot to observe them, Jaune as sitting down in a meditative state when he heard his teammates call out to him, Jaune opened his eyes and waved.

"Okay, now that you guys have already got the hang of your Aura Control exercises, today, we're going to start doing physical conditioning." Jaune stood up and said, "First of all, using your Aura or Semblance to work out is prohibited."

Ren and Nora paused, "Can I ask why?" Ren asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Of course, Pyrrha, can you tell me what the Aura Ability Amplify does?" Jaune asked like he was a teacher.

Pyrrha nodded her head, "It increases the body's physical abilities by expending Arua, the greater amount of Aura you use, the better the physical bonuses."

Jaune nodded his head, "Very good, Pyrrha, now Ren, what if I told you that by working out without Aura will build up base power, if you have a stronger body, then the Amplification you gain from your Aura will be much higher, it's really just simple math, if your battle power is 10, and you use Aura to double it, then your always going to come out weaker than someone who has a battle power of 11 and can amplify with Aura as well."

Ren nodded his head and looked up to Jaune, "Is that why you don't use Aura when you train?"

Jaune nodded his head, "Exactly the reason."

And so the three of them began their work out, it was kind of funny watching Pyrrha struggle to do push-ups, when they both collapsed, Jaune shouted, "Don't stop, sit up and use your Aura to heal your muscles, it won't completely take away the fatigue, but it will at least stop hurting."

As they followed his orders, Jaune continued to coach them, "Use this time to quickly recover and study your own bodies, the better you know them, the quicker you can transfer your Aura throughout your body to heal."

Once they got back to it, Jaune continued to work out alongside them, when they almost ran out of Aura, Jaune used his Semblance to fill them back up and continued to push them as hard as he could.

When it came time for him to work, Pyrrha and Ren were laying on the ground panting harder than they ever hand in their lives, Ren bȧrėly managed to get out, " Aren' lot...with...Weiss?"

Jaune smiled and said, "It's just part of the training. You two go wash up, I'll be back in time for class."

" with...your...Aura Shades!" Pyrrha panted out.

Jaune smiled, "Then wait here for me and practice your Aura Control until I get back." and with that said, he took off running into town, Blake was tempted to follow, but she wasn't sure if she could do so without him spotting her.

When Jaune got back, he finished up his training with his teammates and headed back into their room to prepare for class, he saw Ruby and the others cuddling the puppy and laughed.

When he saw the bags under Blake's eyes he asked, "You look a little worse for wear, you okay Blake?"

Blake gave him a harsh glare and thought, "And who's fault is it that I'm in this condition?" Knowing that wasn't the right move, Blake sighed and shook her head, "It's nothing, I just need a nap."

Jaune smiled and couldn't resist as he whispered, "Okay, you enjoy your cat nap then."

Jaune saw Ruby placing Terra inside her back pace and put a bottle of formula next to her, and when Jaune took a look inside, he saw a bed made out of a torn up blanket wrapped around a pillow, "Taking her to class?" Jaune snuck up on her.

Ruby jumped and turned around with a look like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, "Umm..."

Jaune laughed and said, "It's fine, just don't get caught."

Ruby grinned and finished up by closing her backpack, "Well then, to class!"

Jaune shook his head and immediately got ready, he took a quick shower after Ren and was ate on the way to class, first class as always, Professor Port's Grimm Studies.

Jaune sat close to Ruby and continued to sketch in new Grimm for his Bestiary, "I can't believe how many different Grimm there are," Ruby said as she looked at the newest ones.

"This is nothing, just wait until you guys see my parents monster portfolios, they hunted thousands of different types." Jaune bragged as he finished up the picture of a Goliath Grande` Grimm.

"What's that?" Blake asked looking over his shoulder from the desk behind him.

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