RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 6 - First Semester Part 6

Jaune clapped his hands, "You'd make a brilliant leader Ruby. This is a great plan, everyone else will draw the Nevermore's attention to the front of the cliff, Weiss, Blake, Yang, you know what to do."

Everyone was about to move when the Nevermore had reached the proper altitude to start shooting at them with deadly sharp feathers that were harder than most steel.

Everyone dodged left and right to avoid the attacks and started to make their way to the ruins built over the cliff's drop-off, Team JNPR shot at the Nevermore with their long-range weapons and forced focus on them while Ruby and the rest set up their attack.

After drawing in the Nevermore to the base of the cliff on the opposite side of the canyon, Jaune ducked down and placed his shield above his body, "Yang, Pyrrha jump!"

Yang Jumped first, as she soared into the air, she was surprised by how far up Jaune managed to throw her, when she looked back, she saw Pyrrha's foot landed on top of Jaune's shield and with his help, he lifted Pyrrha up into the air even faster than she was thrown.

Pyrrha placed her shield up in front of herself and shouted, "Yang! Your turn!"

Yang's feet felt the bottom of Pyrrha's shield make contact and jumped up once more while using her Shotgun Blast to launch herself into the air, Yang laughed as she landed right in front of the Nevermore's mouth.

The Nevermore roared as it tried to eat Yang, however, she quickly grabbed the creature's beak and started to fire off shotgun blast mixed with Fire Dust, the creature was taken by surprise as Yang yelled, "I hope you hungry!"

Countless shots fired into the Nevermore's mouth, with one final kick off the giant Crow-type Grimm, Yang flew towards the ground only to be caught by Nora flying on her hammer.

"Need a lift!?" Nora laughed as she held Yang like a princess.

"My hero." Yang joked as the landed on a nearby column in time to see Ruby being launched by Weiss, the ribbon from Blakes weapon was stretched out across two large pillars.

The Nevermore started to fall towards the cliff when Ruby jumped back into the stretchy-like cloth and had Weiss used her glyphs to pull her back even further, Weiss turned to Ruby and said, "I still think this plan is crazy."

"You let me worry about the crazy part, you just focus on making the shot, you can make the shot right?" Ruby asked.

Weiss smiled and said, "Can't I?" with a ċȯċky attitude.

"Can you?" Ruby asked again, this time with a sense of worry in her voice.

"Yes! I can make the..." The sound of the Nevermore crashing into the cliffside cut Weiss short, using her Glyphs, Weiss launched Ruby towards the Nevermore, Ruby used her Cresent Rose to shoot out a few of rounds speeding her up even more.

The blade came down around the Nevermore's neck and multiple Glyphs appeared on the side of the Cliff for Ruby to run up, as she dragged the Nevermore behind her, Ruby shouted and shot off even more of her ammo, accelerating her even more.

She quickly dashed up to the surface of the cliffside and used the edge as an anchor to cleave off the creatures head from its shoulders.

As she stood at the edge of the cliffside, rose petals falling into the wind, Jaune could only say the same thing he said in the first timeline, "Wow!"

Yang walked up to the crowd and said, "S~oo that was a thing."

Everyone gave a chuckle, they all began introducing each other, and watched as Ruby used her Semblance to shoot back over into the crowd, after talking for a bit, they all grabbed the remaining Chess pieces and started to head back towards Beacon Academy.

When they returned Ozpin congratulated them and told them to meet up with the rest of the students in 3 hours, everyone let out a sigh of relief as they were allowed to relax for a while, when Ozpin turned to Jaune and said, "I would like to have that talk with you now Mr. Arc."

Jaune smiled as the rest of the team showed a sign of shock, they wondered why Ozpin singled out Jaune.

Jaune waved his hand and said, "I had some issues with my transcript, I'll meet up with you guys in the auditorium."

Everyone but Weiss Accepting his excuse, she thought something was off with Jaune ever since he spoke to her, thinking about how he berated her, she gave Jaune a hard and suspicious stare.

Thinking that she could finally dig up some dirt on the boy that was giving her such a hard time, Weiss pulled out Scroll and decided to make a few calls.

Jaune was led to Ozpin's office alongside Glynda, after reaching the top floor, Jaune walked out to see a sight that almost moved him to tears, a wave of nostalgia washed over him as he saw Ozpin take a seat behind his desk, and fill up a mug of coffee.

With Glynda by his side, Jaune felt like everything had returned to normal.

"So Mr. Arc, you wanted to speak with me about something?" Ozpin said before he took a sip of his coffee.

Jaune took a seat in front of them and said, "Now, I know this is going to sound crazy, but, since crazy is your entire lifestyle Ozpin, I'm hoping you will be able to believe me."

Glynda and Ozpin shared a confused look as Jaune began to tell them what happened to him, "I'm from the future, or at least, my soul traveled to the past to possess my former self, and Ozpin is the one who sent me here."

The two ȧduŀts stared at each other with a blank look, Ozpin turned back to Jaune and said, "Well Mr. Arc, I have lived a crazy life as you said it," Ozpin took a sip of his coffee, "but I don't think time travel has ever been a part of it."

Jaune sighed, "I knew it wasn't going to be this easy," He gave them a stern stare and started at the beginning, he told them about events that would occur in the future, about Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury being Salem's pawns.

"I also know that Pyrrha is the next Fall Maiden, that you're holding her body in a hidden sub-basement in this tower, oh yeah, and that you have been cursed by the Gods to possess those of like-minds to continue your mission." Jaune made Ozpin and Glynda jump, "I also know that Glynda has had a crush on Ir..."

"And that's enough Mr. Arc!" Glynda's cheeks puffed up making Ozpin and Jaune almost laugh, Jaune then smiled and said, "I still have more to talk about though."

He then went on to tell them how Salem gained the 4 Artifacts, and Ozpin, or rather Oscar, sacrificed his life to use them and make Salem mortal, all the while, somehow managing to hide the Artifacts one last time.

"This time, you told me you sent them to the center of Remnant. Where no one could reach," Jaune explained.

Ozpin was fascinated by his story when Glynda said, " Ozpin, does this mean you'll die soon!?"

Ozpin smiled, "No that future is no longer a thing, if Jaune's words turn out to be real, then I might not even die in this new timeline."

"Especially since if I kill Cinder and awaken my Semblance, I can heal the Fall Maiden." Jaune said scratching his head, "There is no need for Pyrrha to become the new Maiden."

Ozpin smiled, "That is if your semblance is still the same, I take it you've come back to a time before your Aura was awakened correct."

"Nothing has changed Ozpin, is still dėsɨrė to keep those close to me from dying, I won't let it happen again, it's just slightly different than before. After some training, I'm sure I'll be able to unlock my Semblance again," Jaune said with a stare that could bore a hole through steel.

Ozpin nodded his head, "Pardon me, it was wrong of me to ȧssume."

Jaune sighed and said, "After you died, you left us to deal with what was left of Salem and her Grimm army, a lot of people died in that War, tens of thousands of Hunters and Huntresses all perished in the first wave, millions more after, even citizens were getting in on the fighting."

Jaune gripped his fist, "We were lucky enough to be taken under Ironwood's forces and fought on the front lines for years, it wasn't until we trained in the Silver Eyed Warrior's Sacred Grounds that we managed to fight back. Two years, we trained for two years, so many died in that time."

Glynda and Ozpin could see the pain on Jaune's expression, "I take it the last fight was the worst."

Jaune started to cry, "Crow, Taiyang, my whole family, all of them died in the last battle, I did as well, but we managed to defeat Salem, and I saved my friends, and hurt her..."

Ozpin lifted up an eyebrow, "I was surprised to hear you and Ruby ended up as a couple. I suppose you don't want to skip through hunter training then do you?"

Jaune smiled, "No, I have to make my future wife fall for me after all, I can't exactly walk up to her and say, 'Hey you love me, you don't know it yet, but you love me!' can I?"

Glynda actually chuckled, "How old were you when you..."

"Died?" Jaune finished Glynda's thought.

"Yes," Glynda answered.

"24-25, Not that old, but not that young either," Jaune replied.

The two ȧduŀts sighed, "I'm sorry Jaune, to put so much on your shoulders when you all were so young." Ozpin shook his head.

"We didn't have a choice, we would have chosen to do so even if we were given one," Jaune said while he crossed his arms and thought back to the last thing Ozpin said before he died.

"I'm putting my hopes on the people, the next generation to end strife amongst the people and gain everlasting peace," Jaune said aloud.

Ozpin nodded his head, "That does sound like something I would say."

Jaune then went on to tell them about his final fight and what he experienced afterward, "I gained some kind of Blessing from the Wargod, can you see this?"

Jaune pulled up his inventory only to get weird stares, "What?" Jaune asked.

"Interesting, there are more gods?" Ozpin said as he looked at his stats, according to Ozpin's knowledge, there was only one person on Remnant that earned the title Wargod.

They could only see Jaune's name and his blurred out status, "What is it?" Glynda asked.

"I don't really know much about it, but..." Jaune continued to explain what he could do so far.

Ozpin's eyes lit up, "A unique blessing like the Silver Eyes, Video Game Functions, I imagine the ability took a shape based off of something you're comfortable with. I look forward to hearing more about what you learn of this mutation."

Jaune smiled and said, "Well, I think I should be getting back to the others now."

As he started to walk away he turned his head back and said, "I've always wanted to know, my transcripts, did you know I faked them?"

Ozpin smiled and said, "Goodbye Mr. Arc, I will see you in the Auditorium."

Jaune laughed, "Yeah, you knew." he then entered the elevator and waved goodbye as the door closed.

Ozpin sat there for a few minutes to take in the information, he turned to Glynda and said, "Well, he was right about my life being crazy."

Glynda smiled, "Who would have thought? We really managed to end this fight in this generation."

"Yes, it sounds odd, I wonder if I'll pass on the moment she's defeated, or maybe this is my last life." Ozpin walked over to the window, the cogs rolling pass his face, he took a deep breath and said, "I will miss this world quite a bit, but I will never forget it."

Glynda grabbed her arm and had a sorrowful expression as she looked downward.

"Cheer up my dear Glynda, if this is to be my last life, then let it be full of good things," Ozpin turned around with a smile on his face that hadn't been seen in years, a smile full of hope.

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