RWBY: Survival

Chapter 23 - 23: Home

After resting for a few minutes they then started their travel on foot to Atlas, Roman already left once Summer was healed while also fixing Violet, Sapphire did not speak the entire time as he was embarrassed to speak to his mother. He never cried ever since he reincarnated so he kept silent, his mother smiled at Sapphire and hugged him, "At least I know now that you cry when I get hurt" Sapphire's face reddens as he turned his head away from his mother's face.

"Alright let's hurry it's almost nightfall and I saw a village just 2 miles away from here" Sapphire nodded as they continued walking, on the way Summer asked a question, "Oh yeah, why did both you and Roman arrive in my location much later?" Sapphire sighed as his eyebrow twitched, "We had to fight waves of Grimm towards your location, and when Roman said that your life signature lessened I decided to take a risk and fuse two of my copies and sent them to your location, After that Roman had this ingenious idea to fuse 7 dust crystals, turns out that Roman almost caused the end of the world by making a small rift in space, fortunately, we managed to stop it from expanding and contained it in an alloy container that he brought with him" He sighs once more as Summer blinks her eyes rapidly, once she processed what she heard she twisted his ear and yelled at him for doing something so dangerous. It took about an hour for her to calm down and continue walking towards the village. Once they arrived they asked where the nearest inn was.

After being directed to the nearest inn Sapphire and Summer plopped down on the bed as they slowly dozed off, the next day they continued their travel to Atlas then go back home to Patch. Summer already contacted Ozpin and told him that they will be going home, Sapphire was ecstatic. After years of away from home, he already missed it so much. Ending the call Summer picked Sapphire up and carried him over her shoulder, using her semblance she bursts forth with incredible speeds towards the north which was where Atlas was.

After half a day of traveling with the occasional stops to pee they finally arrived at Atlas, Sapphire jumps off his mother and looked around. Atlas had this futuristic vibe to it, from the streets to the structural design of the buildings.

"We shall rest in a nearby inn tonight and tomorrow we will go back to Patch" Sapphire nodded and went to take a nap while Summer texted their family about their situation.

As she was texting her scroll rang as the name Ozpin appeared, swiping the screen to the right she answered the call, "Hello Ozpin, what do you need?" She asked, from the scroll Ozpin's voice could be heard, "I have received news that your airship had crashed and wanted to know if you were still alive, but, because of you picking up my call I already know" His calm voice was heard from the other end of the call but she could tell he was worried for her. Even though she felt warm from the care she clicked her tongue and answered.

"Yeah yeah, just prepare a bullhead for us to ride" Summer was really irritated right now and she would like to sleep in a fluffy bed, she then breaths but calming herself, "Understood, I also would like to know if there were any other survivors apart from you and your son from the crash. It will highly be appreciated," Her mood dimmed as she reported to Ozpin that there were no other survivors other than her and Sapphire, She felt that she was the cause of the others' died for not being fast enough to save them.

Receiving the report Ozpin sighed regretfully and told her that the bullhead will be in their location soon. She then laid beside Sapphire and slept, the next day they packed their things and went to the landing site for the bullheads, Sapphire was happy that his training was over and they were finally going home, He texted his sisters about them coming home and told them to wait for them.

Soon after bullhead arrived with Glynda on board, his eyes lit up as he speedily ran to Glynda. Upon seeing Sapphire run towards her, Glynda's stern face softens as she opened her arms wide letting Sapphire hug her, "Auntie Glynda, I missed you!" Glynda smiled and ċȧrėssed his head, "It's so good to see you, Sapphire, come now, we need to leave."

Sapphire nodded and placed their luggage inside, He sat down beside Glynda as he started telling her about all the things he and his mother had done for the years since they haven't seen each other. Glynda listened to Sapphire intently, a warm smile plastered on her face for the world to see as she pets Sapphire's head.

He gave it no mind and continued talking, Summer watched this on the other side with bandages covering almost all her visible body parts, She had finally used the medical equipment that they packed and used it to cover up her painful injuries.

Getting a little sleepy she leaned her body backward as she slept for the entirety of the trip back to Patch. In Patch, Taiyang was running around the house cleaning the floors, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and making the food. He had done this ever since Summer left to train Sapphire around Remnant, well some of the Remnant.

He was relieved that his wife and son were coming home and have some of the burdens of the house lessen, Summer had told him that they have encountered a mishap along the way but became relieved that nothing too serious happened.

"Dad! are they here yet?" His youngest said, went they received the news of their brother and mother coming home today they became very excited and was jumping around everywhere, "Not yet Ruby but they are close" He ruffled her hair as she scowled and fixed her hair, she really didn't like her hair getting messed up especially when she greets guests or loved ones, "Anyway they should be here any moment now" Soon after he said so the door flung open to reveal Summer having a bright smile on her face with Sapphire behind her holding the bags, "We're home!"

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