RWBY: Survival

Chapter 29 - 26: Beacon (1)

Somewhere in Vale late in the night, sparks could be seen flashing from time to time in a building. From the outside you could hear sounds of a welding tool and mechanical objects. Roman Torchwick, Vale's Most illusive Bounty Hunter, leaned back on the chair and looked at his work with satisfaction.

"Okay Violet, I think your fixed. Can you scan yourself to be sure?" Violet nodded and proceeded to scan himself, "No damage have been found, however, I seem to have noticed features that were not part of my model. Creator what are these?" Roman took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, "I think it's around this time when canon starts."

He took puffed out a cloud of smoke and rested his head on his arm, "Since Sapphire and Ruby are going to be joining Beacon I thought that I needed to make sure they come back to their home alive and well."

Violet could understand that, he thought as he reviews the modifications his Creator did on him, "That and I wanted to level up my Crafting skills, you were made by my system and I wanted to know how you ticked since the day I bought you." Violet can understa- hey wait a minute, Violet froze and looked at Roman with fear.

Roman snorted, "Don't look at me like that besides I already figured out how you tick when I was fixing you up." Roman stood up and went to the door, "Anyways you're free to go, I know that you saw the teleportation module. Send my regards to the brats will you?" Violet nodded and teleported away from the place to the Rose-Xiao Long residents.

Roman opened the door as his he froze, he then sighs and run his fingers on his hair, "Neo what did I say about making a mess?" Neo looked at Roman, on her feet was bodies of rich clothed people. Neo slumped and signed to Roman, "Don't make them"

"Yes that's right, well it's too late to regret about that now. Did you get the thing?" Neo nodded and presented a hard drive to Roman, "Good then that's another mission complete, let's go home. I really want to take a long and relaxing bath."


Ruby fell into her bed with her face planted on her pillow, a muffled groan came out of her mouth, "Thank Oum it's over," Sapphire followed behind and closed the door, "Hey look on the bright side, you're going to Beacon with your siblings." Ruby smiled at that and looked at her brother, "Yes, that does sound nice."

She pats the open space in her bed and Sapphire took a seat on it, "So how was the mission with Uncle Qrow?" Sapphire shrugged, "Ehh~ It wasn't hard at all, just destroying a Grimm surge or two. What about you? How was Signal?"

"Nothing much, just ȧssignment and projects that never seem to end, it's a good thing that I won't be in Signal anymore but the Shining Academy of Beacon," Ruby's eyes sparkled, she thinks that since it's a Huntsman academy she would be able to escape it.

"Sorry to burst your bubble sis, but you still have to do those in Beacon," Ruby looked like she had eaten a lemon, Sapphire laughed then yelped as Ruby but his hand with an aura enhanced bite. They exchanged blows until their dad came to their room to make them sleep.

The next day, Ruby, Yang, and Sapphire arrived at the bullhead landing site and went to the bullhead that leads to Beacon. As soon as Ruby stepped on the bullhead, she practically vibrated in place as excitement filled her being. Yang shook her head on the sidelines, she leaned on her little brother and placed her arm on his head.

"We might have to embarrass Ruby a little, anymore of this and she will attack the nearest person with questions," Sapphire nodded at Yang's plan and let her do it, Yang pulled Ruby and me into a hug and squealed, "Oh I can't believe that I'm going to Beacon with my baby brother and sister! This is going to be awesome" Yang said with her loud voice attracting others attention.

Ruby looked mortified while Sapphire turned his eyes away to prevent himself from bursting into laughter, "Yang what are you doing!" Ruby whisper yelled at Yang, she saw that everyone was looking at them and became very embarrassed.

Oh my Oum, their first impression of her and her brother has been ruined by her sister. If she could strangle Yang she would, "What? I can't get excited by my siblings achievement? You guys skipped 2 years, especially you Ruby, you caught the Headmaster's attention, You should be proud." Sapphire tapped Yang's shoulder making her let them go.

Ruby squirmed and ducked behind Sapphire's back, "I am proud but you don't have to announce it to everyone, it's embarrassing!" She covered her head with her cloak as she looked around, it was good that people's attention span was short as they quickly lost interest when they couldn't hear what Yang was saying.

"Okay that's enough Yang, mission accomplished!" Sapphire and Yang exchanged high fives as Ruby looked at them with a betrayed look.. They burst into laughter on the way to Beacon.

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