RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 17 - The Tale of Two Girls

Please note that this chapter is different compared to normal chapters.


<POV - Argo>

Hi, my name is Argo. My sister and I are wolf faunus. When we were small, a group of human extremists razed our village and kidnapped all the children.

They tried to force us to fight and kill each other yet we didn't. Because we were raised in a small community, we all saw each other as brothers and sisters. However, the humans didn't like this. They started starving us. And just like that, we started to fall ill and die.

The boy who liked to build toys, the girl who always sang, the big sister who cared for all of us, the youngest child at the village, everyone I knew and cared for slowly and painfully died in front of me. And all I could do was watch.

Yet, this apparently wasn't enough suffering for us. The ones left standing were made to fight in an underground grimm fighting ring. On the first day, everyone but my sister and I died in that arena.

Days turned to weeks, we were given the b.a.r.e minimal to survive, not even allowing us to wipe the blood from our bodies. Suddenly, the humans made me fight 50 grimm, one after the other. I knew that I couldn't fight that many yet before I could say anything, the man who brought us hear suddenly spoke up.

"If you don't fight the grimm, we'll use your sister to test our experimental drugs."

Three days. They locked me in the ring and let grimm out at there leisure. Whenever I tried to sleep or eat, they'd release a beowolf or two. When I finally killed all 50, I found out that they've been using my sister to test drugs, causing her to lose her sense of pain. Luckily, she preserved during the testing.

That night, as Luna easily fell into a heavy sleep, I woke up to the noise of someone sneaking in. 'It's probably a mouse', I thought. However, I froze in rage I finally saw what was making the noise. A huge fat man with a pig face was slowly walking to where my sister slept, completely n.a.k.e.d.

Before I realised it, I was impaling the man with huge red claws. Suddenly, he burst into flames for a couple seconds before falling off my claws. Semblance. I had a semblance. Using it, I killed everyone there before escaping with my sister onto one of the outgoing airsh.i.p.s.

Once it landed, we both ran directly in to the forest. After a couple hours, we came across a small house in the ruins of a destroyed village. We stayed their for a couple days, thinking 'We could just live here'.

Then 'it' happened. One day, after returning from a hunt, I found a human sleeping in the house we were living in.

Our first meeting… wasn't the best. I threatened to kill him yet all he wanted to do was help my sister. Desperate, I pleaded for his help before reminding him that if he tries anything, I'll kill him.

Yet the human… Magna surprised me. He used his aura, the strength of his soul, to heal my sister. He didn't spare a single bit as he instantly fell unconscious after he finished. And his aura… it was a pure light blue.

In our clan, we had a tradition for picking partners. A single bite when young to represent kinship and another bite when your 15 to represent m-marriage. Because we were a small village in the forest, we would sometimes get attacked by grimm so people got married early to continue on their family line.

It was embarrassing when Magna asked what the deal with the bite was but I luckily managed to get away with only explaining about the kinship part.

Then, we were attacked by a Nevermore. I was actually unconscious from bleeding to much yet I could still remember the feeling emanating off of Magna. His anger towards the Nevermore was the last thing I felt before falling unconscious.

Fast forward a week and I finally awoke. And to my surprise, Luna's been protecting both Magna and I in a castle of ice that she created with her semblance. Then a week later and Magna woke up. When Magna learned that his mother gave birth, he became a bundle of nerves, wishing he could be by his mother's side.

And Luna decided to grant his wish. It took us another week but we managed to make it to the village where Magna's parents were. However, when the person who seemed to be Magna's father told Magna that his mother was blind, he exploded. His usual light blue aura was replaced by a crimson red aura that was so thick that it took on the silhouette of a giant nine tailed fox and roared.

Luckily we managed to calm him down or else who knows what could have happened. After we finally met Magna's beauty of a mother, Emily, Magna wanted to try something on his mother. And then, to everyone but Magna's surprise, his mother's eyes healed before our very eyes.

A month pasted by and we were living happily with Magna and his family. My sister and I actually started opening up to Magna's parents as they carried the same kindness Magna had. I guess that's where he gets it from, hehehe.

Today was the day that every kid in the village agreed to participate in a snowball fight. It was over in a couple hours as Luna and I completely eliminated all the other kids when Magna left.

Bored and with nothing else better to do, I just started walking back home with Luna following behind me. As we left, the kids from our neighborhood all quietly muttered, "Empresses…"

When we finally got back, I instantly walked to the babies room. Apparently, Luna and Emily had the same idea as me as the two followed me.

But that's when it started. Magna brought back an unconscious girl and began explaining what happened to her. When she woke up, she started beating on him while crying and screaming yet he took it all as he softly hugged her until she calmed down.

Magna suddenly walks off saying he's gonna go kill those guys. Everyone knew he wasn't joking as his anger was enough to materialise his aura as it twisted around him. Luckily, Joshua managed calm him down before forcefully taking him hunting.

As time pasted, the sun slowly started to set and we knew that they'd be home soon as you never want to stay out too late because of grimm. Suddenly, the lights turned off. Before Emily could even ask if everyone was alright, the window in the lounge was smashed in while the yells of angry men accompanied the breaking glass.

All of us ignored the yells as we ran to the kitchen to protect the baby. Emily had just got her in the baby chair and ready for dinner yet the loud noise caused her to start crying.

Not this time. I, no, we have power now. This time, my sister and I can protect our family.

As if to undermine my resolve, a small rock came hurdling through a broken window. It was about the hit the baby so Luna and I jumped in front of her. Suddenly, a feminine frame appeared in front of us, accompanied by a pained scream.

Emily fell to the floor, the side of her head bleeding.


How could…

Just before any tears could fall, a vengeful voice roared, "I'M GONNA F.U.C.K.I.N.G KILL YOU ALL!!!"

It's that feeling again. I can feel Magna's intense hatred yet this feeling was magnitudes more dense than before. Quickly, I told Luna to protect the baby while I dashed outside to help.

Yet what awaited me wasn't Magna, well, it wasn't a Magna that I know. What stood before me was a humanoid fox that seems to be constructed entirely from aura. However, this aura was the colour of blood and seemed to ooze hatred.

A huge amount of violently rotating aura suddenly appeared in both his hands and atop his tail. Just as he was about to attack the idiots in front of him, a barrage of gun shots came from a tree nearby, destroying the two orbs in his hands. However, Magna slowly squinted his eyes as he extended his tail and slammed the orb into the tree, causing a huge explosion.

As the dust cleared, it showed a man wearing grey combat gear while wielding a huge sword. With a hint of laziness, the man said, "Hey kid, watch where you swing that thing. Might poke someone's eye out."

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