RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 34 - Attack on Signal Part 2

In the ruins of the principals office, Magna sat near Amber with his eyes closed. He was slowly replenishing his aura while watching over Amber.

Her condition was stable, at least for now, but Magna's anger continued to grow. The reason he had his eyes closed was because of the intense glow coming from them.

He never knew that his emotions could affect his powers so when he noticed the bright glow that might give away their position, he closed his eyes as he attempted to control them.

By the time he regained at least half of his aura reserves, Magna opened his eyes, revealing emerald green eyes even though he was still in his normal form.

Silently, he instantly transformed into ghost mode and flew towards the highest point, the giant clock tower. From their he scanned his surroundings for a couple minutes.

'14… 17… 24 people in total and 34 beowolves… not the easiest targets in the world but I'll at least slaughter half of them or else I don't know where to direct this anger.'

After he finished locating all the targets, Magna turned into a blur as he sped towards the closest pair.

Magna didn't do anything showy. All he did was fall into them, turn intangible and drag them into the ground, killing them when he let go as they fused with the ground.

He wasn't going to pull any punches. These pricks kidnapped his adopted sister, blew up his teacher and brought grimm this close to the city. To say he was pissed was a massive understatement.

The only problem was aura consumption. Not only is he in ghost mode but he's also using his invisibility, intangibility and flight at the same time. The aura used to support all four abilities wasn't a small amount.

He managed to get rid of at least half the people before his aura reserves fell below 10%.

Magna wanted to rest to regain more aura but started panicking as he heard a loud voice yell, "Someone's here! I can't contact squads 2, 3 and 6!"

Feeling that his aura serves were just above 10%, he grit his teeth as he continued to hide. It would just be suicide to try and take on 12 people head-on. What's worse is that there are still grim he needs to take care of.

Taking a deep breath, Magna steeled himself as he became invisible. Without flight or intangibility, Magna slowly sneaked around the school grounds.

After a couple minutes, he came across a lone straggler. He frowned when he saw that the man was taller and bulkier than he was but just shook the thought out of his head as he quietly closed in.

Stopping right before the man, Magna quickly drew one of his daggers before leaping onto the man's back. He wrapped his legs around the man's torso then using his free hand, he covered his mouth so he couldn't yell as he swiftly slit the man's throat.

His movements were quick and fluid, leaving no room for the man to react as he could only clutch his bleeding neck with wide eyes as he died.

Magna could feel the urge to throw up as this was the first time he had seen such a bloody kill. He could feel the still warm blood on his hands and started to shake.

It took a couple minutes for him to calm down as he kept repeatedly telling himself that it was either them or him. He stealthy walked around and whenever he saw someone spilt from their group, he'd wait for them to leave the sight of others before killing the man and hiding his body.

After 10 minutes, Magna couldn't hold on any longer as he flew up to the clock tower and collapsed. His face was pale as his hands shakily wrapped around himself.

Killing 3 more men after the first was his limit, both aura wise and mentality wise. The feeling of taking lives with his own hands was too great a burden for him to handle.

On earth, he was too weak and ill to leave the hospital so he was quite naive and innocent while the him that grew up in this world was only an 8 year old boy from a village. It was easier for him to try and kill people when he had the nine tails as Kurama absorbed the guilty.

However, now that he was only his normal mode, Magna couldn't help but start to break down. Right when he started to cry, another voice bellowed across the school as it said, "Men! Prepare to leave! We've lost too many numbers and we can't find the cause! Prepare the second load and get ready to move! Grimm! Escort the second group to the rendezvous point for pick up!"

Suddenly, Magna paled as he thought, 'Second group!?!' He leapt to his feet and scanned the school grounds before becoming stark white.


When he looked towards the area where Emerald and the other students stood, the place was empty as new students slowly filled the area.

The intense glow that Magna managed to hold back burst outwards in a fiery rage. He didn't even care about falling unconscious as he roared and zoomed towards the man that just yelled, abducting him right infront of everyone else.

Magna kept flying as he smashed the man's body through numerous walls and trees before coming to a stop. He infused the man's hands into a boulder before turning back to normal as he roared, "WHERE THE F.U.C.K DID YOU TAKE MY SISTER!?!"

Even though the man was bloody and bruised, he smiled as a trail of blood leaked from his mouth, "S-so we were being done in by a kid? M-Man… what are they feeding you kids these days? Oh well, at least we can be sure that at least a handful of the kids will be useful to the Queen."

Infusing his legs into the boulder, Magna's piercing green eyes glared at him as he roared, "I'LL ONLY ASK ONE MORE TIME! WHERE.IS.MY.SISTER!!!"

The man's face morphed into utter madness as he burst into a vile bout of laughter and said, "She's probably a servant for the Queen by now if she's as good as you. If not… heh, at least she'll be able to fill the stomach of her majesties pets."

Magna roared in fury as he clutched his head. At this time, his semblance decided to awaken one of his abilities. However, he didn't even wait for the memory to settle as he instinctively turned intangible and dove into the man's body.

What Magna just learn was possession or overshadowing. But instead of trying to take him over, Magna was trying to wreak as much chaos inside his body as possible.

With his skin now dyed red due to his blood, the man's expression finally changed as he begged for his life. But his words fell on deaf ears as Magna continued to wreak havoc inside him until he died.

As Magna slowly left his dead body, Magna abruptly through up his lunch at the sight. His skin was completely gone, leaving bits of muscles and bone exposed. His eyes were completely red and slightly popped out from there socket.

Magna, now with a completely empty stomach, felt the world around him spin as he fell back and landed on something soft and fragrant. He could hear his name being called over and over but before he could reply, he blacked out.

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