RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 36 - A Knight's Greeting

After being released from his super affectionate teacher, Magna slowly made his way to the lounge. When he opened the door, everything went silent as everyone just stared at him.

Magna felt awkward, scratching the side of his arm as he found himself unable to look anyone in the eyes.

"Look, I'm-" Before he could finish speaking, he was tackled over by four child shaped missiles. The four girls sobbed on his c.h.e.s.t as they squeezed him to death.

He couldn't be mad at them as he hugged them back just as hard, earning a few giggles from the girls. Suddenly, he heard a couple muffled coughs coming from the kitchen.

He rolled his eyes as he saw Taiyang and Qrow walk in with a large plates of cookies and pancakes.

Magna separated himself from the girls as he gave Qrow and Taiyang an embarrassed look as he quietly muttered, "…Thanks for everything yesterday."

Taiyang found himself unable to stay mad at Magna as he sighed before wearing his signature sunny smile, "Don't worry about it, Magna. You and your family are practically family at this point and… *sigh* we'll probably be an actual family later down the road."

Magna was confused by his statement while a certain blonde behind him burst into a deep blush.

Before he could ask, Taiyang smiled as he said, "Ok boys and girls, we have cookies and pancakes for breakfast. Eat up!"

Suddenly, a loud roared echoed from the rooms as Magna heard his mother scream, "TAIYANG!!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO INTO THE KITCHEN!!!"

Taiyang's smiled turned pale almost immediately as he dashed out of the house. Qrow laughed at Taiyang and he went to sit down. Yet, the moment he sat down, he paled as Emily's voice roared, "AND QROW!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!?! YOU WERE THERE LAST NIGHT, WEREN'T YOU!?!"

Qrow didn't even hesitate as he leapt off the chair and sprinted after the fleeing Taiyang.


An hour after the beating, Magna was sitting in Amber's l.a.p, stunned. To the side, both Qrow and Taiyang were lying on the ground from the harsh beating they recieved from his mother, who was currently feeding him a proper breakfast. Joshua had left as Qrow said he had some business to take care of while the little girl squad were watching Magna as they ate with wide smiles on their faces.

When everyone first saw Amber's healed arm when she entered the room, they all barraged her with hundreds of questions.

Everyone knew that Magna was leaving today to go hang out with Winter and Weiss, so they knew that he couldn't heal Amber unless he wants to collapse when he's with them.

Once everyone finished eating, they heard a knocking come from the door. With his wounds almost healed, Taiyang opened the door and smiled, "Magna! You have guests!"

Amber reluctantly put him down as he ran to the door and broke into a huge smile.

"Winter! Weiss! It's so good to see you guys again!" Said Magna as he jumped at the pair of sisters, knocking them to the ground in a big hug.

Weiss was bright red as she started stuttering while Winter had a light blush on her face as she harshly said, "You boob! You can't just run up to someone and knock them onto the ground!"

She gave Magna a heavy smack to the head, causing him to wince as he got off them. There was now a big bump on his head but he didn't seemed to care as he picked them off the ground and happily said, "It's good to see you guys."

Winter dusted herself and Weiss off before turning towards Magna with a light smile on her face, "Yes, it's very… nice to see you again Magna. Weiss, aren't you going to greet Magna?"

Weiss blushed as she courtesied and stuttered, "I-its a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see you again, Magna."

Magna was a little confused about why she was being so formal but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he decided to play a little joke on her.

He got down on one knee and gently took her hand. Before she could pull her hand back, he kissed the back of her hand as he softly said, "The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is all mine, my queen."

The world suddenly fell silently. Magna slowly got up as he started to think that maybe he took his joke a little too far. Before he could apologise, Weiss suddenly burst into a deep blush as she hid behind Winter.

On Winter's face was a similar blush to her sisters as she yanked Magna by the ear and yelled, "That's enough! We've got to leave now or else we'll be late! Come along!"

Magna had tears in his eyes as she continued to yank his ear all the way until they got to a small airship in the middle of a clearing.

Once inside the airship, Winter finally let go of Magna's now bright red ear. He rubbed it with tears in his eyes as he unhappily asked, "What was that for Winter?"

Winter stormed off as she yelled, "For being a boob!!!"

Thinking that maybe his joke was a little too much, he hastily ran around the ship until he came across Weiss. She was currently sitting on a huge couch, hugging a pillow as she stared into space with a flushed and dreamy look on her face.

"Weiss, can I come in?"

She broke from her daze as she stared at Magna for a couple seconds before quietly saying, "Come in."

Magna sat down next to her and sighed, "Weiss, I'm sorry for before. I was just playing a little joke on you because you were acting so formal. I just wanted to try and loosen you up, not embarass you."

Both of them were silently for a couple seconds before the soft sound of muffled giggling could be heard. The muffled giggling became louder and louder until Weiss finally couldn't hold it in anymore as she collapsed on the couch, laughing so hard that tears were gathering in her eyes.

After a couple minutes, she finally calmed down as she gave Magna a heavy hug and said, "I'm so glad to see you again. It's been… a rough month for Winter and I, and I guess I just needed a good laugh. Thank you."

Magna returned her hug with one just as strong as he smiled, "Anytime, Weiss, anytime."

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