RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 39 - The Gala Part 1

Slowly opening his eyes, Magna yawned as he slowly recalled what happened yesterday. After playing and eating with the girls, they were waiting for Willow's husband, Jacques, to show up.

However, even after 2 hours, they didn't hear anything from him. What was weird though was how Willow reacted. She didn't seem to care, as if she already knew he wasn't going to show up.

When it was getting late, Magna managed to meet a little boy that looked a little bit younger than Ruby. Whitley Schnee, Weiss and Winter's younger brother, seemed to be a relatively innocent boy. He held the Schnee family name with pride but he also acted as if he didn't really care.

Whitley actually really liked to play with Magna. Probably because of his years of taking care of children at the hospital, Magna instinctively showed Whitley a huge amount of care.

By the end of the night, Whitley was calling Magna 'Big Brother' as he dragged Magna to his room to sleep with him. However, before the pair could even make it halfway to the room, Willow scooped the pair up off the ground as she booped both of their noses and happily said, "Tonight, all my bundles of joy will be sleeping with me~."

Of course, Magna tried to resist as he'd have to share a bed with Winter and Weiss and he didn't want to make things awkward for them. However, to his surprise, the Schneesters unhesitatingly agreed.

He quietly left the bed as he slowly put on his clothes. As soon as he left towards the door, Magna flinched as someone slowly lifted him off the ground.

'Why is it so easy for people to lift me off he ground!?!'

"Good morning my little sweetheart~" Said Willow as she hugged him into her bulging c.h.e.s.t.

"…Morning miss Schnee."

A cute pout appeared on Willow's face as she hugged him tighter and said, "Bzzt! Wrong. I think I remember telling you to call me something else…"

The hugged didn't hurt him or anything, it just majorly embarrassed him. A blush slowly appeared on his cheeks as he quietly said, "Morning Willow."

Her pout instantly disappeared as she placed him on the ground and said, "That's the one. Morning sweetheart."

Willow slowly woke the others before they headed towards the dining room. Klein happily walked them in before zooming off to bring them breakfast. Whitley showed how attached to Magna he was as he sat right next to Magna and they started playing the hand games Magna taught him yesterday.

After a couple games, Magna was about to start another round when he felt a someone twist the side of his waist, hard. His face scrunched up in pain as he turned around and saw an angry Weiss.

"I WANNA PLAY TOO!!!" Screamed Weiss as she finally lost her formal way of talking. Her outburst shocked everyone before they smiled happily.

The only one unhappy was Whitley as he hugged Magna's arm and yelled, "No! Big brother is gonna play with me! Go play with big sister!"

"But I don't wanna play with Winter! I wanna play with Magna! I wanna, I wanna, I WANNA!"

Magna could tell that things were going south quickly. He brought both of them into a hug as he softly said, "Calm down you two. Do you remember what I told you last night, right? Chopsticks can be played with multiple people. Winter, Willow, would you two like to play as well?"

Seeing how well Magna managed to calm the situation down caused both Winter and Willow's image of him to get better. He calmed down the two angry children in a calm manner while also diffusing the reason for the fight.

The family plus Magna played the game and had a very fun time while they waited for Klein. Magna swore he could see Weiss and Whitley only targeting each other but shook his head, thinking he was delusional.

After a couple more games, Klein finally returned with breakfast. Contrary to what Magna thought, the breakfast was relatively simple, minus the hella expensive ingredients they used.

As they ate their expensive plate of bacon and eggs with toast, Winter cleaned her face with a napkin before saying, "Ok Magna, today's going to be a busy day for you. After breakfast, I've scheduled a tuxedo fitting for you. Next is a quick dance class for ballroom dancing. Then, we need to-"

Before she could finish, Willow placed a finger to her lips as she said, "Winter, don't force him to take those classes. The gala is this afternoon so you'll just be taking up time that could be used to prepare."

Winter seemed a bit downcast as she softly said, "I just wanted my date to be perfect."

When he heard her, Magna violently choked on his food. Whitley panic and handed him his orange juice, getting a thankful smile from Magna as he quickly chugged the drink.

"D-Date!?!" Panted Magna as he tried to recover.

Willow gave him a weird look as she said, "Yes, date. She invited you as her date, did she not?"

Winter blushed but calmly said, "I did… 'intend' on having Magna be my date for the gala but… I may have… forgotten, to inform him of my intentions."

Before Magna could even speak, Weiss slammed her hands down on the table as she yelled, "No fair! I invited Magna to the gala as well. He's my date!"

Willow sighed and said, "Weiss, you know that you can't invite people to the gala, your too young. Plus, tonight's your debut, is it not?"

Tears gathered in her eyes but she didn't cry as she slumped in her chair and muttered, "I know…"

Tilting his head, Magna asked, "Debut? Debut for what?"

"Her debut into high society. Tonight, she's preforming at the gala. Most of the noble children around her age are preforming tonight." Said Willow as she took a long sip of her strawberry milk, leaving a milk mustache on her face, causing everyone to snicker.

A smile appeared on Willow's face as she wiped the mustache off her face and continued, "The gala is really just an excuse the nobles of Atlas use to show off their children. The charity donations is nothing more than a way for the nobles to appear 'generous' and 'kind' to the public."

Suddenly, her face became serious as she said, "That being said, Magna. You have to prepare yourself for tonight. Stay close to Winter or Weiss because the noble children there will harass you if they see you."

"Why would they-" Magna tried to ask before being cut off by Willow.

"Because they don't know you. Most noble kids know each other. Once they see you and figure out your not someone from our 'circle', they'll start harassing you because they think they're better than you."

Willow fell into thought for a couple seconds before saying, "Also, don't tell anyone your last name. That'll just complicate things."

Magna was stunned, "What's wrong with my last name?"

She seemed to hesitate over something for a bit before slowly saying, "Your mother didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

Taking a deep breath, Willow calmly said, "Your mother is the daughter of the Opus family, the leading weapons and machinery developers of Atlas."

Magna froze. He stayed in place for a couple seconds before slowly taking a deep breath.

"WHAT!?!" He screamed.

"She ran away from home and joined the Atlas military under a different name. When they finally learned where she was, it was too late as she was reported to be 'KIA'."

Magna started ruffling his hair as he asked, "Do you know why she left?"

Willow nodded as she said, "She left because they didn't want her being a fighter. Like the Schnee family, the Opus family have an inherited Semblance they call 'Power Multiplier'. Like the name suggests, it allows them to double, triple, even quadruple their strength, speed, reflexes and even their aura. Your mother, however, was born with a mutation. She didn't multiply her power, she could stack it. Every second that passes allows her to increase her power."

"However, the gods made everything fair. She was also born too early. Once her body increased to a certain point, it stopped. Last time I saw her, she was just slower than Summer and a bit stronger than Tai."

Willow released a long sigh before continuing, "Her family were overprotective of her, to the point where they didn't even care about the other nobles as she and her family stayed home during her debut and had a 'family day' instead."

Magna sat in confusion. From the way she was talking about his mother's family, they didn't seem like nobles at all, they just sounded like a normal family."

Willow could see what he was thinking on his face as she smiled and said, "I also forgot to mention the fact that the Opus family used to be a common family before your grandfather started his company."

He face showed his surprise before turning back into confusion as he asked, "Then, why are you telling me to not expose my family name?"

She sighed for a second before saying, "Because they'll either imprison you for lying about your name or they'll harass you about the whereabouts of your mother."

Magna couldn't help but imagine that as he felt his head ache. He rubbed the sides of his head. Klein suddenly appeared besides him as he held out his hand and said, "Ibuprofen Magna?"

"Thank you Klein."

"Anytime, Magna."

The rest of breakfast was ate in silence. Magna completely forgot about being Winter's date as his mind was trying to piece together how he felt about this information. Winter, Willow and Weiss were whispering about something to each other while Whitley was eating his breakfast, ignoring everything.

After that, Willow gave Magna a couple short lessons on dancing so he doesn't step on Winter's feet during the dance.

By the time Magna finally seemed good enough to fake having experience with dancing, the time for the gala was almost here. Klein quickly brought the limo around as the gala was being held on the Atlas school grounds.

The drive was relatively long and once they arrived, Magna was dazed by the sights. Rows of limousine and sports cars were parked outside the school as hundreds of men and woman wearing jewelry walked about. Most of the men were either really fat or really old while most of the woman were either really pretty with smokin bods or wore so much make up that Magna swore he could see small clouds of dust fall of them as they walked.

Finally seeing the real thing up close, Magna started hyperventilating as the emotions around him began to flood into him

Greed. L.u.s.t. Envy. Gluttony. Sloth. Wrath. Pride. So many different emotions swirled in the air that Kurama's charkra began to boil.

Just as his panic started to worsen, a grouchy voice roared in his head, [Hey! Brat! Pull it together!]

Slowly, Magna felt a warm sensation travel through his body as the bubbling inside him stopped.

[That was close. A second more and my charkra would've taken you over.]

Stunned by the voice inside his head, Magna softly whispered, "…Kurama? Is that you?"

[Yes you idiot! It's me! Don't talk to me using your mouth, damn it! Use your thought!]

It took Magna a second to recover from Kurama's roaring voice as he slowly asked, 'Kurama, what's going on? Why was I losing control? And how can I talk to you?'

[One question at a damn time, you brat! First things first, I've always been able to talk to you. The only time I wasn't was when I experience this sort of 'time gap'. It was like a month passed by in the blink of an eye.]

[Second, this is really bad. Your being exposed to all the negative emotions of those around you. Hmph! I see that human greed is still as disgusting as always! I'm not kidding when I say this, brat, but you have to be careful. I'm filtering as much as I can but you'll still experience the effects. Just… try and stay calm tonight if you don't want to destroy half of this floating prison.]

Magna nodded as he took a deep breath. He could see the worried looks from the Schnee family but he gave them a wide smile as he said, "I'm fine guys. Just a little nervous."

[Heh, at least your a better liar than Naruto. The kid couldn't lie to save his life.]

'Quiet you overgrown furball!'

[What did you just call me!?! Why don't you come in here and say that to my face!!!]

'Oh yeah!?! Why don't YOU come out here!!!'

The two of them went quiet for a second before they both burst into laughter. Magna gained a couple weird looks from Weiss and Winter but he shook it off as he said, "I just thought of a real funny joke. It cracked me up but I'm fine now."

Willow chuckled lightly and said, "Well, at least your calm now. Let's be off, my little bundles of cuddles. Let's secretly raid the food table!"

Suddenly, Klein's voice sounded from the front of the car, "Miss Schnee, it's not really a secret if you scream it out!"

A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she laughed, "Then I'll just raid the table head on!"

A long sighed could be heard from the front as Klein said, "Miss Schnee, might I remind you that you'll be representing the Schnee family at the gala? You can't be raiding the table for food. You know it's only there for show, no one really eats the food."

Willow rolled her eyes and sneered, "I know but so what? That food is prepared by a 5 star chef! I at least want to try it before they chuck it out without so much as a second thought."

Klein rolled his eyes as they turned red, "Willow, just behave. I'll have the chefs prepare all of your favourites for when you get home."

She was about to open when Klein cut her of as he said, "I'll also ask them to make your favourite dessert. You just have to behave for one night."

Willow quickly nodded her head with a smile of pure happiness as she giggled, "You better make good on your promises, Klein. Come along children! We have a gala to attend."

As Klein opened the door, a massive change happened to Willow in an instant. Her face became empty as her persona changed. Magna couldn't feel any hint of happiness from her as she slowly lead the way through the crowd.

The people around them seemed to split where ever she walked while Magna could hear the surprise in their voices as they wondered about how Willow was able to attend the gala.

Curiosity out weighed his rationality as he poked Weiss from behind and whispered, "What's up with everyone? They're looking at your mother like they've seen a ghost."

Weiss slowed down so they were walking side by side as she leaned in and whispered, "For many years, Mother has been too sick to attend any formal functions. Father usually plays the 'pity card' about his wife not attending the gala, earning quite a bit of money at her expense."

Weiss's voice was riddled with venom as she spoke. Magna couldn't help but feel that she somehow hated her family. No, not her family, just her father. Now that he had a minute to think about it, Winter and Willow also seemed to hate him. Whenever they spoke of him, their voices became lifeless and empty.

Hell, Willow didn't even seem to care when he didn't show up for dinner. He gently hugged her as he whispered, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"About what?" Whispered Weiss as she blushed.

"About your father." Taking a deep breath, Magna gently said, "I may not fully understand your situation but know that I'm here for you. If you need a shoulder to cry on like before, I'm here for you. You need someone to vent on? I'm your guy. You need someone to hug you and whisper how everything's gonna be alright? I'll get us some food and set up a movie so we can relax."

Tears gathered in Weiss's eyes as she fought back the urge to cry. She tightly held Magna's hand as she quietly whispered, "Thank you."

Magna was stunned. He smiled as he silently thought, 'That's the brightest smile I've seen her make.'

He turned towards Willow and Winter, who were not-so-stealthily listening to them, and said, "That goes for you two as well. You guys are my friends, I'll always be happy to help."

The happy atmosphere froze as everyone but Magna could feel tension in the air. The people around them even started moving even further away as something about the Schnee family made them fear for their lives.

Willow's lips twitched, Winter's face became cold while Weiss's cheeks puffed up in anger. Willow rubbed the sides of her head and sighed, 'Magna, honey. I love you like a son but do you have to be like this? You don't do what you just did and expect to only be friends.'

Winter's cold face stared at Magna while her thoughts were rather… depressing, 'Friends… hahaha… yeah, that's right… I haven't known him for too long and we've only hung out a couple times… I can't blame him if he only sees me as a friend… hahaha…'

Weiss, however, didn't keep her thoughts to herself. With rage burning in her eyes, she screamed, "YOU DOLT!!!"

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