RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 48 - Drama At The Xiao Long House

Now that the alpha beowolf was gone, Magna turned his attention towards the red wagon. Ruby was staring at him with stars in her eyes while Yang was surprisingly awake.

Yang was dumbfounded by what she just saw. She missed most of the fight but luckily managed to wake just in time to see Magna destroy the alpha with the last attack.

Seeing him slowly walk towards them, Yang quickly leapt out of the wagon to thank him when Magna viciously grabbed her cheeks and pulled.

"What were you thinking!?! Do you know how dangerous and stupid that was!?!"

Tears gathered in Yang's eyes as she said, "Sthop hit… it hurz…"

Seeing her tears, Magna felt a twinge of guilt as he slowly let go. Sighing, Magna wrapped her up in his arms as he whispered, "I'm sorry Yang. It's just that you almost lost your life. What's worse is the fact that you dragged Ruby out here with you. Now tell me, what made you decide to go on this little outing."

Yang rubbed her cheek and glared at Magna as she recounted her story. The day Magna left for Atlas, Yang somehow managed to overhear Qrow and Taiyang talking about the whereabouts of her mother, Raven.

After that, Yang's spent the last couple days, waiting for the chance to leave. Today just so happened to be the day where both Qrow and Taiyang went drinking with Magna's father, Joshua while Emily and Amber were taking care of his little sister.

She sneakily took Ruby and Zwei with her before leaving the house in search of Raven. Remembering her uncle saying that there had been sightings of her around the outskirts of town, Yang just walked forward in a random direction while hoping for the best.

Once she finished, Magna had to resist the urge to pull her cheeks again, something which she picked up on as she quickly shielded her face.

Magna sighed as he flicked Yang's head as he said, "Yang, what you did was very stupid. I know you want to find your mother but your actions could have got you and Ruby killed!"

Yang didn't reply as she stared at her feet. She started sobbing as she shakily said, "I'm sorry…"

Seeing her cry, Magna felt bad but didn't let up. She needed to be reprimanded for her actions or she might try again in the future. It would be fine if she was strong and already went through some form of training but she's only a child.

Bringing her into a tight hug, Magna softly rubbed her back, something which actually helped calm her down alot, as he said, "I'm sorry for yelling Yang but you need to stop and think before you do something. Your lucky that I should up when I did but imagine if I hadn't? You and Ruby might have been killed! Imagine what that would have done to your dad? Your uncle?"

Yang's shaking intensified as she burst into tears. Because she was much stronger than the average kid in this world, Yang's tight hug felt like a vice grip. Magna had to try his hardest not to scream as the pain from her hug was unbearable.

He even gave Ruby a look of pity for her inevitable future. Luckily, Yang let him go a couple minutes later as she now donned a light blush.

Quietly switching powers to heal, Magna wore a smile as he softly asked, "Feeling better?"

Receiving a quick nod, Magna replied in kind with a nod of his own as he said, "Good. In a couple minutes I'll take us back home."

Just as Magna finished speaking, he noticed that Ruby had gotten out of the wagon and slowly walked towards him.

Instead of slamming straight into his stomach or back, she stood infront of him with red cheeks as she held her arms in the air while giving him a pleading look.

While surprised, Magna softly lifted her into his arms as he said, "What's wrong Ruby? Usually, you'd just slam full force into me when you want my attention."

Ruby's mouth curved into a pout as she lightly beat his c.h.e.s.t and said, "I do not!"

Have seen enough anime in his first life, Magna couldn't help but smile as he imagined a 'poka poka' sound effect accompanying Ruby's tantrum. Sadly, there was no such sound effect as he lightly chuckled, "Okay, okay, I was wrong. What's wrong you little cookie monster?"

After a few more seconds, Ruby stopped hitting him as she rested against his c.h.e.s.t. Magna was a little confused but it didn't take long for him to realise that Ruby had fallen asleep.

Hearing her calmly breath against his c.h.e.s.t as she held onto him tightly, Magna smiled as he softly muttered, "Guess we're going back now…"

Changing back to Danny's powers, Magna wrapped his free arm around Yang's waist as he got her to hold Zwei. She was a little bummed that she had to leave the wagon but it was actually pretty beat up from the trip.

Taking one last look at the wagon, Magna decided to wrap the girls up in the blanket as it was quickly becoming cool as the sun had already set.


Luckily, they managed to make it back before it got too late. Sure, the sky had already turned to night but it had only just changed when he made it so they should be safe, right?




The roaring sound of the a.d.u.l.ts arguing echoed across the forest as Magna fell silently. With how they sounded now, it was almost guaranteed that Yang will be severely punished if they learned what she did.

She was actually scared of going inside as she desperately struggled to get out of Magna's arms. Staring her dead in the face, Magna shattered her d.e.s.i.r.e to leave as he lightly said, "You need to face the consequences of your actions and take responsibility. Just tell them the truth. Sure, they'll be angry but it's only because they truly care about you."

His little speech enabled her to calm herself down as she clutched Magna even tighter, almost strangling him, as she tearfully whispered, "Alright…"

Once the trio stepped through the door, the house become silently for a couple seconds before breaking into a noisy wreck. At first, everyone was relieved that Ruby and Yang were safe and happy that Magna was back but then everyone became angry.

Obviously, Taiyang became even angrier yet he managed to calm himself down by splashing himself with a cup of water. He grounded both Yang and Ruby for 2 months before storming off to bed, slamming his door hard enough that it echoed across the house.

The living room was only quiet for a few seconds before both Yang and Ruby burst into tears. Magna comforted the pair as they clung to him, wiping their tears and snot away as the pair slowly fell asleep.

Of course, Magna was the only one who knew that as soon as the door slammed shut, Taiyang fell to his knees and cried himself to sleep, not even bothering to reach his bed.

With Magna and his family being the only ones up, Magna gave a quick recap of how his time at Atlas went. By the time he finished, it was Emily's turn to cry as she started crying hard as she hugged Magna close.

She thanked Magna for talking with her family and was ecstatic to find out that her brothers were coming over. She was also a little skeptical about them bring him a weapon but she decided against speaking about it as she's had enough drama for one night.

Finally back home, Magna felt his body relax as he really wanted to talk with the twins as they were his first friends. Sadly, Emily had told him that they had already gone to bed.

Not wanting to disturb them, Magna gently took Ruby and Yang to their room before ultimately heading off to bed him, a small smile appearing on his face as he was glad to be home.

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