RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 53 - Dual Semblance

The moment Magna fell unconscious, his mind was pulled in to the speck. To Magna, it felt as if the excruciating pain he was just experiencing vanished.

However, his attention was else where as he focused on the sight before him. The usual white speck that floated near his heart was darkening.

Panic settled into Magna's heart as he tried to move towards the speck. But it was like a wall was put up between them as Magna couldn't move beyond a certain point.

The transformation was about one quarter complete, turning a small corner of the speck a smoky black.

Before Magna could try and make sense of what was happening, he collapsed to his knees as a bout of pain assaulted him. The pain started from his head and travel through his body.

Magna screamed in a hoarse voice as his eyes became bloodshot. After an unknown amount of time, Magna's screams of pain slowly became silent.

By now, the speck was halfway through it's transformation. Actually, you couldn't call it a 'speck' anymore. Now, it looked more like a white and black pearl.

The speck gained a more sturdy form as the transformation continued.

A soft grunt escaped Magna's mouth as he struggled to his feet. He gave the pearl a conflicted look and sighed, "F.u.c.k…"

It turns out, the speck- er, I mean, the pearl was experiencing one of many evolutions. The trigger wasn't Magna being injured or any specific reason, it just happened out of the blue.

With the evolution came changes. The headache Magna just experienced was the after effects of his head being loaded with knowledge that didn't originally belong to him.

His normal semblance gained a secondary ability, the ability to 'become' someone else. Now, it wasn't the literal meaning of the word. His new ability basically allowed him to physically embody those who he shares a bond with.

That's not to say that his new ability didn't have its downfalls. One of which, is the fact that Magna doesn't gain their memories and experience, like his first ability. It's almost like giving a baby a loaded gun and expecting it to be a veteran gunslinger.

Another negative is the fact that the term 'bond' was slightly twisted. Sadly, Magna can't use his power on anyone related to him even though it should count as a bond.

When the reality of the situation finally set in, Magna smiled like a child on christmas. Additional power was an extremely welcomed gift.

Even though Magna didn't know exactly how strong Salem was, he knew that fighting someone with immortality was going to be a huge problem. With Naruto's abilities, he could destroy mountains and create canyons through the dark lands but so what?

At most, all he'd be doing is setting her back a hundred years at the least. By then, Magna would either be an old man or dead. There's also the possibility of him gaining immortality from one of the star cl.u.s.ters but that was something Magna didn't d.e.s.i.r.e.

Sure, being able to live forever sounded awesome on paper but in reality? He would have to sit by and watch as every person he knew and loved died.

Even if there was a way around it, the cons out weighed the pros. Magna just wanted to live a long and fulling life, surrounded by the happiness of those he loved. Something he wasn't able to fully experience in his life on earth.

Being brought up in a hospital, Magna had to experience death from a young age. Kind old men and woman, doctors and nurses, even small children and infants, there was always a chance of someone dying, whether it it be from injury or disease.

Shaking his head, Magna cleared away the dark clouds in his mind as he focused on his new ability. The pearl slowly rotated inside his c.h.e.s.t, floating silently next to his heart.

Magna didn't know if he was right but he had a small inclination to believe that both abilities could be used in tandem to, temporarily, 'become' the him from the memories of the star cl.u.s.ter.

So far, it was only a feeling he had and he had no evidence to support his claim. But he could feel in his gut that he was on to something.

While watching the pearl for anymore changes, Magna felt a small tugging on his mind. This caused his face to brighten up as he softly muttered, "I guess I'm waking up. I just hope I wasn't asleep for too long…"

Closing his eyes, Magna allowed the pull to drag him from his inner-space, disappearing in a wisp of white light.


Slowly opening his eyes, the first thing Magna saw was an unfamiliar roof. He gently sat up and scanned his surroundings as he muttered, "A hospital?..."

The door suddenly opened revealing a young-looking nurse. She revealed a startled expression when she saw that Magna was up. She quickly ran out the door as she screamed, "Doctor! The patient in room 117 is awake!"

Magna watched her leave in amus.e.m.e.nt before feeling a familiar rumbling. A couple seconds later, the door burst open, revealing his family and friends, all staring at him in varying levels of worry.

Emily was the first person to break the silence as she slowly walked towards him and said, "Magna…"

"You stupid little boy! Is it fun making your mother worry!?!"

Tears poured down Emily's face as she continued to pull his cheeks as she berated him. It took almost 20 minutes for her to let go as she got everything she wanted to say off her c.h.e.s.t.

Magna, with bright red cheeks, rubbed the tears from his eyes as he quietly said, "Sohry mahm…"

Emily gave Magna a rare blush as she kissed his cheeks a couple times as she apologized for hurting him.

Once his cheeks healed and he could talk properly, Magna's eyes lit up in excitement as he said, "Mum, when can I leave?"

Qrow gave Magna a weird look from across the road as he said, "Well, considering you've been asleep for almost two weeks and that your arm has already healed, the doctor said you could leave today if you wanted to."

It unsettled Magna that he was asleep for almost two weeks and put the blame on the memories he gained because of the new ability.

Magna thanked Qrow as he slowly left his bed. His legs were a little wobbly but he pushed forward as he moved towards the door.

However, Emily and Amber stood in his way with their arms folded. Magna was about to ask them to move when he suddenly froze.

An audible gulp came from Magna as he turned towards his mother as she motioned for him to speak.

Glancing back and forth between the pair, Magna unconsciously started fiddling with his hands like a child as he quietly muttered, "…hing."

"Speak up, Magna! Why do you want to level the hospital so badly?" Said Emily.

Feeling the pairs glare intensify, Magna finally couldn't b.a.r.e it as he yelled, "I want to test something!"

Needless to say, Emily and Amber lost it and started lecturing him.

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