RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 70 - Nevermore!

(POV - The Masked Woman)

In a quiet clearing far away from Argus, a small camp of bandits waited in silence. A pair of guards were patrolling the area when a dark red portal suddenly opened up near them.

One guard rushed back to the temporary camp while the other ran to greet the figures that were walking out from the portal.

However, when he finally saw them clearly, his face twisted slightly as he said, "Uh… boss? Why are you carrying a young boy?"

A sighed escaped the masked woman's lips as he muttered, "It's… a long story. Gather the men, we're leaving."

The guard gave a quick nod before sprinting back to the camp. When it was just the two of them, the masked figure glanced over to Vernal as she said, "When we get back, I'm increasing your training. You had only one fight and the entire afternoon to heal up but even with all that, you still couldn't even carry a child?"

Magna was currently still unconscious, being held in the masked figures arms like how a mother holds their child. Whether it was a concious or unconscious action, Magna's arms had wrapped themselves around the figures neck.

Even as he slept, he could smell the calming scent of tea and surprisingly, lavender. The smell made him unconsciously pull himself closer to the source as his body slowly relaxed.

Vernal glanced over at the sleeping figure of Magna before looking towards the ground with her head down, "…Yes ma'am."

She gave Vernal a small smile as she said, "I saw your fight, by the way. I have to say that I'm very impressed with your combat prowess. A complete transformation from the young girl that didn't know how to throw a punch."

Vernal blushed lightly as she fought off the urge to smile. Before she joined the tribe, Vernal was just another orphan on the streets. If not for Raven adopting her into the tribe, she might still be living on the streets. Or worse.

Raven's smile disappeared as the tribe members all gathered infront of her. Opening another portal, Raven adjusted Magna to make herself more comfortable as she yelled, "Everyone in! I want us to be back at the tribe by morning!"

Once all the tribe members were through, Raven and Vernal were about to step through when a deafening screech roared through the forest.

Raven didn't hesitate as she pushed Vernal through the portal before quickly closing it. Even though Magna was latched onto her body, he served as nothing more than an additional weight as she vanished into the trees.

Scanning the air, Raven clicked her tongue in annoyance as she muttered, "A Nevermore…"

Slipping her mask back on, she was about to leap off when Magna started to stir.


(POV - Magna)

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he could feel the anger glaring into him from above. However, he wasn't the only one who could feel the figures anger.

A piercing screech all too recognisable reached Magna's ears as he loudly whispered, "A Nevermore!? The hel-"

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around his mouth as the figure brought her free hand to her lips and quietly signalled him to shush.

Magna quickly calmed down and nodded. The figure then took back her hand and muttered, "If you don't want to die, keep close and don't speak."

Before Magna could reply, the figure turned and jumped to the next tree. He weighed the pros and cons of following her but the sound of the Nevermore's screech helped him come to a decision.

After a couple minutes of travelling by the trees, the figure stopped. Magna gave her a confused look and whispered, "Why'd you stop?"

The figures shoulders trembled as she violently glared at him and growled, "My bra came undone..."

Magna's cheeks turned red as he coughed and quietly muttered, "…Sorry."

He quickly turned away as the figured sighed. Magna felt as if the forest became silent as he could hear the rustling of clothes.

Thinking she was done, Magna turned back only to freeze… again. With her mask off, the woman resembling Yang, currently had nothing but a bra on.

Her c.h.e.s.t seemed to bulge out, making Magna's teenage hormones go into overdrive as he swallowed in an attempt to wet his dry throat.

However, it didn't take long for Magna to break out of his daze as a pair of crimson eyes glared into him.

Seeing her reach for her sword, Magna was about to attack back when a barrage of feathers tore apart the tree.

Luckily, Magna managed to get away scot-free. The woman, however, wasn't so lucky though…

Her shirt was torn apart as small scratches marred her surprisingly pale skin. Magna's eyes widened slightly as the figure's bra was currently on the forest floor in pieces.

Seeing the very large mounds, free and swaying every time she moved, Magna suddenly felt very hot. Since he was mentally older than his physical age, Magna kind of had a thing for older woman.

Don't misunderstand him though, Magna came to terms with his physical age as well, meaning he did like girls his own age.

Basically, he just liked girls, end of story.

The woman seemed to become enraged as she violently drew her sword and disappeared into a portal, only to reappear above the Nevermore as she angrily hacked it's wings off.

Then, when the Nevermore hit the ground, she continued to stab it's body over and over again, roaring in anger.

By this point, Magna's teenage hormones were whipped back in line by his common sense and self-preservation instinct.

After almost 5 minutes of continuous stabbing, the figure stood there, panting roughly as her large c.h.e.s.t raised and fell erratically.

Magna yelped slightly when she turned in his direction and started to walk over. Magna was a little scared by this woman as he continued to back away until his back was against a tree.

She grabbed onto his collar, pulling him until he was just an inch away from her face as she glared into his eyes and ordered, "Give me your shirt. Now."

He didn't even get to reply as she roughly pulled the shirt off him. Once she was covered up, she reached for her mask, only to see it on the ground in pieces.

She sighed heavily and softly muttered, "Today is just not my day..."

When Magna heard her whisper, he couldn't help but flinch. His red eyes quickly changed back to green, hoping she wouldn't notice.

The moment Magna woke up, Magna instantly embodied Qrow, using his semblance to inflict bad luck on his kidnapper.

What he didn't expect was the level of bad luck she'd be put through. Just as Magna was about to leave, the woman suddenly grabbed him and said, "Where are you going?"

"Uh… Home?" Questioned Magna.

The woman shook her head as she said, "No. Your coming with me to join my tribe."

Before Magna could say no, the woman hit him on the side of his head with her sheath. The world around him slowly dimmed as Magna fell unconscious… again.

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