RWBY: The Phantom Of Remnant

Chapter 9 - Repercussions

With a painful grunt, Magna's body flickered into the trees. He knew that he wasn't physically stronger enough to come out on top of a straight up confrontation so he decided to do things like a ninja.

The Nevermore seemed to want to attack the twins as it sprung into the air and tried launched a barrage of feathers at them. However, before it could even release a single feather, Magna appeared on its back holding a rock in each hand.


The sudden increase in weight on its back managed to throw off its aim. Gritting his teeth, Magna forcefully made the heavy shurikens stab into the back of the Nevermore.

The Nevermore screeched in pain but Magna quickly leapt off as he clicked his tongue and said, "Too shallow…"

The shurikens only managed to get a third of the way into its skin, reiterating how hard it's body was. Enraged at the fact that an insect managed to hurt it, the Nevermore completely ignored the sisters as it started searching for Magna.

Hiding among the leaves, Magna barely peeked his head out to keep track of where his target and his sister were. Releasing a small sigh, Magna stared at his trembling hand and thought, 'What's… happening to me?'

He could feel something aiding him. He could feel a power like no other, surging through his body. His senses were heightened to the extreme while his weak physical body gradually started to strengthen. However, he could also feel the malice and hatred this power carried, and how it threatened to devour him and leave nothing but despair and destruction in his wake.

Unconsciously he muttered, "Demon Fox Cloak…"

Suddenly, a huge amount of crimson aura ejected out of his body, forming a cloak. As the cloak started to stabilise, Magna noticed that his body started to creak even more when he moved.

However, without a care in the world, Magna clenched his fist and said with a confident smile, "This is all I'll need to take down that f.u.c.k.i.n.g flying rat."

Leaping out of the tree, Magna began flickering in rapid succession, trying to confuse the Nevermore. The stamina burn from rapid use was intense but his effort paid off as the Nevermore started plummeting towards the ground as it smashed into a large tree.

Grinning, Magna quickly dashed to its back and grabbed hold of windmill shurikens stuck in it's back. With a hearty grunt, veins popped up his arms and forehead as he violently tore the shurikens out of it's back.

Giving a quick glance to the weapons, Magna quietly muttered, "Heavy… but at least I can carry them now…"


Suddenly, the Nevermore launched itself into the air as it thrashed around in pain. A dark glow started to envelope the Nevermore as it seemed to suddenly grow bigger and bigger.

As the Nevermore started to change, Magna didn't stay idle. He knew that he needed to defeat it before it could get used to it's new power or else Magna and his sisters would die.

Taking a deep breath, Magna held his hands infront of him and muttered, "Rasengan…"

Two orbs of spiralling crimson aura slowly started to appear in his palms. The concentration it took to generate two rasengans was immense as sweat started rolling down his face.

Ignoring everything but trying to form the rasengans, Magna noticed something odd about them. From the anime, the rasengan is supposed to be extremely stable until an element is added to the mix which would change the shape and functionality of the attack. Even Naruto's crimson rasengan in his demon fox mode was relatively stable.

However, Magna's rasengan spins in an erratic way. It looks like the slightest touch would cause it to explode. As he focused on fueling his attack, the Nevermore screeched as it unfurled it's wings, revealing it's new size.

It's large wings easily cast a shadow over the forest where Magna and the twins were, seemingly bloating out any hope. However, to its annoyance, two bright red orbs seemed adamant about fighting to the last breath.

With a horrifying cry, the Nevermore flew higher into the sky before launching a huge barrage of feathers towards Magna. Yet, to the Nevermore's surprise, the two orbs seemed to zip all around the forest, easily dodging it's attack.

As time pasted, a sense of panic began to over take the Nevermore. It noticed that the crimson orbs started to shrink. While that shouldn't be a cause for concern, it felt as if the power behind the orbs was trying to compress itself.

And it was right. Magna discovered that by compressing the aura used to sustain the rasengan, he could not only stabilise it, but also cut down on the aura wasted when creating the rasengan. The only real problem he encountered was the fact that the rasengans began to generate weight.

The more he compressed the power in the rasengans, the heavier they became. Currently, the weight was of no real issue but the fact that the weight continued to increase unnerved him.

Looking towards the sky, Magna stared directly into the Nevermore's eyes as he confidently yelled, "Come get some!!! You overground rat with wings!!!"

Seemingly, it's growth wasn't only in body but mind as well as it seemed to understand Magna's taunting words. Enraged, the Nevermore flew even further up into the sky before diving towards Magna. As it descended, it started to spin, becoming faster and faster until it became a razor sharp tornado of death aiming to destroy everything in its path.

Taking one last deep breath, Magna suddenly grinned in the face of certain death as he screamed, "F.U.C.K! I'VE DIED BEFORE SO I AIN'T SCARED OF SOME TWIRLY BIRD!"

Flickering to the nearest tree, Magna focused as much aura as he could spare into his legs before leaping towards the tornado of death.

Slamming his hands forward, Magna felt the impact of the clash but grit his teeth as he hoarsely roared, "DUAL CRIMSON RASENGAN!!!"

The sound of bones cracking echoed in the forest as pain assaulted him. Yet Magna stifled his screams as he continued to push forward. Suddenly, the Nevermore's spin started to slowly down. A fire ignited in his eyes as he pushed forward with even more force than what he thought was possible and yelled out, "GET… LOST!!!"

With a loud boom, the rasengans exploded in a flurry of crimson, sending the Nevermore flying rapidly into the sky while spinning. As it ascended, it's body slowly started to dissipate until it completely disappeared.

Watching his effort finally pay off, Magna smiled tiredly before falling unconscious as he plummeted to the ground.

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