In the basketball team's office, Coach Tiangang hung up the phone angrily.

He angrily cursed:"Damn Tsukubu! They actually asked us to go to their place to play!"

Ito was also in the office at this time. He hurriedly advised:"Teacher, don't be angry. After all, it was us who invited Tsukubu to participate in the warm-up match."

"So it's normal for us to go there."

Coach Tanaoka squinted his eyes, sulked, and said nothing.

Ito had to say again:"It's not bad for us to go to Tsukubu. The team has been training a lot recently, and we can use this warm-up match to let everyone relax."

"After all, everyone needs to adjust their state."

Coach Tian Gang opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and finally nodded and said,"Well, you are right...."

"The team can't be tense all the time!"

"Ito, I will leave the matter of going to Tsukubu to you."

Ito smiled and said,"Okay."

Coach Tiangang looked at Ito and suddenly said,"Ito, you are also a senior this year...."

Ito scratched his head,"Yes...But my skills haven't improved...."

"You have done a great job as a team manager!" Coach Tiangang said seriously:"Although your basketball skills are not strong enough, you have also made great contributions to Ryonan!"

Hearing Coach Tiangang say this, Ito blushed immediately,"Teacher, I haven't done enough."

Coach Tiangang sighed slightly,"Go and get ready..."

"yes..."Ito bowed and then left the office.

During the team training, Coach Tanaoka announced the news of the warm-up match to everyone.

This news immediately excited the players. At this moment, the Ryonan team is very confident and they are very eager to use a game to test their true strength.

Last year's quarterfinalist Tsukuba is just their ideal opponent.

After all, Ryonan was also in the quarterfinals last year.

As a quarterfinalist, after a year of changes in strength, what kind of progress will they make is really exciting.......

On Sunday morning, the Ryonan basketball team gathered at the school.

Led by coach Takeo, they headed straight for Tsukutake.

When everyone boarded the train, the height of Uozumi and others immediately caused a commotion in the car.

The passengers consciously moved away from them, giving them enough space.

Coach Takeo was no longer surprised, and he sat in his seat with his eyes closed.

At this time, when playing against Tsukutake, his main focus was on Kitano Taku and Sendoh.

The personal strength of these two people is beyond doubt, but they are both the end points of the offense, which makes Ryonan's offensive tactics very simple.

But this is not a big problem. After all, this is high school basketball, and skills and tactics are only auxiliary, not the main factor in determining the outcome of the game.

"Let's save our strength for Tsukutake this time....When we reach the semi-finals, it will be time for us to show our strength....By the time..."


"old...teacher..."Just as Coach Tiangang was laughing secretly, he suddenly heard Ito's voice in his ears,"Hold me!"...Feel sorry...We've missed our stop...."

"What?!" Coach Tian Gang stood up instantly,"Ito you idiot!"

Ito said weakly,"I’m sorry..."

Coach Tian Gang glanced at the time and said anxiously:"Damn it, it may be too late now!".........

Tsukutake High School is located in Sagamihara City in the northern part of Kanagawa Prefecture.

It is not too far from Kamakura City where Ryonan is located.

At this time, many people have flocked to the basketball court of Tsukutake High School. They all came to watch the game because they heard that the basketball team will have a warm-up match in Ryonan today.

This year, the team has a new head coach.

The head coach is very young, not even 30 years old, and his name is Kawasaki.

Coach Kawasaki stood on the sidelines watching the players' training. At this time, the team's consultant Imada came to his side,"Everyone is in excellent condition~"

Coach Kawasaki smiled and said,"They are all very hard-working. Even after the training is over, they are reluctant to leave and are still training for a while~"

"I hope that Tsukubu High School can go one step further in this qualifying round!"

"Yes!" Consultant Imada said affirmatively:"Kawasaki, you have brought vitality to the team. This year, Tsukuba will definitely enter the semi-finals!"

"Senior, the time has come, but why hasn't Lingnan come yet?"At this time, a beautiful woman came over and pointed at the time and said

"Don't worry, Sanae..."Kawasaki smiled and said,"We have to be patient~"

The woman tucked her hair behind her ears,"Ryonan and Tsukutake are both in the quarterfinals, but they are so unpunctual!"

Her name is Sanae Nakagawa, a local sports reporter and also Kawasaki's junior, so she has always been paying close attention to Tsukutake.

At this time, not only her, but even the Tsukutake players who were training on the field couldn't help but complain,"Ryonan is really a big shot, wasn't it agreed to be at 10 o'clock?"

"There's nothing I can do. I heard they're going to make it to the national competition this year."

"Haha, defeating Hainan and Xiangyang? Too naive!"

"What do you think, Wu Dai?"

The player named Wu Dai stood outside the three-point line, staring at the basket with a calm expression, without a trace of impatience, very focused.

Then he raised the basketball and shot a three-pointer!


The basketball went into the net.

"We won't know until we fight!" Wu Dai said softly,"After all, their goal is the same as ours~"

Wu Dai's words were very gentle, but they made people feel at ease. Everyone laughed after hearing them, and this also swept away their impatience just now.

Coach Kawasaki was very satisfied with Wu Dai's performance at this time. As a player that the team focused on training and also the team's trump card, Wu Dai could play a core role and stabilize the morale of the team at a critical moment.

"Although it is difficult to enter the national competition, I am very confident~" Sanae Nakagawa laughed

"Um..."Advisor Imada nodded and said,"Hainan and Shoyo are not invincible. Kawasaki, I believe you!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps, and then a group of tall players appeared in the basketball hall.

"Ryonan is here!"

At this moment, Tsukubu's basketball hall became very quiet.

"Excuse me!" Everyone in Ryonan shouted in unison.

For a moment, all the Tsukuba players felt an invisible pressure!

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