Kitano Taku cleared the dishes and poured a glass of water for Coach Kitano.

"Grandpa, I want to ask you about something."

Kitano Taku then told him about Futian's situation,"My teammate is a player with a strong sense of self-esteem, but our coach is very strict with him."

"I think this could backfire and my teammate might end up leaving the basketball team...."

"After all, he has great potential, it would be a pity for him to quit like this."

Kitano Taku certainly couldn't say that Fukuda would use the"snake fist" to hit Coach Tanaka in the future.

Coach Kitano drank a glass of water and then said:"In fact, every coach has his own coaching style...."

"Some of them like to encourage players, some like to scold players...As a player they can only adapt to the coach's style."

"If he can't accept it, I'm afraid he has no choice but to leave."

Coach Kitano is right. After all, high school basketball is not a professional team, and most players cannot choose their coaches.

In fact, this is just like when we were in school. If we meet a teacher we like, then the grades in this subject are often very good.

On the contrary, if we meet a teacher we hate, the grades will be very bad.

Kitano Taku nodded. He knew this."Grandpa, in fact, although our coach looks strict, he is a coach who takes good care of the players."

"The reason why he was so strict with my teammate was because my teammate was usually quiet and gave people the impression that he was not motivated."

"So our coach wants to push him more."

"I see~" Coach Kitano said with a smile:"But I didn’t expect you to be so observant. This is in stark contrast to your appearance~"

"Haha!" Kitano Taku rolled his eyes.

Coach Kitano said slowly:"When encountering this situation, the best way is to make the coach aware of his own problems...."

"However, you still need to figure out how to do it. After all, I don't know your coach very well."

"In fact, the situation you mentioned is very common. There are many factors that affect players, and personality is one of them. Many talented players gave up basketball because of their personality."

There are many such examples in"Slam Dunk". For example, in addition to Fukuda, there is also Ryuji Tanizawa. Although he does not have a strong self-esteem like Fukuda, his psychological quality is very poor.

Faced with a harsh coach, Fukuda chose to"explode", while Tanizawa chose to escape.

If Fukuda did not return to Ryonan in the end, I wonder if he would be the biggest regret of Coach Takeo.

Coach Kitano continued:"Let me give you a suggestion~ If you think it is difficult for your coach to change, then I suggest you start with the players~"

"That makes sense!" Kitano Taku thought about it. He always wanted to change Coach Tiangang, but Coach Tiangang was quite"self-righteous". Instead of doing that, he might as well change Fukuda.

"You take your time to think about it~" Coach Kitano glanced at the time,"I should go too, I'll come back when I have time~"

Kitano Taku sent Coach Kitano downstairs. Coach Kitano remembered something at this time, and then instructed:"Xiaotuo, in addition to training, cultural courses cannot be left behind."

"Well, high school courses are not difficult~" Kitano Taku said confidently

"Then I'll look at your final grades~" Coach Kitano put his hands behind his back and waved with a smile, watching Kitano Taku turn around and go upstairs, Coach Kitano was a little suspicious,"Why do I feel like Xiao Taku seems to have grown taller?..."

Then, Coach Kitano shook his head again. After all, he hadn't seen Kitano Taku for only a month.......

Kitano Taku returned home and before he could take off his shoes, there was a knock on the door.

""Who is it?" Kitano Taku opened the door and standing at the door was his new neighbor, Hoshikawa Eri.

Eri held a tray in both hands with a cheesecake on the plate,"I'm so sorry for what happened just now, this is an apology gift."

Kitano Taku looked at the cake in front of him. This kind of food is very high in calories and he usually wouldn't eat it, and it was still evening.

However, he couldn't refuse other people's kindness, so he took the cake with a smile,"Thank you! I didn't expect your hands to be so skillful."

"This cake looks delicious!"

Eri blushed when she heard Kitano Taku's compliment, and her expression was very cute.

In terms of appearance, Kitano Taku does look much older than Hoshikawa Eri.

"That...Then I won't bother you...."

Kitano Taku watched Eri leave, and after returning home, he put the cake into the lunch box. Although he couldn't eat it, he could take it to school tomorrow. Kanamaru's appetite would definitely not miss such delicious food..........

The next day, the morning classes included four subjects: English, Physics, Mathematics, and Chinese.

Except for Chinese, the other three subjects were not difficult for Kitano Taku, especially English. Kitano Taku's spoken English was very standard. In class, he could even talk to the English teacher in English.

This immediately shocked all the students in the class.

Morita and Kanemaru beside him opened their mouths wide, as if they didn't know Kitano Taku. Tsubakiya

Kazuka, who has always been good at English, also looked incredulous at this time.

Ever since Kazuka saw Kitano Taku playing basketball, she suddenly found that Kitano Taku didn't seem so annoying.

Although she was knocked unconscious by Kitano Taku with the ball, it was also an accident.

But now seeing that Kitano Taku's English is so good, the arrogant Kazuka feels a huge sense of crisis.

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