Hainan's offense became more and more handy, and soon the score was extended to 20 points.

Coach Takato fanned his paper fan briskly,"It's already 20 points~ Can you still sit still?"

If there is anyone in the world that Coach Tanaka wants to defeat the most, it must be Takato Riki.

These two people have been rivals since school and have always been in a competitive relationship.

So when he saw the team falling behind, Coach Tanaka's desire to win could not be suppressed. His reason has been telling him not to send Kitano Taku or Sendoh to play, so that Coach Takato can observe them in advance.

But if he sends them to play, then this will be the best chance to beat Coach Takato.

In recent years, he has been defeated by Coach Takato, and they were all big defeats, which made Coach Tanaka very unhappy.

"Damn it!"Coach Tiangang was furious when he saw Coach Gaotou's nonchalant expression....You bastard!"

""Try harder!" At this time, Coach Gaotou from the other side suddenly shouted,"In one breath, widen the score gap to 30 points~"

As soon as Coach Gaotou finished speaking, the basketball in Futian's hand was intercepted by Ichiro Kamiso!

Hainan launched a counterattack, Ichiro Kamiso made a wonderful pass to Kosuge, and Kosuge scored the basketball!

The score difference was already 22 points!

Coach Gaotou chuckled, and then he shouted loudly:"30 points are too few, we have to widen the gap to 40 points!"

"Bastard!" Coach Tanaka's veins popped up, he stood up, he couldn't help it.

Coach Tanaka turned to look at Kitano Taku and Sendoh, he thought for a moment, and then made a decision,"Kitano! You come on stage!"

"Teacher, didn't you say..."Ito hurriedly dissuaded him,"Don't expose Kitano and the others' strength in advance?"

""Huh!" Coach Tian Gang could no longer hear anything else."The plan cannot keep up with the speed of change. Are we going to let Hainan continue to lead?"

"Kitano, you go replace Nakagawa!"

Kitano Taku shook his head and laughed. Coach Tiangang was really childish. This was obviously Coach Takato's provocation.

In fact, one of the reasons why Ryonan is lagging behind now is that the players have psychological problems.

They are too worried about gains and losses. It's okay if they are leading or tied, but once they fall behind, the players will be impatient and lose their shooting accuracy.

So the best way now is to call a timeout, stabilize the players' mentality, and slowly catch up with the score.

However, Ryonan's players are still a little weak in scoring ability, so without substitutions, they have basically lost.

On the court, Kamiso Ichiro received the ball on the outside, Sugapira and Yueyue used double teams, but Sugapira's steps were too slow and Yueyue was not tall enough, so they could only watch Kamiso Ichiro throw the basketball out!

The basketball went into the net!

The difference between the two sides became 25 points!


The referee blew the whistle and Ryonan requested a substitution.

Coach Takato smiled slightly,"Coach Takeo is still as impatient as before~"

At this time, Kitano Taku replaced Nakagawa.

Coach Takato looked at Kitano Taku,"It's not Sendoh who's being substituted, is it Kitano?"

"It seems that Mr. Tanaka wants to hide his immortal path in the end...."

"But it's okay, let's see what Kitano is capable of first~"

After Kitano Taku came on as a substitute, he first called the other teammates over, he chuckled and said:"Don't worry, there are still more than 10 minutes, we can definitely turn the defeat into victory~"

Uekusa took a deep breath,"Kitano, you just come up."

Yueyue wiped his sweat,"Uekusa, what are you talking about, even if Kitano doesn't come up, we can still win!"

Kitano Taku smiled and said:"Okay, in this case, let's start to fight back~"

"Futian! We are going to use you as the core of our attack~" Kitano Taku patted Futian on the back.

"oh...Good!" Futian's body shook.

"Come on!" Kitano Taku shouted!......

The game restarted, Uekusa dribbled past the front court, and Kitano Taku stepped forward to ask for the ball.

At this time, Kosuge, who was defending Kitano Taku, took a defensive stance against Kitano Taku.

Kitano Taku instantly observed the situation on the court, and launched an attack at the top of the arc. He did not attack alone but passed the basketball to Yueyue first, and then he suddenly accelerated to shake off Kosuge.

At this time, Yueyue immediately passed the basketball back to Kitano Taku again. The moment Kitano Taku received the ball, he looked at Sugupira. At this time, all the players in Hainan thought that Kitano Taku was going to pass the basketball to him.

But the next moment, Kitano Taku passed it to the other side!

""Bang!" On the other side, Futian received the ball and no one was guarding him. He easily scored the goal.

"Oh!"Coach Gaotou's eyes flashed,"This Taku Kitano is so good at passing the ball?!"

And Shinichi Maki, who was sitting on the bench, also became interested at this time,"This freshman is very good~"

The game continued. Hainan passed the ball in the frontcourt. Taku Kitano saw the opportunity and directly intercepted the basketball. Then he passed the ball to Yueyue who had already started.

Yueyue attacked the basket with the ball, but Ichiro Kamiso followed up in time to interfere with Yueyue's layup. Yueyue impatiently explained to the referee that Ichiro Kamiso had fouled this ball.

But the referee was unmoved and maintained the original decision.

But Hainan would not wait there at this time. Ichiro Kamiso raised his hand and made a long pass, and the target was exactly Kosuge who was running down.

However, Taku Kitano appeared on Ichiro Kamiso's passing line, and he intercepted the ball as if he had expected it.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Taku Kitano dribbled to the top of the three-point arc and jumped to shoot!


But this is not over yet, then Hainan The South team was attacking, and Kosuge's shot bounced out of the basket. Suga Ping struggled to grab the rebound and passed it to Kitano Taku!

Kitano Taku launched a counterattack. He made a very difficult ground pass with one hand, flying across the entire court over a distance of 15 meters and accurately passed it to Fukuda.

Fukuda received the ball and made a layup to score another 2 points.

At this time, the Hainan team suddenly found that they played very awkwardly after Kitano Taku came on the court. Whether dribbling or passing the ball, they were worried about being intercepted.

And in defense, it was even more miserable. Kitano Taku can always use his personal ability to tear open the defense, and then pass the ball to teammates who are not guarded.

At this time, Kitano Taku came on the court for the 8th minute. During this time, he either organized, instigated, or shot, allowing Ryonan to start the scoring mode.

At this moment, Coach Takato's expression was no longer relaxed. He even forgot to fan the paper fan. All his attention was now focused on Kitano Taku.

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