Coach Kitano looked at his grandson and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

However, Coach Kitano did not continue to ask. He looked at Kitano Taku and said,"Have you been training at Chengbei Middle School for the past three months?"

Kitano Taku shook his head and said,"Being in school is part of it. Most of the time I was training by myself.""

"Is there anyone teaching you?" Coach Kitano was a little curious. After all, a person who has never been in contact with basketball cannot achieve the current level without a professional coach.

Even a basketball genius cannot do it.

Kitano Taku touched his nose and wanted to say ambiguously:"I...Um...I met a great player who taught me for a long time!"

Coach Kitano nodded,"Which college player is it?"

"Well..."Kitano Taku scratched his head,"He is a foreign player, and he has returned to his country now~"

Coach Kitano nodded slowly, and believed what Kitano said,"Which school do you want to join? Is it Daiei Academy?"

Daiei Academy is also a famous strong team in Osaka, but at this time they have not yet become the overlord of Osaka.

Kitano Taku shook his head and said firmly:"I am going to Kanagawa Ryonan High School!"

Coach Kitano recalled that he had no impression of Ryonan High School at all. As the head coach of a national top eight team, he is familiar with almost all the teams that can participate in the national competition.

In other words, this Ryonan High School is not a national level team.

"And I want to dominate the country with Ryonan!" Kitano Taku spoke out his dream with a smile.

Coach Kitano closed his eyes, shook his head, and said without disguising:"Taku, that's impossible!"

"If you want to win the national championship, you must at least join a team that can enter the national competition~" Coach Kitano habitually put his hand in his pocket, trying to take out a cigarette, but grabbed nothing.

It turned out that due to physical reasons, he had quit smoking for half a year.

Without cigarettes, Coach Kitano could only take out a candy from his pocket and put it in his mouth,"I have seen some very talented children, they chose some weak teams in order to become the main force or the star...."

"But not surprisingly, he regretted it.

Coach Kitano turned to Taku Kitano and said,"Because basketball is not an individual sport...."

"Kids who truly aim to win the national championship will join a strong team without hesitation."

"Personal heroism on the basketball court is meaningless!"

Kitano Taku certainly knew what Coach Kitano meant, but he couldn't tell Coach Kitano about the true strength of Ryonan in the future.

"Grandpa, I have decided to join Ryonan, and nothing can change my decision!" Kitano Taku pointed to Coach Kitano's trouser pocket with his eyes,"This is the same as your decision to quit smoking." Coach Kitano smiled helplessly. He understood the stubbornness of his grandson, which was also related to"Kitano Taku's" family.

"All right..."Coach Kitano sighed,"No matter what, this period of time is the golden period for a basketball player. If you are satisfied with the present, you will not be able to make any further progress."

"I will be a coach at a nearby elementary school next, if that's okay....You can come to me after training...."Coach Kitano couldn't convince Taku Kitano, so he had to settle for the next best thing.

It's also good to be able to train his grandson and watch him grow.

Taku Kitano thought about it carefully, and finally he nodded,"Then I'll have to trouble you in the future~"

"In less than half a year, I will be able to go to high school~" Kitano Taku's eyes were bright,"Little brother, just wait and see! I will definitely make your dream come true!"......

The head coach of the men's basketball team of Kanagawa Ryonan High School was reporting to the school's top management.

A middle-aged man with glasses and a broad forehead said while drinking coffee:"Coach Tanaoka, Ryonan has seven major clubs, namely the football club, baseball club, tennis club, kendo club, volleyball club, gymnastics club and basketball club...."

"Except for the basketball club, the other clubs have participated in national competitions...."

"The only club that doesn't have one is the basketball club."

Hearing this, Coach Tiangang wanted to say something, but the middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand,"Even so, the basketball club is the most popular...."

"Coach Tiangang, I don't mean anything else. I have watched the team's training."

"Our school has great confidence in your ability..."The middle-aged man put a document in front of Coach Tiangang and said,"The team was ranked top eight in the prefecture last year, which is worthy of recognition...."

"But this year we want to go one step further and enter the semi-finals! Otherwise, we will be sorry for this basketball hall reconstruction plan!"

Coach Tian Gang's eyes lit up. This reconstruction plan includes the renovation of the venue, the replacement of basketball infrastructure, and the addition of some auxiliary equipment for team training.

"In fact, I have already set the goal of reaching the top four in the county next year!" Coach Tanaoka said confidently:"Now that the team has Yuzumi in the interior, we urgently need a striker!"

""Oh?" The middle-aged man smiled,"It seems that you already have a goal?"

"Good!"Coach Tian Gang stood up and walked to a cabinet with many trophies on display."After the school holidays, I will go to Kyoto, where there is a unique and talented player!"

"He will be the key to the rise of the Ryonan basketball team!"

"Principal Daimon, in the near future there will be another championship trophy in this cabinet!"The middle-aged man called Daimon smiled slightly,"Coach Tiangang, just do as you wish, the school will always support you unconditionally!".........

Kitano Taku has been training with Coach Kitano for the next period of time.

Coach Kitano is really good, especially in training players.���

Even though Kitano Taku already has many advanced and scientific training methods, he still gained a lot from Coach Kitano's guidance. At this moment, in a primary school gymnasium, the students have already gone to school, but there are still two children standing by the basketball court.

From the children's sometimes shocked and sometimes ferocious expressions, it seems that something terrible is happening on the court.

"this...This big brother...Is he still human?" a little fat boy muttered. His nose was almost running into his mouth, but he had obviously forgotten to wipe it.

"No, he should be an acrobat!"Another child said with a pout.

At this time, Kitano Taku was doing basketball training in the court.

But his training method was very strange. Kitano Taku had black gauze covering his eyes.

At this time, he dribbled the basketball with one hand, and repeatedly threw the tennis ball with the other hand!

After a while, he changed hands and repeated the action.

He used this training method to train his ball sense and coordination ability.

"I just saw that he completed 500 mid-range and long-range shots!" At this time, the little fat boy finally wiped his nose,"I got bored after shooting 10 times, he is really amazing!"

Another child put his hands in his pockets with disdain,"I admit that he can shoot, but what's the point of his current method? He is just trying to show off."

"Hehe~" A laugh came from behind the two of them,"This kind of training can improve the ability to control the ball~"

Coach Kitano came over at this time, he patted the two���The child's head was covered with black gauze, which obstructed his vision and made him only see the outline of the tennis ball. Therefore, he had to put more energy into catching the tennis ball."

"But if this happens, the other hand that is dribbling the ball will have problems."

"In addition, the weight of tennis balls and basketballs is different, so it is even more difficult to dribble steadily."

"Yes!" The little fat boy was shocked and tried twice,"It's really difficult. I messed it up after just two tries~"

"You are still laying the foundation now, don’t rush to practice like this." Coach Kitano said,"Wait until you are as old as him before training like this~"

Another child raised his head,"By then, I will definitely be better than him!"

Coach Kitano smiled,"Okay, you should go home now~"

After the two children left, Kitano Taku stopped training, he took off the black veil and took a deep breath.

"Next up is strength training...."

"Xiaotuo..."Coach Kitano gestured to Taku Kitano to put down the dumbbells in his hands,"I've told you many times that you can't train blindly, otherwise you will easily hurt your body."

Taku Kitano smiled awkwardly,"I'm too impatient~"

Coach Kitano shook his head helplessly,"You are just a boy who is almost 16 years old now. If you don't pay attention to damage your body, it will affect your future development!"

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