The Metal Dragon roared and flew into the sky.

It soared high and flew towards the moon shining in the sky, which human hands could never reach. It turned around and changed its direction. This time, while receiving the moonlight on its back, it suddenly descended towards Nozomu in a straight line.


A white light appeared within the mouth of the descending Metal Dragon. At the moment the light inside its mouth shone even further, a huge light bullet shot from the Metal Dragon's mouth towards Nozomu and the others on the ground.

The huge bullet of light, which approached in the blink of an eye, was like a shooting star falling towards them.




Tima, Feo, and Anri-sensei came forward and deployed a triple magic barrier. After one beat, a huge light bullet landed on the barrier.

"Gu~uu ..."



A huge light bullet exploded with a roaring sound and a flash of light.

The three who had put up the barrier, along with Mars and Mimuru who were in the vanguard were blown away by the blast. The magic barrier that was deployed shattered with the sound of glass breaking.

In the sky, the Metal Dragon that was still descending had prepared another attack to launch. The same light as before appeared and shot from its mouth.

"Another one is coming!"

Along with Mars' shout, another huge light bullet was fired. The light of destruction was directed at Nozomu and the others again.

"This is bad... Gah!"

Nozomu tried to get up quickly, but he groaned as the intense pain ran throughout his body, and by the time he realized it, he had already missed the chance to dodge it.

The huge light bullet was approaching at high speed. Nozomu couldn't dodge in time. For Nozomu, who originally couldn't use magic and couldn't use katana techniques due to depletion of Qi, it was impossible to defend against such a Metal Dragon's attack.

Tima also couldn't deploy the magic barrier in time. Irisdina and Shīna, who were in front of Nozomu, put strength into their arms and tried to push Nozomu away from the path of the light bullet so he could escape, but their arms also didn't have any spare strength left to do that.


Nozomu tried to forcefully move his body that didn't want to get out of the path of the light bullet.

The Undead Dragon revived without warning. Its body was metalized, and the breath it exhaled was significantly altered, such as becoming a mass of light instead of the scorching breath of fire.

(I don't know what happened, but nonetheless, everyone is...)

Driven by such thoughts, Nozomu desperately tried to move his body.

However, faster than Nozomu, Irisdina and Shīna jumped in front of him as if they were protecting Nozomu.


"I know!"

Shīna moved faster than Irisdina called her name. She quickly pulled an arrow out of its quiver, nocked it to her bow, and at the same time sent her magical power into the arrow.

Irisdina also intensified her magic power and instantly cast a technique with immediate deployment. She created a spear that was wrapped in darkness and held it in her hand.

[Spear of Abyss]

Magic that converted the caster's magical power into darkness, condensed it into a spear shape to its limit, and threw it away.

Its condensation and release points were similar to [Sharp Rock Dance] and based on the shape of the spear, it has a shape suitable for piercing through a single point.

Magical light also shone on Shīna's arrow next to Irisdina, and she glared and focused her aim on the approaching light bullet.



Irisdina threw the [Hell Spear] in her hand and Shīna shot the arrow she picked up. Irisdina's spear and Shīna's arrow collided in the air against the Metal Dragon's light bullet.

[Spear of Abyss] and [Punishment of the Sea of ​​Stars] sank into the Metal Dragon's light bullet, and at the next moment, it exploded while scattering magical power to the surrounding.

Darkness and light were scattered. The front half of the Metal Dragon's light bullet was blown away, and the light bullet that could no longer maintain its shape disappeared as a grain of light. But...



"Oh no...!"

The Metal Dragon rushed in a straight line towards Nozomu, moving through the particles of light scattered in the air. It tries to eat Nozomu with its metalized jaw.

The two who were using such a big technique couldn't respond in time. Nozomu couldn't move, and Norn, who devoted herself to taking care of Nozomu, couldn't move either.

"Let's just do it whatever happens!"



However, at that moment, Mars and Mimuru rushed over from the side while shouting. They regained their posture while the Metal Dragon was still in the sky, and they waited for their chance while sending Qi throughout their bodies.

Mars slammed the wind-enveloped greatsword into the flank of the Metal Dragon, and Mimuru launched a dropkick in sync with Mars.

At the same time, Mars released the  Qi technique [Dust Blade]. Mimuru also cast wind magic at both of her feet.

The raging wind blew the giant dragon, which was as big as a house, to the side. The jaws of the Metal Dragon that rushed did not catch Nozomu, and the giant body deviated to the side and slammed into the ground, scraped the ground, and plunged into the forest.

The Metal Dragon was buried in the trees being pushed down by its own body. Mars shouted as the Metal Dragon struggled and blew out a could of dust.

"Tima! Feo!"

In response to Mars' scream, Feo and Tima chased after the fallen Metal Dragon. Feo took out five talismans from his pocket. Tima put magical power into the wand she raised. Lightning flashed in the air, and fire gathered while dancing. Feo created five thunder balls, and Tima created a huge mass of flame.


While making a groaning sound that hurt others' ears, the Metal Dragon rose up, blowing off the trees resting on top of its body. The Metal Dragon's blue eyes caught the thunder balls and the mass of flame.

The Metal Dragon immediately spread its wings and tried to jump into the sky. The sky is his territory. He can fly to heights that can't be reached by humans who can't fly. If it were to fly and use the space in the air, it can easily dodge Feo's thunder balls and Tima's mass of flames.

The Metal Dragon spread the wings on its back, sharp wings as if swords were lined up, and make them flap greatly.

"I won't let you!"

"Be a little obedient~"

The giant hovered in the air for a moment, and just as it was about to fly, chains that shone in the color of the earth suddenly emerged from two magic formations that appeared from the ground and bound the Metal Dragon. It was Anri and Tom who activated the restraint magic. They wouldn't be able to keep the restraint for long with such a mighty being, a dragon, as their opponent, but they were able to gain some time for Feo and Tima to cast magic.


First of all, Feo shot five thunder balls at the Metal Dragon.

Thunder balls that emitted a buzzing sound and blue light flew and landed on the giant body that was being restrained by the magic chains. Lightning bolts shot through the Metal Dragon's entire body with a bursting sound.


The dragon, who had suddenly lost its freedom, screamed from being attacked and raged even more violently. However, Feo's bolt of lightning was repelled by the Metal Dragon's metallic skin and was ineffective.

What's more, the restraint magic reached its limit, and the chains holding the Metal Dragon's body were destroyed with a cracking sound. While the technique that had lost its power scattered in the air, the freed Dragon spread its wings again and tried to fly into the sky.

"It's not over yet!"

Tima, who had pushed her own magic power to the limit, released [Calamity of the Sinner]. She didn't intend to let the Metal Dragon do what it wanted. The scorching mass of flames, which were much larger than the caster's body, flew in a straight line towards the Metal Dragon whose wings were spread wide. But just before the magic hit the Dragon's body, the Dragon managed to land in a hurry. A roaring blast exploded and the surrounding area was filled with a cloud of dust.

It was the power of a mage with S-rank magical qualities. The hot air generated during the explosion made even Somia, who should be the furthest away, feel the searing heat. Certainly, the amount of heat at the center of the explosion was unimaginable.

If hit directly, even the dragon would not be left unscathed...

Smoke was still billowing at the point of impact and it was impossible to see the state of the Metal Dragon that was there.

Maybe it was defeated……. As such an idea flashed through their heads, a huge shadow slashed through the soaring smoke and flew into the sky.

The dragon fled into the air faster than when it landed, dodging a direct hit. However, the explosion from such a close distance and the heat that even iron could easily melt made the Metal Dragon's body not be left intact. There were some stain-like marks on its body and traces of its skin melted and damaged from the heat.


"Take this!"

Irisdina and Shīna shot magic bullets and arrows at the Metal Dragon flying in the air, but the Dragon was able to perform agile maneuvers and dance gracefully like a bird, thus successfully dodging all the magic and arrows that were coming its way. The dragon that had picked up altitude again descended once more, and this time, it fired light bullets from the air towards Nozomu in succession.

"Its bad!"


Irisdina and Shīna who were shooting arrows and magic at the flying dragon immediately stopped their attacks and deployed a magic barrier to block the Metal Dragon's light bullets.

The blast of light bullets that landed and exploded blew up Irisdina and Shīna's magic barrier like scraps of paper, and the explosion that couldn't be prevented hit their bodies directly.

"Iris! Shīna!"

Irisdina and Shīna were blown away and slammed to the ground while groaning. Their voices of agony pierced through Nozomu's chest, however, regardless of what happened, the Metal Dragon shot another light bullet at Nozomu.

“Respond to my wish, guardians of the four directions. Use my heart as a source of nutrients, and repel everything that comes to my friends with the intention bring them harm! "

Tima's chanting resounded in the sky. A four-colored magic formation formed around her. A barrier appeared and enveloped all of her friends who were there. The light bullets that were fired at Nozomu were blocked by the barrier and became grains of light and scattered.

Barrier Magic [Miniature Garden of Four Directions]

Barrier magic with the highest defensive power among the magic that Tima possessed. Similar to the [Four Circumference of Sealing Formation] that Tima used against Rugato's familiar, it was possible to circulate the power of four attributes without repelling each other and forming a stronger barrier. Magic that only Tima could use on this continent.

As previously mentioned, even such a dragon's breath can be blocked from the front.



Tima desperately gritted her teeth and endured the pressure of the light bullets. The magic formation that lay beneath her feet was unstable, shining, and dimming repeatedly. It became unclear and seemed to have almost disappeared

Barrier magic with a large area of effects was difficult to control. Besides, the barrier magic she was using now was one of those that couldn't be said to be commonly used by her. She originally had difficulty controlling it,  just like the [Four Circumference of Sealing Formation]. If she used it only for herself, she could somehow manage it, but if she used it to protect everyone in this place like now, the difficulty of maintaining this technique would jump drastically.

Furthermore, as if to weigh her further, another light bullet was released from the Metal Dragon's mouth and flew towards her, and a shock spread throughout the barrier.


A pained voice escaped from Tima's mouth.

Although the power of the light bullet was lower than before, the light bullet struck almost without a gap. In addition, the dragon maintained a certain height and fired light bullets while moving around Nozomu.

A rain of light bullets poured down. Tima, whose hands were full of controlling the technique, was quickly cornered.

And Tima reached the limit due to the onslaught of light bullets in quick succession.


The barrier magic shattered along with a loud explosive sound. At the same time, Tima's body collapsed to the ground.

The Metal Dragon didn't even look at Tima, who had put up a barrier, and was relentlessly shooting light bullets at Nozomu. It was as if not interested in anything else.

"Kuh~...everyone! Form a circle around Nozomu! At the same time, each one of us should deploy a magical barrier with all our might! We must block it at all costs."

As soon as Tima collapsed, Irisdina and the others started to move.

Mars held Tima who had collapsed and carried her to Norn who was treating Nozomu. The others took their respective positions in the circle and deployed the magic barrier with all their might. Never let the rain of light bullets pass through.




Flashes of lights exploded in quick succession, and a heavy pressure struck the magic barrier they had deployed. Groans escaped from their mouths, and their arms trembled every time an explosive sound resounded. It showed how much the power of the light bullet fired by the Metal Dragon had.

Irisdina and the others desperately gritted their teeth and held back the light bullets that were continuously being fired. They persisted and never said, "let's run away". A large amount of sweat spilled from their foreheads as they were still trying to maintain the magic barrier.

"Everyone, I'll be fine, so take Tima and run away from here! If you go to the forest, you should be able to escape!"

Nozomu told everyone to run away from there. Apparently, the Metal Dragon kept aiming at Nozomu, and he decided that if he was alone, Irisdina and the others could escape. Above all, he couldn't bear to hurt them any more than this.

Certainly, even if the current Nozomu were to fight against the Metal Dragon, there was no chance of winning. Wounds were inflicted all over his body and a large amount of blood was already lost. His body couldn't even manage to stand up anymore

Moreover, the Metal Dragon was always flying in the sky. Nozomu, who was exhausted, would not be able to reach the Metal Dragon in the sky, and if he fought, he would be killed in an instant without being able to escape.

"Ku! Can we somehow land a hit!?"

"Tima might be able to do it, but that's impossible right now. If the magic barrier breaks, Nozomu will be done for! We have no choice but to defend for now."

"If so, we have to endure it! That lizard is too persistent!"

However, Irisdina and the others ignored Nozomu's desperate pleas and continued to try to protect him. While blocking the falling light bullets, various thoughts arose in their hearts.

(He saved my beloved sister.)

(He saved my best friend's sister.)

(He helped me without abandoning me, even though I had said many terrible things to him.)

(He gave me an opportunity to get along with my best friend.)

(I was just curious about him, but after I fought him, I became even more curious.)

(I don't want to part with my first friend.)

(I want him to be with me.)

(I want to help him even a little bit.)

The thoughts that emerged from the bottom of their hearts were complicated, intertwined like tangled threads, and could not be expressed all at once. However, there was one common thought that came to their mind. They wanted to protect him and walk together with him again.

With such thoughts, they glared at the Metal Dragon in the sky.

"What's wrong? If you don't like it, you can run away!"

"Don't be stupid! How can I leave Nozomu... hm, here it comes!"

Mars instantly retorted Shīna's words.

The facial expressions of Irisdina and the others, who continued to persevere in desperation, were stiff. But they desperately kept their morale while raising their voices to each other.


Nozomu's expressions distorted painfully due to the appearance of his companions not trying to escape. When Nozomu suddenly looked to the side, he saw Somia running up beside him.

"Somia-chan. At least you alone, please..."

"Norn-sensei! Is there anything I can do!?"

At least she alone... While thinking so, Nozomu tried to tell Somia to run away. However, his words were blocked by Somia's loud voice.

"Keep Nozomu from moving. If he moves, I won't be able to concentrate on his treatment."


In response to Norn's calm instructions, Somia held Nozomu's body with her small hands. Norn treated Nozomu in a hurry while Somia's young hands were stained with Nozomu's blood. She used healing magic to stop the bleeding from the injured area and bandaged it.

"Nozomu-san. Please stay still for now!"

"Somia-chan. Why ..."

"Even if I learn magic, I can't fight like my sister. It's frustrating and sad, but I don't want to be a burden. I want to stand next to everyone. Then I have to do what I can... "

After saying so, her hands started to glow faintly. At the same time, the pain that Nozomu's body felt was gradually lessening. It was the light of healing magic. Deafening roars continued to reverberate around her, but she didn't hesitate and continued to cast healing magic on Nozomu's body, albeit poorly. Even in such a situation, Somia desperately tried to do what she could.

Perhaps because they were sisters, Somia's appearance overlapped with Irisdina who was struggling in front of him. Nozomu felt like he was shocked by their sincere feelings. They continued to look forward even though it was difficult.

At that moment, a loud explosion rang out.



Mimuru's petite body was blown away by the explosion that couldn't be prevented. Immediately Mars ran and filled the hole.

"Are you okay!?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine! Mars-kun!?"

"I can endure it for a while! If I can't take it anymore, please take turns with me!"

Mars and Mimuru, who originally weren't good at magic, managed to prevent the Dragon's light bullets by continuing to take turns with each other. Irisdina immediately deployed several barriers, and Feo continued to use his talismans to maintain the barrier. Tom kept defending with the catalyst-enhanced magic barrier he always carried around, and Anri tried to lessen everyone's burden by creating a barrier that covered everyone, though not as good as Tima.




Reverberating roars and repeated flashes of light. Every time the Metal Dragon light bullet landed, a cloud of dust rose by the shockwave and covered Irisdina and the others.

Some of them were blown away by the explosion without being able to block the light bullets that were approaching, but they still desperately continued to put up the magic barrier in turns.

Nozomu felt as if his chest was crushed by the sight.

He didn't know why the Metal Dragon, formerly the Undead Dragon, was aiming at him. But for Nozomu, who had just attacked Irisdina and the others, seeing them fighting and getting hurt against the Metal Dragon that was aiming only at him, was like burning his entire body with fire.

"Why. Why doesn't everyone escape!"

Nozomu's sorrowful cry echoed.

"You should run... Just leave me... and escape..."

Somia, who put her hand on Nozomu's shoulder and cast healing magic, looked at him with a suffocating feeling. Hot drops flowed from Nozomu's eyes. Even if Tiamat trapped him in an illusion, Nozomu was still the one who hurt them, even he tried to kill them.

Certainly, they knew it wasn't Nozomu's fault, but Nozomu, who was most afraid of Tiamat's power going wild, felt responsible for this dire situation.



The tears that continued to flow endlessly fell to the ground, creating several trails that looked like twinkling stars in the night sky.

The appearance of Irisdina and the others who continued to be injured in front of him kept squeezing Nozomu's heart. However, at the same time, a different feeling, neither regret nor repentance, emerged from the bottom of his heart.


"Irisdina! Are you alright!?"

"Yes! I can still do it if it's only this much!"

He could see the rearview of Irisdina and the others who were blown away by the explosion of light bullets that have passed through multiple barriers but they endured by gritting their teeth. The sounds of their struggle reached his ears. Their voice and appearance made his feelings surge and gradually seep into Nozomu's heart, which had been rooted in fear, regret, and anxiety.


"Okay, switch! Mars-kun should rest a little!"

"Sorry, Mimuru. I'll leave it to you for a moment!"

Mars, who had reached the limit of maintaining the barrier, swapped places with Mimuru again.

"Feo-kun~. Are you okay~?"

"If it's my body, I'm still fine! But if this continues, it will be dangerous for my wallet... Anri-sensei please, help my wallet!"

"Sorry~. Sensei can't help you with that~. Sensei's salary isn't much~, please do something about it by yourself~"

Feo wept over the consumption of expensive talismans. The paper used to create the talismans was expensive because it was specially processed. Of course, he made efforts such as engraving the technique by himself to reduce the costs, but if he consumed this many talismans in one go, no matter how much he earn at the request of the guild, it would still cost him a lot of money.

"What are you saying! Sensei's salary is higher than that of a knight! Shīna, Mars! Please help me! If I splurge any more than this, I won't be able to live even if I only eat water and flour this month!”

"Shīna! Is your side okay!?"

"Right now, I'm still alright. Anyway, there's one person who has so much leeway!"

"Wha! Ignore!? Are you ignoring me!? I'm going to starve to death you know!? In the first place, I used magical power to activate the talisman technique, so I'm almost at my limit too!"

Shīna and Mars lightly listened to Feo's appeal. Feo screamed at their mistreatment, however, they ignored Feo's complaints, and focused on protecting Nozomu behind their back.

The feelings that had begun to permeate gradually began to exude heat.

"I, I am..."

The warmth he felt in the depths of his chest. While feeling that warmth, Nozomu realized that the emotion that had sprung up from his heart was joy. Whatever the reason, Irisdina and the others tried to protect Nozomu with all their might.

Their appearance made Nozomu realize that the words they said, "Once again, we want you to be our friend", were still alive in them.

If they no longer saw Nozomu as a friend, they wouldn't try to face such a legendary-class opponent.

Their faces were so dirty with dirt and sweat, and their clothes were worn out from being blown away by the explosions of light bullets. Their bodies were injured here and there, but their appearance, which continued to stand, clearly conveyed to Nozomu their intention to protect him at all costs. Not from a sense of duty or obligation. Based on their desperate and unrelenting expressions, what they did really came from the bottom of their hearts.

Even though his heart was bound and constricted, the hard work of Irisdina and the others continued to generate a burning heat in the depths of Nozomu's chest. The heat that continued to build up ignited Nozomu's heart and began to burn the wedge that bound his heart. The appearance of his friends who had been protecting him so much all this time continued to speak eloquently to Nozomu rather than a thousand words.

(No matter what you say, you're already our friend...).

Nozomu was always alone at school. That was why their thoughts were enough for him.

"~! Norn-sensei. If I were to use my full power, can I move my body even just a little bit!?"

Norn's expression turned shocked and froze at the words Nozomu suddenly said. It was reasonable. Nozomu's body is currently so badly injured that it's best for him to immediately lie down on the bed and rest.

In particular, the katana that pierced through his left arm was still stuck, and if pulled carelessly, it could damage his arteries and cause heavy bleeding. If a large amount of blood was lost at once, it would cause symptoms of shock and endanger Nozomu's life. It was impossible for him to fight under such conditions, and Norn, who was responsible for taking care of his life would never allow him to fight.

"You…… do you even know your own current condition!? Your muscles ruptured and wounds were inflicted on your entire body. Also, the amount of blood loss due to the katana piercing your left arm cannot be ignored! More importantly, if you release that power now, Tiamat will try to swallow you again!"

That was true. More importantly, if Nozomu were to release his ability suppression, Tiamat would act once again to devour Nozomu. This situation is perfect if Tiamat's purpose is to revive itself. That was why it tried to destroy Nozomu for that purpose.

"Are you willing to waste Irisdina and the others' efforts!?"

As Norn scolded him, Nozomu slowly shook his head to deny her words.

He had no intention of doing that. He won't let that happen again. He just wanted to respond to the feelings of those who believed in him.

"...No, it's not like that. I just don't want to waste their feelings, that's why I have to do it. Right here, right now!"

Irisdina and the others protected him even though they could be killed in the process. He wanted to answer the feelings conveyed by them. He wanted to tell them that he wanted to be friends with them one more time.

Nozomu put his hand on the katana that pierced his left arm and pulled it out.

"Kuh~... Uuu~!"

The katana was pulled out with a slashing sound, and the freshly spilled blood spread red on the ground. Fortunately, it didn't seem like the artery was damaged, but Norn and Somia hastily suppressed the wound and applied healing magic.

"I'm just a human who had been running away all this time. Even now. Everyone walked up to me, but I was scared and couldn't believe them, and I ended up turning my eyes away... "

While watching the wound gradually close with healing magic,

Nozomu looked back at what he had done. He always ran away. His fearful and shrinking heart made him afraid of being left behind. But even though he was such a pathetic person, everyone still called out to him.

When he was being entrapped in Tiamat's illusion, he didn't know how everyone broke the illusion and what they were saying to him, but he could still hear their faint voices calling his name. Because everyone called out to him, he was able to return.

Until now, even though he realized that he averted his eyes from his surroundings and was running away, he couldn't find the courage to move forward...

"But I'm done with that. I want to stand next to everyone again ..."


Somia was mesmerized by Nozomu's eyes. Norn just silently received Nozomu's gaze.


At that time, Tima who had fainted woke up.

Her consciousness was unclear and she had a blank expression. But as she gradually became more conscious and understood the situation around her, she jumped up.

"~! I have to hurry and help everyone!"

Tima tried to rush back to the front, but Nozomu's bloody hand held her shoulders down.


"I have a request... I want you to help me."

Staring straight at Tima, Norn, and Somia, Nozomu was trying to act again with the intention of "I want to be with everyone," just as Irisdina and the others had shown him before.


Irisdina and the others managed to block the Metal Dragon's attack, but they were gradually cornered because they couldn't counterattack.

Their opponent flew freely in the air and fired light bullets in quick succession, so they focused on defense and couldn't counterattack at all. As long as the Metal Dragon was in the sky, the only way to attack was with Shīna's magic or arrows. With such a metalized Undead Dragon soaring high in the sky, they couldn't expect their attacks to land a blow effectively.

It might have been possible if Tima hadn't fainted. Her magic, which had the highest magical quality in the entire continent, could be expected to be effective against the Metal Dragon. In fact, the skin of the Metal Dragon that was hit by the [Calamity of the Sinner] that she released had melted slightly. However, as long as they couldn't land any attacks effectively, they had no choice but to focus on defending, but Irisdina and the others were still struggling.


"Are you alright, fox-bastard!"

"Of course! How much do you think I've spent on this battle!? Whether it's dragons, spirits, demons, or whatever, just come at me!"

The light bullet hit the barrier that was deployed by Feo directly and the barrier scattered with a high-pitched sound. He took out five more talismans from his pocket and sent his magical power to re-deploy the magic barrier. Contrary to his desperate tone, his back looked a bit depressed, perhaps because a large amount of money had been spent.

"If we can get home alive, I'll give you the best meal once as an apology for what I did yesterday!"

"Are you serious! Then I want roasted pork using spices from the south, whales meat from the west, and the east..."

"Oi, restraint yourself. Please be a little reserved! At least I'll make the best meal out of our shop!"

Mars and Feo were still in a tight situation, but they were able to have such a frivolous talk with each other. Perhaps because he had once experienced a battle with a Dragon, judging by Mars' appearance, the impatience he had when he made his technique run wild during the previous special training was hardly noticeable. Even if he were to be forced into a difficult situation, he would be able to fight while maintaining his composure on such a battlefield.

By the way, the items ordered by Feo were fairly expensive in this Arcazam, and if Mars were to grant all of Feo's orders, Mars' wallet would definitely fall to the minus side instead of being empty.

It may be due to his splurging, but Feo's order was still too much for Mars.

"Kuh~... Mimuru, don't overdo it! If it becomes difficult to maintain the barrier, even the slightest, Mars and I will take your place!"

"I know! You don't have to worry, Tom."
"Haa, haa... what are we going to do? It'll be bad if we stay like this"

"After Norn-sensei finishes all the treatments for Nozomu, we will retreat to the forest! Shīna-kun, Anri-sensei, and I will be the rearguard when we retreat. Anri-sensei is that alright?"

"Of course. It's fine, leave it to your sensei~."

While Tom and Mimuru were talking to each other, Irisdina and the others calmly assessed their situation, thought about their next move, and tried to execute it. Their situation was quite tight, but neither of them gave up, and they acted calmly. Repeated battles with strong foes might have boosted their mental growth.

However, it will also eventually reach its limit.

Perhaps getting tired of it, a stronger light bullet was fired from the Metal Dragon's mouth. At the same time, a six-pointed star-shaped magic formation that they had never seen before, appeared in front of the Metal Dragon. A shining ball of light appeared in the center of the formation.

The light particles that were continuously emitted gathered at the ball of light that shone in front of the Metal Dragon and merged into an even larger bullet of light. It was several times larger than the Dragon's head.

"This is bad! Everyone, get ready!"

Along with Irisdina's shout, everyone who had put up the magic barrier poured their magic power into the barrier with all their might. Their barrier emitted a strong light.

The next moment, a gigantic light bullet was fired at Irisdina and the others. A gigantic mass of light fell from the sky as a meteorite landed on the barrier. It exploded, spreading thunderous sounds and flashes of light all around, and instantly destroy the magic barrier that Irisdina and the others had set up with all their might.



Irisdina and the others were blown away by the explosion. Their respective weapons fell to the ground and made falling sounds. It was almost as if it was the end for them.


Still, they managed to stand up.

The Metal Dragon saw them from the sky. Its appearance shining under the moonlight looked like a messenger of God, not an ugly demon beast.

The Metal Dragon's mouth began to emit light once again. Irisdina and the others tried to put up barriers again, but due to their battle against the Undead Dragon and Nozomu who was being manipulated, they had already reached their limit.

Irisdina managed to get up and tried to deploy her technique, but the hand she was trying to reach out hung down slowly, and her head was hazy like a mist covering her head, and she couldn't even feel her legs.


The Metal Dragon puffed out its chest and pulled its neck as if to take a deep breath. Irisdina and the others desperately supported their bodies that were about to collapse, but that was the best they could do now.

The moment the light bullet was fired, something ran through their side at high speed.




A mass of wind ran straight towards the Metal Dragon which was flying in the sky while swirling the wind around it. The [Driving Mass of Wind] magic that was compressed to the limit hit the Metal Dragon that was about to spit out a light bullet, and the next moment, a mass of wind exploded and hit the dragon.

The Metal Dragon, which was greatly out of balance due to the explosion, fell to the ground while groaning.

Irisdina and Shīna were shocked by the sudden occurrence. They lost strength, couldn't support their own bodies, and almost fell to the ground. However, someone gently supported their body, which was about to collapse, from behind.

"Thank you, both of you ..."


His gentle voice, which contrasted with such a battlefield, resounded in their ears. After they reflexively leaked out surprised voices, Nozomu's figure jumped into Irisdina and Shīna's eyes.


The Metal Dragon dropped in altitude due to the direct hit of Tima's [Driving Mass of Wind], but it regained its posture before hitting the ground and rushing in while flying low.

The Dragon's eyes reflected Nozomu's figure who was running towards it, away from his companions. After confirming its top priority target, the Metal Dragon immediately decided to attack with all its might. A magic formation appeared in front of it. The Metal Dragon consolidated every power of its own body to its limits and created the largest ball of light it could create.

"Haa, haa, haa..."

Nozomu kept running with all his might, whipping his aching body.

The magic formation created by the Metal Dragon formed a ball of light that was bigger than before.

The Metal Dragon attack was a breath bullet bombardment. And no matter what moves the Metal Dragon made, Nozomu had no way out if the opponent stayed in the air because he had no way to fly.

However, that didn't mean he couldn't do anything about it.

For that reason, he asked Tima to drive it from the sky to a lower altitude. The only condition left was that he had to do the rest in his own strength. He had no other choice but to do it.

He touched the invisible chains that bound him and Tiamat. If he were to remove this chain, that scene would come back again. Burnt down, collapsed Arcazam and the scent of death. Tiamat would definitely interfere with Nozomu for its own resurrection. However…….

Nozomu once again looked at Irisdina and the others who were behind him over his shoulder. Even though he had pointed his katana at them and was about to kill them, but they never abandoned him, and instead, they helped him.

That is enough.

Same as the last time he fought his master. Once again, he stepped forward to start a new relationship with them.

After seeing them once again, Nozomu released his Ability Suppression.


The pain was so excruciating that his entire body was about to fall apart, and blood started flowing again from the wound that had just been treated. The forest that had spread out in front of him disappeared, and a crumbling and burning world spread out in front of him.

“Haa, haa… As expected, give me a break!”

The nightmare spread out once again. But since Nozomu wasn't fooled anymore, he muttered as if to cast it aside. He didn't look at the tragedy spreading out in front of him. He was just staring at the dark sky while talking. He didn't know if it will reach Tiamat. Nevertheless…….

(What an annoying bastard ...)

Tiamat's voice echoed from the void. Nozomu was convinced that it was watching him. While gripping his sweaty palms, he spoke to Tiamat, who may be looking at him.

"I won't be fooled by your illusions anymore. Can you at least behave for a while!?"

Tiamat's pressure could be felt from the surroundings as if responding to Nozomu's statement. At the same time, the whole world let out a creaking sound, and Nozomu's survival instinct gave him the greatest warning.

His spine froze as if he had been stabbed by an ice spear, and cold sweat spewed out all at once. The next moment, intense pain ran through Nozomu's head. Tiamat's interference has begun. While crouching with his head in his hands, Nozomu gritted his teeth and tried to withstand the interference.


(This time, I will break your heart...)

"Guu~, aaaaah !!"

Nozomu's scream echoed through the ruined city.

Various forms of death swirled through his mind, and it was a scene where everything was done by Nozomu's own hands.

Nozomu's figure who beheaded Irisdina.

Nozomu's figure stabbed Shīna with her own hand.

Nozomu's figure crushed Mars' skull.

Nozomu's appearance turned Anri's body into dirt of blood.

And Nozomu's figure strangled Lisa's head.

Those images pierced Nozomu's brain over and over again, stirring in his head.

"~! Argh~! Guuuuu!!"

Nozomu let out pained voices because he can no longer make a proper voice. Even so, he desperately resisted not to give up his own heart, but Nozomu's heart was gradually scraped off, becoming smaller and diffused into the void.


For a moment, Nozomu's thoughts reflected their burning appearance before his eyes. At that moment, he remembered a place that could be said to be the place where he could come back to. A place where he was allowed to call it home.

At that moment, Nozomu's ears heard the sound of water droplets dripping onto the surface of the water in the darkness. The sound spread out as if echoing repeatedly, and at the same time, Nozomu's consciousness, which was about to be diffused, rapidly returned.

"~! Will you stop already! Bastard!"


Nozomu screamed and slammed his head on the ground as if to knock off the images that projected in his head.

A flash of light flashed in front of him, a dull pain ran throughout his head, and at the same time, the image that was eroding Nozomu's head was interrupted. It seemed, he was able to escape from Tiamat's interference.

(R-Ridiculous! How did you dispel my interference at this level!)

Tiamat's shaken voice could be heard for the first time.

While bleeding from his forehead, Nozomu glared at the ruins that were scattered in front of him. It's just a fake Arcazam. It was a world of deception that Tiamat created to trap Nozomu.

If so, he just needed to destroy the fake world and resist its interference in the truest sense. He should have already had what he needed to do that. Nozomu raised his right hand and exhaled, as he decided what he was going to do next, he took a deep breath and pierced his chest at once.


Nozomu closed his eyes and continued to dive within himself while spitting out blood from his mouth. In his field of view that was shrouded in darkness, he felt like he had fallen to the bottom of a valley where he couldn't see the bottom.

Deeper and deeper, Nozomu fell into an endless abyss.

When he fell so deep that he didn't even know how deep he was, a small ball of light appeared in front of him.

A sphere that glowed while being mixed with five colors of light, as if representing chaos. That's no doubt. It was Tiamat's power that Nozomu had taken.

Nozomu slowly pulled out his hand from his chest. The ball of light that was shining so brightly was clasped in his hand.

(That... you bastard!!)
After squeezing the ball of light with his right hand.

The five colors of light that overflowed from his fist, intertwined and enveloped his arm.



He slammed his right hand onto the ground.

The next moment, a five-colored chaotic light shot out from the ground where he struck his fist. Everything that was touched by the burst of light that erupted was returned to dust. Burning flames, collapsed buildings, and fallen people. Cracks appeared in the sky where sparks flew. The scene collapsed as if eggshells were peeled off, and the fake Arcazam disappeared.

As the fake world created by Tiamat disappeared under the influence of the five colors of light, Nozomu only looked straight ahead and rushed out with all his might, leaped beyond the rift of the cracked world.

In front of Nozomu who rushed out, he could see the forest, which was the real world. He could see the Metal Dragon rushing over at low altitudes. In front of the Metal Dragon, a gigantic light bullet it created emitted a dazzling light and was waiting for the moment to be released.


Then, along with the roar of the Metal Dragon, a gigantic light bullet was fired at Nozomu. A cannonball of light larger than Nozomu's height tore through the atmosphere and approached like a meteorite.


Ability Suppression had been released. There was no sign that Tiamat would interfere any further, perhaps due to the destruction of the fake world. Nozomu sent his Qi into his katana and prepared a forward strike stance. After he pulled the katana's body halfway, he immediately launched a slash in a circular motion.

Qi technique [Fan Shaped Sail]

In the next moment, a huge circular film made of Qi appeared, tracing the trajectory of the slashed katana.

While Irisdina and the others were watching, the gigantic light bullet collided with the film of Qi.

At that moment, the film of Qi, fluttering like a sail, was receiving the gigantic light bullet and bent as if to wrap around it.


Nozomu raised his right hand and slammed his clenched fist into the light bullet through the film of Qi. Then, the light bullet that was received by the bend film of Qi was launched like a bow and arrow.

The gigantic light bullet launched back towards the Metal Dragon.

Perhaps not expecting to be bounced, the Metal Dragon couldn't dodge it and was hit by its own light bullet.


A roaring sound resounded along with an ear-piercing scream.

The Metal Dragon appeared by cutting through the rising smoke. Its figure was clearly seriously injured when viewed from the side.

The silver-white armor covering its skin had been peeled off, and within it, a blue light that pulsed like a heart shone through the tubes that spread out like veins.

One of its eyes was crushed, and its wings that looked like a bundle of swords were darkened and dirtied with cracks here and there.


Even so, the Metal Dragon didn't give up. Using its own giant body as a weapon, it rushed towards Nozomu. It was willing to crush Nozomu with its own huge body. Nozomu's line of sight and the Metal Dragon intersected. Its eyes, which shone blue instead of hazy white, clearly told Nozomu that the Dragon still retained its own will.


Nozomu put his katana into its scabbard and exhaled. Then, Nozomu's fighting spirit, which had been fierce until now, suddenly dissipated.

Irisdina and the others showed impatience when they saw Nozomu who released his fighting stance. Although a huge amount of energy was still leaking from his body, mysteriously, it didn't feel intimidating at all.

He kept meditating as a huge mass of metal approached Nozomu with its tenacity.



If nothing was done, he would be crushed by the approaching huge mass of metal. The moment Irisdina screamed, Nozomu's eyes opened.

In the next moment, the released fighting spirit attacked the Metal Dragon.

Nozomu emitted dense waves just like the approaching mass of metal. While exuding a fighting spirit that others could feel the physical pressure from it, Nozomu completely released the power of Tiamat that he had taken in. His immense overflowing power was dyed in 5 colors and hit the Metal Dragon like a flash flood.

Nozomu extremely compressed the released power and stepped forward while sending that power to his right leg. His extremely strengthened right foot crushed the ground and the ground's surface gouged out.

While connecting his knee and hip muscles without any waste, he even extremely strengthened them according to the movement of his muscles.

Human body moves by interlocking its muscles. Humans can exert explosive power if the muscles that cover their entire body are connected without waste.

Furthermore, if an ultimate power were to be applied by using the extreme compression of the Qi along with the interlocking muscles without waste, the generated power would be immeasurable.

However, there are so many muscles that cover the human body, and their movements are extremely complicated. Even if those muscles could be connected without any waste, normally, it would be impossible to do something such as connecting muscles along with extreme strengthening with Qi.

However, Nozomu's concentration that accelerated his mind and made time look slower made it possible for him to do that.  Under such extreme concentration, within a world reflected in slow motion, Nozomu was able to connect his muscles without any waste. The rupturing sound of his muscles echoed in Nozomu's ears. Nozomu's body is too fragile to fully accept Tiamat's power. His body reached its limit very easily, blood flowed out at once, and Nozomu's field of vision darkened.


In such a hazy consciousness, Nozomu was still trying to release his Qi technique while biting his lip.

The best technique inherited from his master.

With extremely strengthened and optimum movement, he launched the best blow that he could release.

Based on that determination,  Nozomu extremely compressed the released force on the sheathed katana. Five colors of light swirled and gathered on Nozomu's katana. Nozomu's katana shone with a chaotic light. He pulled out his katana at once while looking at the approaching Metal Dragon.


Qi technique [Phantom -Flash-]

The technique of launching one's own best blow was released.

Nozomu's katana exploded at the moment it was pulled out because it could not withstand Tiamat's power. However, the extremely compressed blade traced the trajectory of his arm and aimed at the fangs of the Metal Dragon.

The blade struck the Metal Dragon's body without any sound, and the blade tinged with chaos swung like lightning without feeling any resistance.

Furthermore, the power overflowed as the katana exploded, erasing the Metal Dragon's body, leaving only parts of its neck, legs, and wings. The Metal Dragon's body disappeared without leaving any dust behind in front of such a power of chaos. Nozomu stood in silence while only the sound of the remains of the Metal Dragon rolling on the ground. The bladeless katana, only the hilt remaining, was put back into its scabbard, and Nozomu turned and bowed. To pay his respect to the Undead Dragon, who was the pinnacle of demon beasts, who continued to fight until the end. The Metal Dragon's eyes dimmed as if praising the person who defeated it.


The hooded person just stared at the image reflected in the ball of light in front of him in a shocked manner.

"No way, he was able to use Tiamat's power directly..."

The words that came out of his mouth were astonishing words for Nozomu who directly brought out the power of Tiamat.

The time when Nozomu used Tiamat's power was only for a moment. What's more, that power was only a fraction of the total amount of power it possessed. Even so, it was a fact worthy of admiration that a mere human was able to control the power of chaos, albeit for a moment.

"And the fact that he was able to resist Tiamat's interference. As expected, the transformation has already begun..."

Beyond the hooded person vision, Nozomu suddenly collapsed. As expected, using Tiamat's power directly would be too burdensome. The bleeding from all over his body was severe. Especially his right arm, which was used to draw his katana earlier, had become burnt.

"However, the situation has become unpredictable. Is that necessary after all?"

The unknown person pondered while touching his chin.

For the time being, he had achieved one of his goals, but he had not achieved all of them.

At that moment, a small ball of light appeared in front of him.

A ball of light swaying like a candle flame. It was the ball of light that appeared when the Undead Dragon was transformed into a Metal Dragon.

"Thank you for your hard work. I apologize for overdoing it..."

After the hooded person held the ball of light with both hands, he spoke to it.


The ball of light...... No, the Undead Dragon's soul growled as if to say "don't worry".

A dragon that tried to survive by eating all of its friends, even though it just wanted to live. However, it was impossible to know what this dragon was thinking right now. However, the Dragon's appearance as it looked at the person who defeated it, seemed somewhat satisfied.

While looking at the Undead Dragon's appearance, the hooded person's mouth revealed a self-deprecating smile on his mouth, then he raised its soul towards the sky.

"Now, go home. To the place where your friends await..."

In the next moment, the soul of the Undead Dragon that was raised, scattered and became a grain of light in the air.

For a while, the light particles orbiting around the hooded person flew away, guided by the sudden breeze, and eventually disappeared.

The breeze peeled off the hood, exposing his white beard and white hair to the moonlight. Wrinkles were etched on his cheeks to tell the story of his accumulated years, and his wisdom-bearing eyes were turned to the projected Nozomu again.

"I can't let my guard down. There are many concerns. It's still too early to feel relieved..."

An old man who kept his stern eyes on Nozomu.

However, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and his expression broke into a smile.

“But, even if it was only for a moment, he was able to control that power and defeat that guardian… the Metal Dragon. For the time being, I have to say that it was well done. You did well, boy..."

In front of him was the image of Nozomu's companions rushing to the fallen Nozomu. The old man, no, Zonne erased the projected image, turned his heels back, and left the place. He probably thought that peeping further than this would be inappropriate.

His face reflected in the moonlight seemed to be somewhat satisfied.

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