The first thing Nozomu and his friends were recommended to do when they arrived at Francilt's mansion was take a bath.
Nozomu and the others were grateful for it since they had been training in the forest until a while ago, and their bodies were quite dirty with sweat and dirt.

However, they could not feel relaxed in the bathhouse, which was so large that it could even hold an entire house. Nozomu, Tom, and Mars were soaking in the hot water at the edge of the huge bathtub, restless the whole time.

The only one who was excited was Feo, who was not able to read the atmosphere.

There were more surprises to come.

After getting out of the bath, this time a number of maids dressed the guests in their clothes for dinner.

Nozomu and his friends were dressed in tuxedos that would have been appropriate for a social occasion.

To tell the truth, the tuxedos were so expensive that Nozomu and the others could not afford to buy even a single button with their income. Moreover, for some reason, the tuxedos were made to fit all of them perfectly.

When in the world did they make it?

Nozomu was a little bewildered by the formal attire he was wearing for the first time, but he was also surprised at the audacity of the Francilt to give such expensive clothing to a student of a commoner's background.

But what made him more restless than anything else was the fact that he was surrounded by about 10 maids the moment he stepped out of the bath. The maids said nonchalantly, "We are here to dress you and take care of you".

Mars and the others were also flustered at this shameful play.

They resisted desperately out of embarrassment, but they ended up being dressed one after another. Frankly speaking, Nozomu felt more exhausted than the combat training he had against Jihad.

After being dressed, Nozomu and the others were led to the dining room.

It was the same place where Somia's birthday party was held before. In the ridiculously large dining room, Victor was alone, sitting at a long table that could only have been used for a party. He was waiting for Nozomu and the others.

"You've come. Hmm, it looks good on you."

"Umm, is this okay? To make such clothes for us."

"Don't worry about it. It's the host's duty to entertain his guests."

Nozomu felt restless that he had been provided with clothes that were expensive even from an amateur's point of view, but Victor didn't seem to be particularly concerned.

"Besides, whether it is clothes or accessories, you must have good ones. You'll need it when the time comes."

"No, I don't see myself having such an opportunity ......."

In social circles, the quality of one's clothes and ornaments represented the value of the person who wore them.

They were tools for fighting on the battlefield called the social world and were probably the same as knights' armor for the nobility.

However, for Nozomu, such an expensive item was something he could never afford.

"Well, not necessarily right away. After you graduate from the academy and make a name for yourself in the places you go, you'll understand it even if you don't like it."

"I see ..."

For a man of his reputation, the items that adorned him were certainly a kind of status symbol. However, Nozomu, who was not really aware of what would happen after graduation, only responded with an indifferent reply.

However, Nozomu couldn't help but notice a strange implication in Victor's words.

"Are Irisdina and the others haven't arrived yet?"

"Ladies take a longer time to get ready."

The preparations for Irisdina and the others seemed to be taking quite a while, but Victor didn't seem particularly concerned and was staring at the crackling fire inside the fireplace.

"Why don't we talk until they are ready? I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

"What is it ... that you want to ask?"

"Well, I want to know how my daughters are doing in this city. I may not look like one, but I am their parent."

"I understand"

Victor was waiting for Nozomu's words with a smile on his stern, old face.

"Let's see... Irisdina-sama is at the top of her class in both writing and swordsmanship. She has the blessings of magic and abilities, but she is never conceited about it. In fact, her magic capabilities are one step ahead of the students who use chanting and magic formations. She has many fans and has been confessed to more than once. She is firm, sometimes harsh, but she follows through, and she is well respected by underclassmen. Well, sometimes she gets a little careless when it comes to Somia-chan..."

Victor nodded his head as he listened to Nozomu.

"As for Somia-chan... Somiliana-sama, I don't know how she is doing in class because we are in different school buildings, but she is a hardworking and good-natured girl and she seems to have a lot of close friends. She seems to be having a fulfilling school life."

After Victor heard Nozomu's words, he muttered a single word, "I see..." and began to ponder while placing his hand on his chin.

Nozomu felt a tingling sensation all over his body as if he had been hit by Victor's majesty.

At that moment, Feo, who was swaying restlessly, came into view.

He was staring at the door of the dining room, his eyes blazing like those of a dog who has been left alone to fend for itself in front of a feast.

"Hey you, fox bastard, why are you so excited?"

Perhaps concerned about Feo's behavior, Mars, who was nearby, called out to him.

Both Mars and Feo were now dressed in the same formal attire as Nozomu.

Mars was wearing a white-based tuxedo. His light-colored blond hair was also well-coiffed, giving him the impression of a nobleman.

However, when he opened his mouth, his naturally crude tone of voice leaked out, and he instantly became a disappointing nobleman.

Feo wore the same white tuxedo as Mars. However, unlike Mars, he wore a silver necklace around his neck.

Compared to Mars, Feo's body was slender, but he did not give the impression of being frail. From the outside, he looked like a young, successful merchant.

"It's natural. Girls of that level are going to dress up. Of course, I'm looking forward to it!"

"As usual, you never hold back from saying such words..."

But even in such an expensive attire, Feo was still Feo. His attitude of always putting his own entertainment first remained unchanged, even with his flashy appearance.

By the way, Tom wore the same black tuxedo as Nozomu.

When Tom, who was petite to begin with, wore the clothes, he somehow gave the impression of being worn by the clothes rather than wearing them.

But he still looked like a pretty boy, so it didn't bother him that much.

Tom had been provided with a noble attire that he was not accustomed to, and perhaps he was being affected by the majestic atmosphere of the Francilt mansion, he looked restless since a while ago and his eyes darting about like a squirrel.

"You know, Nozomu, don't you feel curious about the clothes of the Black-Haired Princess and Shīna and the others?"


Feo, not seeming to care about Mars' gaze, now put his hand on Nozomu's shoulder and brought his face as close as he can.

As if it didn't matter that Victor, a famous aristocrat, was right in front of him, Feo was trying to pull Nozomu along.

It seemed that Feo's attitude of putting his own enjoyment first did not change even in front of Victor.

Nozomu thought it would be rude to Victor and tried to admonish Feo, but Victor laughed before Nozomu could do so. Victor waved his hand and urged Nozomu on.
"You don't have to worry about it. Enjoy talking with your friends until my daughters arrive."

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go talk to him for a bit."

Nozomu, whose shoulders were firmly pinned, was unable to move freely, so he had no choice but to lower his head only slightly.

Feo, as if he did not care about Nozomu's anguish, pulled him with even more force. Feo was breathing roughly as if he was excited.

"Come on Nozomu, let me know what you think!"

"You, why don't you think a little more about the place and the people you're with ..."

Nozomu was about to let out a sigh at Feo's behavior as usual.

However, he would be lying if he said that he was not curious about the alluring figure of Irisdina, Shīna, and the others. After all, Nozomu was also a healthy adolescent.

"So, who is Nozomu looking forward to the most?"

"No, that's ..."

However, Nozomu was not at all as straightforward as Feo.

He was a young man who was not assertive, except with certain people. He was at a loss to answer Feo's straightforward questions.

In fact, the girls who came to Nozomu's mind on the spur of the moment were all beautiful girls, and none of them could be ranked higher than the other.

While Nozomu was at a loss as to how to answer the question, Feo proceeded to talk more and more.

"Don't give me that crap. Don't tell me you're not interested, Nozomu."


For a moment, Nozomu could not understand Feo's words. A slight silence passed between the two.

However, within a few seconds, Feo's gaze began to turn suspicious of Nozomu.

"Don't tell me you're interested in men..."

"... I wonder if this fox wants to be a fur product."

The word that came out of Feo's mouth was something that Nozomu couldn't overlook.

He instantly grabbed the fox's throat next to him and tightened it to the limit.

Perhaps because he had been caught up in so many of Feo's past mayhem, Nozomu already had no mercy for the troublemakers in front of him.

"No-, Nozomu ... my throat."

Around them, Mars and Tom were sighing again, but they didn't seem to be helping.

"Nozomu, stop it. It won't sell."

"Wha~, that's awful..."

No. Instead of stopping Nozomu, Mars pushed him further.

"What about ... taxidermy?"

"I can only imagine a future where it's either become a smug-looking stuffed fox, sold as a work of art to a bad-tasting rich merchant, or gnawed on by rats in the back of a warehouse."

Either way, it was a future that Feo would like to avoid.

"Both of you, that's a bit ......."

Tom, who was listening to the conversation beside Nozomu and Mars, was also smiling bitterly and letting out words of warning at Nozomu and Mars' unforgiving manner.

However, Tom was becoming quite attached to Nozomu and Mars, as he was not actively trying to stop them.

"If he were to be a stuffed fox, what would the two name it?"

"" The Choice of The Fool's End ""

"... Ki ~yu ~~"

"Oh, he fell"

Finally reaching his limit, Feo crumpled to the floor, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Perhaps Nozomu had squeezed his neck a little too hard, his face had turned completely blue.

At that time, a knocking sound on the dining room door echoed through the dining room.

"The ladies have arrived."

The door was opened and Mena who appeared announced that the ladies were ready.

If the unconscious Feo was left as it is, it would get in the way, so Nozomu leaned Feo's body against a pillar for the time being and slapped him on the cheek.

"Oi, Feo, wake up."

"Why am I here? I'm pretty sure I was  standing in a place resembling a river until a while ago ..."

"W-, well, aren't you tired? You've been poor lately, and you've been working at Ushitotei for a while ..."

It seemed that Feo's soul had gone to a place it shouldn't have.

Nozomu managed to control his cheeks, which were starting to pull back, wondering if he had gone a little too far while supporting Feo on his shoulder.

"I-, it looks like Irisdina and the others are ready, so it's time for us to get some food, don't you think?"

"Oh! Seriously! I couldn't even afford to eat bread crust these days! I'm going to eat a lot today~!"

"You, what do you usually eat?"

"Weeds and insects that grow around here."


It seemed that Feo's life of extreme poverty had become far more than Nozomu could have imagined.

Nozomu was speechless at the thought of Feo's life, where he could no longer even afford to eat bread crust.
"Nozomu, do you know? Licking a stone will drown your hunger to a certain extent, and if you swallow it, it will fill you up pretty well..."

A single tear glistened on Feo's eyelid as he described his life of extreme poverty in a hushed voice. His golden tail was hanging down weakly, and it was flat on the floor.

Nozomu himself had suffered hardships in the forest, but he was not so destitute that he had to eat stones.

It was so pitiful that he had such a terrible diet.

Nozomu patted Feo on the shoulder as he held back the tears that welled up from pity.

"... I'll buy you lunch tomorrow ..."

"…… Yes"

Let's be a little gentler from now on. Thinking so, Nozomu patted Feo's head, which was drooping.

Nozomu felt a little calm when he saw his classmate nodding his head as he stroked him.

At that moment, the door to the dining room was opened with a creaking sound.

It seemed that Irisdina and the others had arrived.

Nozomu raised his face while patting Feo's head, who was drooping next to him. At that moment, colorful flowers bloomed in front of Nozomu's eyes.

"Whoa ..."


A voice of admiration leaked out from the men present.

The first flower to catch the eyes of Nozomu and the others was Somia, wearing a pink dress.

She energetically jumped into the dining room as soon as the door was opened.

Somia wore a soft dress with lots of lovely frills. The bright pink dress completely covered her from her shoulders to her hands, revealing very little skin.

"Fufu, good evening Nozomu-san! What do you think!?"

Somia ran towards Nozomu and spun around with a smile on her face. Her soft dress fluttered softly as she turned.

On her head, she wore a brightly colored flower crown made of artificial flowers in the same pink as her dress, which further enhanced Somia's charming smile like the sun.

"Yup, it's so cute. It suits Somia-chan's atmosphere very well."

"... Ehehe. Thank you! It looks great on you, too, Nozomu-san."

Somia's smile was as pretty as her dress, and Nozomu's cheeks naturally loosened.

Nozomu and Somia smile at each other. At that moment, someone's shadow suddenly appeared at the edge of Nozomu's field of vision.

"Ah, Shīna-san."

"Shīna ... Eh?"

Nozomu raised his face when Somia's suddenly turned around and called out someone's name. This time, a clear blue fountain appeared before his eyes.

Shīna was wearing a dress with a blue base color. The skirt was short, reaching just above the knees, and her slender white legs extended beautifully through it.

Her long blue hair was tied up with a hair clip decorated with white artificial flowers, exposing her pure white nape.

The dress was modest around the bust, yet without compromising the curves of her body, and it accentuated the allure of Shīna, who was an elf.

The long translucent shawl and see-through skirt that extended from her shoulders to her waist, as if hiding the short skirt, further enhanced the fantastic atmosphere she possessed.

The dress was not as cute as Somia's, but rather evoked a sense of purity and innocence.

Nozomu was speechless when she saw Shīna in such a fantastical appearance. He was lost for words and was in awe.

"W-, what is it?... tell me if you have something to say."

"O-, oh ... no, umm..."

Nozomu finally came to his senses when he was approached by Shīna,  whose cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, but no proper words came out of his mouth.

"You look like ..... a fairy."

"W-, what's that. I'm basically a fairy race..."

"That's not what I mean. I just think it looks really good on you..."


Shīna's vermilion-tinted white skin turned even redder due to Nozomu's pure admiration.

For a while, a sweet and sour silence flowed between Nozomu and Shīna. Shīna shyly folded her hands in a fidgety manner, and Nozomu also could not take his eyes off of her, which he usually didn't show.

"Auuuu ..."

"Look, Tima, don't hide in that place."

Nozomu and Shīna were both blushing and silent, but they were suddenly surprised when they heard voices coming from the hallway.

There was some sort of commotion going on behind the dining-room door. From the voices, it seemed to be Irisdina and Tima.

Nozomu tilted his head to see what was going on.

"Ah, Tima-san, you're still at it."

Shīna, who had been fidgeting earlier, put her hand on her forehead and let out a small sigh. Somia also understood what was going on, and she let out a giggle .......

The men who didn't understand what was going on were blinking their eyes, but in the meantime, Tima and Irisdina's voices continued.

"B-, but... such a dress ..."

"It looks good on you, so it's okay. You see, everyone is waiting."

"Well, not only is Tima-cchi embarrassed to be seen by everyone, but she's even more embarrassed to be seen by a "certain guy"~.

"`Fuwaa~a ~~!"

"Mimuru-kun ..."

"Oops, excuse me ~~"

Apparently, not only Tima and Irisdina, but also Mimuru were involved in some way.

"No way, no way! I can't do it ~~!"

"Gosh, it can't be helped then ..."

"Ah! Ai, that's not fair! Let me go ~~!"
Along with Irisdina's impatient words, Tima's high-pitched cry echoed.

Both sides seemed to be in a heated exchange.

"Look, you've got to get yourself ready for this."


After a long exchange, Tima gave up and appeared in the dining room, with Irisdina pulling her by the arm. Behind them was Mimuru, who was grinning and chuckling.

"Whoa ..."

"T-, this is something I didn't expect either..."

The men who see the three of them let out an exclamation of admiration.

Irisdina in a dress as black as a moonlit night. Then there was Tima, dressed in a green dress like a meadow overflowing with life. Mimuru, who was following behind them, was also wearing a red dress with a slit, and she was dashing toward Nozomu and the others.

Unlike Somia and Shīna, the three of them were dressed in dresses that were more glamorous than the others.

Their backs were wide open and their chests were boldly opened. All of them gave the viewers a completely different impression from the usual.

"Uuu ... Ai, at least let me put something on ~~!"

Tima's dress had frills on the skirt in several places, giving it a gentle impression similar to that of Somia's. However, her upper body was completely exposed from her shoulders to her chest, and her surprisingly large twin hills were emphasized as much as possible.

On her hands, she wore green gloves. Her dress was much sexier than one would expect from her usually quiet and reserved behavior.

However, the green-colored dress was not in any way lewd. It was an exquisite design, somewhere between a young girl and an adult.

"Come on Mars, why don't you say something to her?"

Tima, who had been led by Irisdina's hand, was pushed forward.

In front of her was Mars, dressed in white formal attire. But he was completely frozen like a stone statue with his mouth hanging open, completely unresponsive.

However, perhaps his thoughts had finally caught up, vermilion color gradually spread across his stern face.

"U-, umm ... I-, I also think it suits you ..."

"~ !?"

"Ah-, Oi!"

After being spoken to by Mars, Tima rushed out at once and hid behind the curtains.

Mars rushed to her and said something to her, but the curtains, which had swelled into a human shape, only trembled.

It seemed that she was embarrassed to have been seen by Mars.

"Good grief, it's going to take a little longer for Tima to calm down."

"Ahahaha. Iris, thanks for your hard work."

"Fufu, thank you, Nozomu"

Nozomu praised Irisdina, who put her hand on her forehead.

Judging from Tima's behavior, there was no doubt that Irisdina had a lot of trouble putting the dress on Tima.

"So ... what do you think?"

Irisdina showed her dress in front of Nozomu as if to ask about his opinion.

The black dress matched her black hair well. Her back was boldly open and her bust was well emphasized, though not as much as Tima's, with her ample bosom pushing up the thin fabric.

When she turned her body sideways, her pure white back peeked out.

She wore a long, flowing skirt with no frills.

Her flowing black hair was adorned with a hair ornament in the shape of a black rose, further emphasizing her glamour.

Although there were no frills like Somia's to emphasize her cuteness, this was a dress that pursued beauty to the fullest.

Combined with Irisdina's straight-backed appearance, it was so attractive that it reminded Nozomu of a goddess.

"U~ ..."

"... does it not look good?"

Nozomu was so overwhelmed that he had been silenced.

Irisdina's voice was mixed with a hint of anxiety.

"No, no, no! It's the opposite! Umm ... I think it's so beautiful ..."

"~! Fufu, thank goodness. It was a little embarrassing, but it was worth it..."

After Nozomu hurriedly denied it, Irisdina's face lit up.

Her smile, which really exuded relief and joy from the bottom of her heart, shone like the moon in the night sky.

"Now that the ladies are ready, it's time to start eating."

Prompted by Victor's words, Nozomu and the others sat down in their seats.

Tima, who had been hiding behind the curtains, was urged by Mars and fearfully appeared.

However, perhaps Tima's embarrassment had not subsided yet, she was still hiding her body behind the curtains and her face still flushed bright red.

There was no way out of this situation. The maid had no choice but to hand Tima a scarf that matched her dress and hid her body with it, and she finally emerged from behind the curtains.

After Victor confirmed that the last remaining guests, Tima and Mars, had taken their seats, he clapped his hands once.

Then, through the open door, the maids began to bring in cart after cart of food and place them on the table in a brisk motion.

Delicious-looking steam rose from the soup served on white plates, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

In the center of the table, a golden-brown roasted bird was laid out, juices overflowing from the meat.

Nozomu's throat gulped, hungry from the combat training he did against Jihad and the others.

"Please, don't hesitate. Just eat whatever you want."

"Ooo! Then, I won't hesitate!"

Feo, who had been living in poverty and was hungry, immediately jumped at the food.

He ate one after another, starting with vegetables as an appetizer, followed by soup, bread, and meat.
"Uuu. I-, I'm really moved right now ..."

Feo was so moved that he began to shed tears.

It was bizarre to see Feo sniffing his nose as he ate his meal, but Victor did not seem to be bothered by it and smiled.

Rather, he seemed to be satisfied with the sight of Feo eating with appetite.

"I am honored that you are so pleased. You guys don't have to worry about the etiquette either. Enjoy it to your heart's content."

"Well, it's the host's duty to entertain its guests. Nozomu, Mars, and the others, my father is like this, so please eat without worrying about it. "

"W-, well then ..."

Victor and Irisdina urged the hesitated Nozomu and the others.

Nozomu hesitated for a moment, but after being urged by them, he slowly began to touch the food in front of him.


"Whoa, it's delicious ..."

Silence reigned with a look of astonishment on their faces. The only sound echoing in the dining room was the clinking of tableware being moved.

It was reasonable. The dishes served in front of them were things that Nozomu and his friends would never normally eat.

For a while, Nozomu and his friends were completely absorbed in their meal.

"Fufu, you eat them quite well, don't you?"

"Ah-, Sorry. I just keep eating ..."

"No, it's alright. I'm glad you're so pleased."

Victor waved his hand lightly as if to say he didn't mind about it.

The fact that Victor had left them alone caused a momentary tension between Nozomu and the others, but the smile that flashed across Victor's mouth instantly melted the air that was about to tense up.

However, Viktor suddenly put his hand on his beard and began to speak in a low voice.

"But as I thought, you are still nervous in front of me, aren't you?

"I suppose it's inevitable, seeing the look on father's face. When father is outside, father always frowns."

"Goodness, I haven't seen you in a long time, but my eldest daughter sure is tough ..."

Irisdina smiled and Victor chuckled. Perhaps it was because they were father and daughter, but their smiles were somehow creating a very similar atmosphere.

"Somia thinks so too, right?"

"Is that so? I think ... father is very kind."

"Fufu, thank you Somia. My second daughter is very kind, just like Ferana."

A simple conversation between a parent and child. Even though they were born in different countries and have different statuses, there was no doubt that they were just like an ordinary family.

Shīna, who was looking at them, let out a soliloquy.

"A family ..."

She looked at the three of them with an expression as if she were looking at something distant.

No wonder. The first thing that came to her mind was the fact that her family was no longer with her and she had come to this school with vengeance in mind.

"Shīna ... are you okay?"

Nozomu, who knew her situation, called out to Shīna with concern.

However, surprisingly, the tone of her voice was clear.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"N-, no. Umm ..."

Nozomu, who had thought her to be depressed, was unexpectedly caught off guard and at a loss for words. Shīna tilted her head, but immediately understood what Nozomu meant and gave a small nod.

"Sure I don't have anyone I can call family anymore, but I have everyone now. So I never feel lonely."

As she said so, Shīna looked around at her friends enjoying their meal around her.

Tom was bewildered when Mimuru made him open his mouth. She was trying to seduce Tom by bringing her bosom, which peeked out from her dress, as close as she could.

On the other side of the table, Mars and Tima were talking slowly while moving their knives and forks in their hands.

It seemed that they had not been able to have a decent conversation earlier, but Tima had finally calmed down, and a peaceful moment flowed between them.

The remaining was Feo who was eating his meal with a happy expression on his face. Nozomu and the others were no longer in Feo's eyes. He was probably trying to take advantage of the opportunity to accumulate food.

When they noticed, Tom, who had been seduced by Mimuru's aggression, joined Mars and Tima in their conversation, and then Mimuru rushed in.

Mimuru, frustrated with her fled lover, began to talk about how love should be, and Tima blushed again at the content of the conversation. She started to get carried away, and when she tried to talk about something more extreme, Mars dropped an iron fist on her.

And then, the frenzy began. Nothing to worry about. The scene was as usual.

Shīna smiled gently as she watched everyone.

"Ah, here we go again. I wonder if Mimuru and the others know where they are right now."

"They did, but I guess they don't care anymore. Well, as usual, I guess."

Victor didn't seem to blame them either. Rather, he watched Mimuru and the others with amused eyes.

Next to him, Irisdina and Somia were both happily telling their father about Mimuru and the others.

Nozomu and Shīna looked at each other and chuckled as if they couldn't help it.

Nozomu knew what Shīna wanted to say. Nozomu, too, was a person who had been saved by his friends. No more words were needed.

"I'll take the right side, and Nozomu-kun, I leave the left side to you."

"Okay, what's the plan?"

"Let's go with a single blow. That way, it won't take much time, and it's more like we usually do."

Nodding to each other, the two of them stand up from their seats.

A few seconds later, Nozomu and Shīna, who had been quietly and stealthily walking behind them, struck Mimuru, who was making a commotion, in the neck with their perfectly coordinated hand blows, and the source of the commotion was knocked unconscious with a single blow.

The blow was so brilliant that Victor, who was watching from the side, let out a voice of admiration.

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