Her body is disappearing ...

All pain is already gone, only light and heat surround her.

A warmth and excitement she has never felt before. And joy.

Her chest is filled to the brim with emotion.

No one has ever challenged her like this.

No one has ever drawn out her strength to such an extent.

No one else has ever made ... her so serious.

Ah~ ... how wonderful. There are no other words to describe it.

She had lived a long and tedious time. But in this moment, for the first time in her life, she felt a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

(Ah, and yet I still ...)

A new emotion emerged in the midst of this contentment.

It was neither relief nor a sense of liberation.

It was a desire for more.

(I wanted to know more, to see more)

Despite the fact that the heat that has been poured into her has already consumed her body, and even her soul is about to be extinguished, the little bit of "her" that remains is still yearning for him.

Now that she has found "satisfaction," she wants the "next satisfaction" so badly that she can't help wanting it.

(How can I remain in this world? How can I stand in front of Nozomu Bountis one more time?)

"Well, there is nothing to doubt that he has the qualifications. But sadly, because of his outstanding ability, he will never be able to achieve perfection. An incomplete vessel, huh ..."

What comes to mind is the only one who, 150 years ago, with his breath and claws, broke through her power and wounded her. The only person she has ever known who could rival Nozomu Bountis.

"But fortunately for you, you are still yourself. It is better for you to remain as you are. For the sake of your own kind ..."

And then there was also that rude person who barged in on his own because he was curious, disappeared when he said he had figured it out, and never showed himself again.

She had no idea what the hell he was trying to say, but since she remembered it at this moment, then maybe it meant something.

(Ah, well, ... It's not so bad to do some last exercise)

She exerted all the strength she had left. However, not only her body, but also her soul couldn't be regenerated.

There was already only a fragment of her soul left. Without the element as foundation, regeneration would be impossible.

The excess of magic power and physical strength that she had was now gone.

(Is there something left? Anything? The only thing left inside me ...)

In the seconds before she completely disappeared, she desperately searched for what was left. At that moment, she sensed a slight presence.

Somewhere far away, yet so close. A slight force, reminiscent of spring water, seeped from deep within the frozen rock. It was dull, blood-colored crystals.

Her consciousness which had been dissipating was finally reaching its limits.

Desperately, she reached out her hand as if clinging to it, trying to touch its power.

The moment the tip of her finger touched the tip of the power, light burst, and countless bubbles appeared. Within the bubbles, which float and then disappear, spread a scene she had never seen before.

A beast traversing through a lush forest. A snake that endured in the sweltering hot sand. A swarm of insects feasting on dead corpses. Water seeping into the earth and sinking deep into the earth.

As she saw more and more sights, her sense of time accelerated.

In a moment, time passed so quickly within her soul, which had been on the verge of disappearing, and it rapidly returned to its original state.

No, on the contrary, her sense of awareness kept expanding.

Like a bird flying in the sky, like an insect burrowing in the soil, like a whale moving through a raging sea.

And then the final scene unfolded before her eyes.

The sky was shrouded in darkness.

There was a dark hole in the sky, surrounded by a darkness that made it difficult to tell whether it was day or night.

The hole was colored with red edges like blood. The blood dripping from the hole stained the ground, while her body was also stained red.

(Ah, I see, the person who was my parent, had this in mind from the very beginning)

And finally, she became the "true her" and her consciousness was colored with frozen fresh blood.


In just a short time, the area where the luxurious Francilt mansion had stood just a few minutes earlier had been completely razed to the ground.

The mansion was completely destroyed, down to a single stone, and a huge crater was drilled into the center of the land.

"Haa, haa, haa..."

Inside the crater, Nozomu was breathing heavily.

An all-out [Light of Extinction].  Nozomu was sure that he had finished the job, and that Vitora's soul had been annihilated along with her body.

Wrapped in a cloud of dust and the residue of the elements, Nozomu had no time to catch his breath before turning his attention back to Irisdina and the others.

Nozomu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were safe and sound.

(Thank God, I was able to protect them....)

He turned and began walking toward them.

After a few steps, Nozomu looked back, feeling a twinge in the back of his head.

There was nothing in the center of the crater created by the [Light of Extinction] but the gouged-out ground.

She must have died for sure.

The fact that he had killed her weighed heavily on Nozomu's shoulders.

A sense of relief and guilt came over him.

With this indescribable feeling in his heart, Nozomu once again tried to go forward to the ones he had decided to protect.

But then, he heard something crumble under his feet.

As if guided by the sound, he looked down and saw something strange.

A distorted crystal that resembled a stack of rhombuses. It was red in color, as if it had been solidified with blood, and was peeking out from the crumbled ground.

Nozomu looked at the crystal, wondering what it was. At that moment, Nozomu felt a chill like a needle pricking his entire body.

(Thank goodness. We meet again...)

Without thinking, he turned himself around and reached for [Mumei], which he had sheathed in his scabbard.

However, a hand suddenly sprang out of the crystal and flicked [Mumei] away along with his sword belt.


A spear made of crystal then flew out and pierced through Nozomu's left shoulder.

The crystal then flickered like the beating of a heart and began to take in the surrounding elements and magic power.

*Thump, thump*

With a resounding heartbeat, the red crystal transformed into a humanoid shape. It became a different kind of being with crimson skin and hair.


While generously flaunting its attractive limbs, the humanoid exhaled passionately and turned its gaze toward Nozomu.

Its appearance was undoubtedly that of Vitora, which should have been obliterated. However, what was constructing its body had clearly changed.

A power that was neither Qi nor magic. A primordial existence like the one that Nozomu came to be able to sense more keenly after signing a blood covenant ceremony with Shina.


It was, without a doubt, a pure primordial element. It was the very power used by the spirits.

"Ah, finally made it back. It's been a long, long time..."

Without a sound, Vitora quickly approached Nozomu and suddenly embraced him.


"Fufu~, you haven't changed. Well, no wonder. For you, it was only a short time ago."



While reflexively releasing Tiamat's elements, Nozomu escaped from Vitora's restraints.

"What a pity~, even though we've just met again, it would be nice if you let me hug you a little longer..."

Vitora, on the other hand, was clearly dissatisfied, and her mouth was pouted.

Her behavior was a complete change from her previous uncooperative behavior. She looked like a little girl who had just had a toy taken away from her, and Nozomu was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly pulled his expression back into a more serious one.

"I thought you were dead."

Surely, he should have finished her off. Tiamat's elements had definitely obliterated Vitora's body and even swallowed her soul.

"Yeah, indeed, I died by your power. I should have been absorbed into the dragon's vein and disappeared. But as they say, 'you can achieve anything if you approach things with strong conviction.' And thanks to the last remaining of my unique ability, I was able to come back..."

"Unique ability, you say?"

"[Rebirth of Origins]. My personal unique ability. If I were to say it on your terms ... what was it again..."


"Yes, that's it. It is a special ability that awakens one's true origins at the moment of death and brings one back to life. However, once used and awakened, there will be no second chance. If I were to be killed again, I would have no choice but to die ... but instead, I have gained this power."

(TLnote : Vitora said it in kanji 異能 while Nozomu said it in katakana アビリティ)

The element that erupted from Vitora's body turned the surrounding area red. Not only the ground and debris, but even the air.

"~ !?"

Faced with such a scene, Nozomu reflexively struck Vitora.

The converging crimson elements caught Nozomu's fist strike. As if synchronized, the speed at which the crimson space expanded slowed slightly.

"Nice instincts, as always."

Tiamat's elements annihilate Vitora's elements and push her body away.

The debris crumbled within the red space and turned to slurry blood, confirming Nozomu's premonition.

"You're eroding and absorbing your surroundings with your own elements!"

"Yeah, it seems that this is how I am supposed to be as a spirit. I guess you could call it a spirit of blood..."

Blood-colored elements erupted from her body as everything was reduced to blood and poured into Vitora in a disintegrating manner.

The space was dyed a darker color of blood, and the scattered snowflakes were also dyed bright red.

Even the [City Isolation Barrier] that had been deployed in the surrounding area gradually turned red and began to crumble.

"Take this!"

Nozomu immediately released Tiamat's elements and leaped backward, repelling Vitora's erosive elements. He leaped backward and attempted to pick up [Mumei], which had fallen to the ground.

However, Vitora, not caring that she herself would be burned, jumped into the blasting element of Tiamat and grabbed Nozomu's hand again.

"Guh!? Your power is truly amazing after all. Even my current self can't withstand it..."

While the two elements produced sparks, Vitora pulled on Nozomu's arm and swung her other arm.

The element of blood extended from her arm and became a huge blade, closing in on Nozomu.



Nozomu reflexively twisted his body in response to the approaching blade and leaped up onto Vitora's inner elbow, grabbing her arm with his free hand as he stepped forward.

Sliding his body inside the gap of the reaping blade, he lifted her body, and while brushing away the restraints, he struck Vitora's stomach again with his [Light of Extinction].


However, even though Nozomu's fist pierced Vitora's stomach, the five-colored elements did not burn her body, but vanished like a candle that had run out of its wick.

"As expected, Tiamat's elements are too much for even my current self to absorb. Thus, I have returned it to the Dragon Vein instead."

"Dragon Vein, you say..."

"What is there to puzzle about? My current self is a spirit. Isn't it natural?"


He sent Tiamat's elements into his other hand and released them toward the ground.

The [Light of Extinction], which was activated at close range, blew away both Nozomu and Vitora.


"Hmm!? How reckless. Who would have thought you would burst Tiamat's elements at point-blank range?"

After bouncing off the ground, Nozomu stood up and reached for [Mumei], which fell to the ground again.

"I won't let you."

However, the ground suddenly rose up and a red wall appeared, blocking Nozomu.

In the meantime, the crimson element clung to [Mumei], which fell to the ground, and pulled Nozomu's katana to her hand.

"I don't know what you would do with this katana in your hand. I'm sorry, but I can't give it back to you."


"Now, let's play again. I'll win this time!

Vitora, who had dropped [Mumei] behind her, exerted her power toward Nozomu.

What appeared was a swarm of blood icicles that covered the sky.

A fierce onslaught, reminiscent of Tiamat's spirit magic, was unleashed toward Nozomu, who had lost his weapon.


Irisdina and the others were at a loss for words in front of Vitora, who had awakened as a Spirit of Blood.

Someone who originally had the power of a natural disaster became a spirit and became even more powerful. The reality was so surreal that all they could do was stare wide-eyed in amazement.

"Is this her true form?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Although she was a monster to begin with, she turned out to be even more dangerous than that..."

In the midst of all this, only Mars and Shina, who had barely come to their senses, were able to question Rugato with a leaden expressions on their faces.

The old gentleman with monocle gazed at the awakened Vitora with deep emotion and began to answer their questions.

"The former Lord ... Vitora's father created a vampire who was made as pure as possible in order to protect his own people. But the one who was created, though perfect, was not complete."

An unfinished masterpiece. The previous head of the Waziart family attempted to awaken it. However, the previous head of the family was defeated and died.

What was left was a perfect but unfinished product that lacked a creator.


"All that was needed was death and an intense greed that comes to the surface at the moment of death. That was what was needed to awaken my Lord's abilities. However, I thought it would never be possible. Until this very moment..."

Rugato gazed at the Dragon Slayer who had awakened his Lord, his eyes shining with emotion and joy.

"I thank you, Nozomu-sama. Thanks to you, my Master has been able to attain her true form."


At that moment, a sudden pain in her neck made Irisdina involuntarily fall to her knees.


"Wait-, what happened!?”

"This is..."

The bite marks on the back of her neck were hot, as if a hot iron had been pressed against them.

The white-haired girl's face tensed up due to the remnants of power that tingled violently inside her body even though it was sealed.

A sticky liquid flowed from the hand that was pressed against her neck. When she realized it, blood was oozing from the wound where the vampire princess had bitten her.

Somia and Lisa treated the wound, but the blood continued to flow.

"The remaining power within Irisdina-ojōsama must be resonating with my Master's awakening."

"... you, were you aiming to turn that princess into a spirit from the very beginning?"

Mars, who doubted the tone of Rugato's voice, which was full of emotion, questioned the old vampire again.

Rugato, on the other hand, shook his head slowly, as if to deny his words.

"No, I was only carrying out actions on behalf of my Master, who was interested in Nozomu-sama. I did not expect that Nozomu-sama would be able to completely control the power of Tiamat, much less show the ability to kill my Master..."

The old gentleman's words to Nozomu contained not only a tone of rejoicing, but also one of pure amazement.

Apparently, even for Rugato, the situation where Vitora was defeated by Nozomu once and awakened as a spirit of blood was unexpected.

"Without a doubt, Nozomu-sama is the greatest Dragon Slayer in history. At the same time, my Master also seems to have gained new emotions. Whatever form she takes, if she is growing and feeling happy, it is a great joy for me as her follower."

"For us humans, it's quite a drag tho."

Mars frowned at Rugato, who was pleased with this situation.

In fact, Arcazam's administrative district is already in shambles due to the aftermath of Vitora's power. If it were not for the [City Isolation Barrier], the entire city of Arcazam would have been reduced to a wasteland.

Moreover, even the[City Isolation Barrier] was beginning to be eroded by Vitora's element of blood.

"It's not looking good. We are running out of time. We have to do something... Oi, where do you think you're going?"

In the midst of all this, Irisdina stood up with a pale complexion, shook off Somia and Lisa, who were tending to her, and began to walk toward the edge of the barrier.

Mars, anxious to see the firm determination on her back, grabbed her by the shoulders and held her back.

"Haa, haa... Mars-kun, will you let go of me?"

"Not so fast. You're not desperate, are you?"

"I don't know. But there's no way out of this. The [City Isolation Barrier] is nearing its limits, and I don't think that the Rugato-dono's magic will last much longer."

The old gentleman nodded his head in affirmation of Irisdina's words as Mars glanced at Rugato.

"That's true. Perhaps a minute or two is my limit..."

"If the barrier were to break, we would be consumed by the elements of that vampire princess. If that were to happen, we would all die."

"Yes. Of course, I'm not an exception..."

Mars sighed when Rugato said he was going to die too, without hesitation.

"Even though you might die, you're pretty calm."

"I am sorry that I was not able to protect you all, but if it means that my Master was able to grow, then that is my greatest achievement. Besides, I have lived long enough."

Rugato, with a fond look on his face, declared that he was willing to die for his Master, but Irisdina was vexed by his words.

"Sorry, but I will not die, and I do not want anyone else to die."

"But what are you going to do? You can't even enter the space filled with the elements of my Master now."

Irisdina slowly raised her arm.

When she focused her attention on it, she could see a shining white chain attached to it.

It was the [Soul-Sealing Chains] that Nozomu had placed on her to protect her from Vitora's magic.

"... I will untie this."

Suddenly, she grabbed the [Soul-Sealong Chains] and began to put all her strength to break it.


"You idiot, what the hell were you thinking? You know it's your lifeline!"

Irisdina's sudden action caused Somia and the others to raise their voices in bewilderment.

"If you're saying that-, the current me is not good enough-, then I have no choice but to reach out to their place..."

"Impossible. No matter how much you try to become a vampire, you will never be as good as the awakened Master."

Vampirization drastically improves one's abilities.

That was the aim of her action, but Rugato denied such an action of hers.

Judging by the way she was bitten, Irisdina could not resist Vitora's magic power. There would be no chance in all likelihood that she could awaken into a vampire.

Besides, Vitora is no longer a vampire, and she is no longer an entity that fits within the category of a vampire.

What can a newly awakened vampire do?

Even so, Irisdina refused to stop trying.

"It's not whether I can reach them or not. It's about whether I am willing to do it or not. And also ... no matter what the consequences, I want to be by his side..."

She found herself looking at Nozomu, who was fighting Vitora, with a gaze of irrepressible craving.

To say that she was carried away by the craving would be an understatement.

She had pushed him away with the intention of severing all ties with him, and as a result, she became aware of her feelings.

And then, in the face of his choice to still show up, Irisdina's heart could no longer stand it.

"... Yes, so do I."

Shina stepped forward and agreed with Irisdina.

She is another girl who was helped and attracted by Nozomu. She was willing to give up her own dreams for him.

And more than anything else, she has been bound by Nozomu's [Soul-Sealing Chains] longer than anyone else.

That is why she could understand its power better than anyone else. She is more aware of its power than Nozomu himself, the bearer of this power, who has just become aware of it.


"He put those chains on you to protect you. If that's the case, I'm sure he'll respond to your voice."

After saying so, Shina closed her eyes. Before long, white chains similar to those of Irisdina's appeared on her body.

The blue-haired girl lovingly stroked the white chains that emerged.

Then, the chains that bound her body came loose as if the threads were unraveling.

"This is Nozomu's unique ability. This is the power that he wished to connect our dreams with, and was born anew. Therefore, it will no longer bind us by force."

In a sense, it is no longer a [Soul-Sealing Chain].

It is something that holds together the dream that is about to be broken. Yes, it is something that should be called the [Dream-Uniting Chain].

Shina, whose chains have been untied, released her magic power in an attempt to make a contract with the spirits around her.

The spirits who were frightened by Vitora's elements gathered to her as if they were clinging to her.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

A contract is made between Shina and the spirits.

Enveloped by the pale light emitted by the spirits, she reached out her hand to Irisdina.

"Give me your hand."

As if guided by Shina's words, Irisdina held out her hand. The elf girl gently wrapped her hand in both of hers, and then brought their foreheads together in a cuddle.

The two had once linked their paths to save the out-of-control Nozomu.

And that magical path was still there.

While expanding that path with the revived magic power, Shina, with the help of the spirits, connected more deeply with Irisdina.

"Think of him, and your wishes. His power will surely respond to your wishes."


The power of the spirits and Shina's feelings filled her heart.

Encouraged by the warmth that welled up, Irisdina turned her consciousness inward to her own inner self.

Perhaps through the influence of the spirits with whom she was connected, the scenes they were seeing were also being sent to her.

She could see the cityscape being destroyed and the people fleeing.

What she wished for was the power to open up the future.

Like him, she wanted to protect the people she cared about and connect their dreams.

The world was once again enveloped in darkness. In front of her eyes, there was a crimson crystal and chains wrapped around it from all directions, as if to hold it in place.

This was the power that Vitora had sent to turn Irisdina into a vampire, and the chains that Nozomu had given her to protect her.

When Irisdina gently touched the crystals, the chains unraveled and wrapped around her body.

The silent crystals began to flicker, and the dark surroundings gradually turned red.

This was definitely a sign that Vitora's power had begun to erode Irisdina's body once again.

But now Irisdina felt neither pain nor agony from the erosion.

Only a certain conviction and relief filled her chest.

She meditated once and looked down at the chains that were protecting her.

(What do you wish for?)

It felt as if the white chain, the [Dream-Uniting Chain], was speaking to her.

"I want to stand next to him. And protect the people I care about. For that reason..."


As if saying so, the chains unraveled and became countless white rings that began to disperse into the crimson-tinted darkness.

Her vision gradually turned white. In the midst of this, the crimson crystals also began to assimilate with the surrounding scenery as if they were melting.

Then, her vision turned dark once again.

"This is..."

What she could see was the dawning sun. And the moon shining while bathed in the morning sun.

It was just a brief scene, switching from night to day.

But strangely, she felt nothing.

No wind, no heat from the sun. It was silent, as if time had stood still.

"I see, so you want to say that it will come true, huh ... I don't mind. I've decided I'm not going to hesitate anymore."


Irisdina, while still convinced of what was about to happen, answered with determination.

(I will continue down this path)

The next moment, the dawning moon shone and the dazzling moonlight enveloped her body.


Vitora, who had turned into a Spirit of Blood, was now on the offensive, and Nozomu, who had lost his katana, was being driven back into the corner.



Vitora, with a blade of blood sprouting from her arm, turned her waist and fired a slash diagonally.

Long, lengthy slashes. The blade, which was many times longer than Vitora's height, sliced through the air as it approached. 

Meanwhile, Nozomu attempted to close the gap between the two while avoiding the blade, but was blocked by the swarm of icicles that Vitora randomly launched at him.

In addition, while he stopped for a moment, Vitora also struck him with a red torrent of elements reminiscent of [Thin Garment of the Ice Demon].

"This bastard!"

He used his [Light of Extinction] to dispel the oncoming swarms of icicles and thin red curtains, but he was unable to push back Vitora's onslaught. He was completely on the verge of defeat.

"Nozomu, get down!"


A voice suddenly shouted at him as he began to be cornered.

A silver wind passed over Nozomu's head as he reflexively got down.

A girl carrying a silver rapier exposed herself before the blade of blood, which had the destructive power to kill.

Nozomu's eyes caught sight of the girl. Long silver hair. And a dignified, charming face that captivated all who see it.

Above all, her eyes, stained crimson like blood, but with a strong will, convinced Nozomu of the girl's identity at first glance.

“Iris? -no, don't!"

Vitora's blade of blood was closing in on Irisdina. Vitora's blade has a power that is out of the norm. It can cut through human beings more easily than paper.

Facing such a blade, Irisdina drew the rapier at her waist.

The mithril blade, shining silver like the color of her hair, was swept toward the approaching blade of blood.

Compared to Vitora's blade, which was brimming with power, the mithril blade was as unreliable as a toothpick.

However, the moment the silver blade made contact with the raging blade of blood, Vitora's blade dissipated like a haze.


Irisdina stepped forward while Nozomu and Vitora were surprised.

An enormous amount of magic power erupted at the same time. Shining in black and silver, it was an incomparable amount compared to the previous Irisdina.

She also activated her enhancement magic with her ability [Immediate Deployment], stepped toward Vitora, and released a sharp thrust.


Irisdina's rapier grazed Vitora's shoulder as she reflexively turned her body away from it.

The vampire princess, who frowned in pain, flew backwards to distance herself.

It was an odd sight considering her power that had turned her into a Spirit of Blood.

"What happened? This is..."

Vitora muttered with a dumbfounded look on her face as she held her wounded shoulder.

Looking closely, blood kept flowing from the wound inflicted by Irisdina's rapier. Yes, from wounds that should have recovered instantly even when inflicted by Nozomu's blade...

"My body… it won’t regenerate?”

For the first time, fear flashed across Vitora's face.

"What did you do? No, what have you turned into!?"

"Who knows ... I don't know either. It's just that he granted my wish."

Irisdina, fluttering her silver hair filled with magic power, gave Nozomu a quick glance and smiled.

"... What did you say?"

Vitora, on the other hand, looked at Nozomu as if to ask him what she meant, but he himself was wide-eyed and perplexed.

In fact, he himself was not quite sure what was going on with Irisdina at the moment.

"Take this..."


Vitora swept her long arm and released a huge mass of crimson elements.

The huge mass was then pierced unilaterally by countless magic bullets.

The crimson elements were being torn to pieces and dispersed. Vitora's power, which was supposed to erode all existence, was dissipated by the mere magic bullets, although they were numerous in number.

"Hmm, I see, our difference in firepower, huh... So it's still not enough."

"This magic power is very similar to that of mine. Did you absorb my magic power and become a vampire!?"

"Vampire? That's insulting. I'm still a proper human being. Probably..."

With a grin, Irisdina pulled her lips up with her fingers.

The white teeth revealed were definitely that of a human being. No sharp double canine, the characteristic of a vampire.

"... Then, what the hell happened to you?"

"I don't know. But it seems that my current power works on you exceedingly well."

Words that were spoken with conviction.

The elements and the magic power. Above all, the total amount of power between Vitora and Irisdina, who has been transformed into a spirit, must be overwhelmingly different.

Nevertheless, Irisdina's magic power unilaterally eradicated Vitora's elements.

It was as if the morning sun was cutting away the darkness of the night.

"At last, I can fight alongside you. Come on, let's go, Nozomu. With these hands, we will seize our future."

A declaration filled with elation and confidence.

With an appearance reminiscent of the silver moon at dawn, Irisdina swung her rapier with a black-silver sheen.

Dhampir, the one who dispels the night.

Awakened by the bond that binds her, she stood with the one who had slain a Dragon in order to seize the future.

The long dawn was just around the corner.

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