Chapter 132






High-level demon Uriel. She was the owner of the strongest dungeon in Kronatan, Los Halde, which was one of the few A-Class dungeons in the Demon Realm. Most of Kronatan’s dungeon master meetings were held under her leadership, and she also has close connections to the Demon Castle.


And the most memorable thing about her is that she is a relative of Abaddon.

for faster releases read on


“Why don’t you calm down now, Miss Adelaide?”


“…… Yes, I will.”


Adelaide nodded her head with a straight face. Then, with a friendly smile, Uriel sat down again.


“Come on, everyone! Stop laughing at other demons.”


“Yes, Uriel!”


“Good. Now, shall we talk about something else?”


All the dungeon masters nodded enthusiastically as she smiled and suggested. Some praised Uriel for her gentleness, and others praised her boldness to intervene between the demons in battle. Adelaide saw that scene and smiled bitterly.


Goosebumps were rising over her skin. No matter how ignorant Adelaide was, she did not mistake Uriel for a kind demon. If she was a really good demon, she wouldn’t have sat still when Adelaide was ignored in the first place.


No, to be precise, it must have been Uriel who controlled everything from the start. She was likely the demon who was the head of this group. Excluding her like that, there was no way that the other demons secretly conspired to ignore Adelaide.


Intentionally not speaking to her, not making eye contact, and making fun of as many things as possible were all under her tacit orders.


Unsurprisingly, after that, no one really ignored or ridiculed Adelaide. Someone even encouraged Adelaide to try the food. The way they harmoniously exchanged conversations with Uriel leading was too pretentious.


Adelaide once again drenched her throat with coffee, thinking, ‘Wherever demons live, they are all the same.’ Thankfully, Lisianthus had informed her in advance so she wasn’t too shocked. It was just a reminder of how precious the demons of Greenville were in this harsh reality.


Instead of participating in conversations like other demons and trying to look good to Uriel, she stared blankly at the window. The sun was still shining outside.


Perhaps the poor Wyverns were still suffering in the heat. Just like how Uriel’s short-haired female attendant, who was holding her injured arm because of Shavarma, was still carrying alcohol and food.


“—As expected, what Miss Uriel told me…….”


“I will be leaving first.”


Adelaide cut off the large demon’s words and stood up. No matter how much she thought about it, there seemed to be no reason for her to stay any longer. The other demons looked at her as if she was crazy, but she didn’t care.


“Will that be alright? I think that’s an unwise choice.”


Uriel smiled and continued.


“You know that dungeons that have just reached C-Class are the best prey, right? In order to not be devoured, it would be better to build some friendship.”


A few id*ots would think that this was genuine concern. But Adelaide knew that she was threatening her. Regardless, she wanted to match her tune.


“It’s fine. As you know, there is a devil in my dungeon who is busy beating up demons.”


Actually it’s not just one. She thought and smiled broadly.


“I don’t think I’m going to lose no matter who comes. Wouldn’t it be a good opportunity for me to move up to B-Class instead?”


Adelaide warned with her innocent face, pretending to be clueless. After being with Lisianthus for a long time, she seemed to have improved her speech a lot. One that’s particularly sarcastic.


“Think wisely, everyone.”


Adelaide smiled brightly as she copied Uriel’s tone. The other dungeon masters flinched and trembled.


Although they jumped on Uriel’s lead and ignored Adelaide, they would never have done so if it were just them. This is because, as Adelaide said, they had Caladium in Greenville.


There were no devils in any of the A-Class dungeons. In the first place, there was no reason for a devil, who were fewer than ten in the entire Demon Realm, to ever need to join a dungeon.


Most of the devils worked alongside the Demon King like Abaddon or built their own castles in secluded places. They were truly noble beings who didn’t care about dungeons or anything else.


Caladium was also a fairly famous devil among those devils. Although it was almost forgotten because he did not appear for 100 years, at one point in time he was so famous that there was no one who had never heard of his name among the demons of Kronatan. He was even the owner of Helheim, how crazy was that?


Although he lost a lot of strength after being defeated by Abaddon, it was still not enough to be harassed by high-level demons. Having survived the battle with Abaddon, he was still on a different level compared to other demons.


No sane demon would dare declare war on the dungeon where Caladium belongs to, except Uriel, who owns the Los Halde dungeon, and is backed by Abaddon.


In other words, Adelaide was the only demon after Uriel who could not be treated carelessly in this place. The reason Adelaide could be confident was because she knew this.


Adelaide followed Lisianthus, looked around slowly and smiled gracefully. Then, she made eye contact with the dungeon masters sitting in front of the round table, one by one. As if choosing a sacrificial lamb to rise to B-Class.


Until a while ago, the demons, who leaned on Uriel’s power and didn’t think the devil was scary, bowed their heads or looked away to avoid Adelaide’s gaze. Shavarma looked straight at her without avoiding it, perhaps because of his pride.


I knew it. Adelaide snorted and mumbled.


From her point of view, there were no decent demons in this place. They were all garbage blinded by wealth and power.


Of course, it was natural to covet wealth and power, and it was not like it was unconditionally bad. In fact, she herself was greedy for wealth and power. However, she believed that demons who harassed the innocent were the type of greedy demons whom she could call trash.


Adelaide stared out of the window and slowly closed and opened her eyes. Uriel furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden action.


“The monsters flying over there. I think I saw them somewhere…….”


All of the demons’ eyes gathered to where Adelaide was pointing. They narrowed their eyes and stared out the window.


As she said, monsters with familiar appearances were flying through the sky. The wyverns.


“Ahh! M-My wyvern!”


“No, how…….!”


The demon owners of the wyverns came to their senses at the shock. They urgently had their demons activate the magic tools placed on the wyverns’ feet, but they had little effect.


If the magic tools had been intact in the first place, the wyverns would not have been able to escape. All the tools were broken for some reason.


The dungeon masters shouted to the servants to catch them somehow, but there was no way they could catch the wyverns, whose incredible speed was their biggest advantage. Nearly 100 Almas disappeared in an instant. Even for dungeon masters of C-Class or higher, 100 Almas was not a small amount of money, so it was quite the shock.


Meanwhile, Adelaide waved her hand gently.


“Then I’ll see you!”


But, of course, no one cared about her. Adelaide shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the short-haired demon standing near her.


“You, please show me the way out!”


“Huh? M-Me?”


“Yes! My memory isn’t that good.”


Adelaide left the room. Fortunately, Uriel let her drag the demon along.

[T/N: Uriel owns the demon]


It was Adelaide, of course, who neutralized the magic tools that were tied to the wyverns’ feet. The moment she closed her eyes, she wished for the wyverns to be set free.


Perhaps because of her grueling training or how difficult it was to escape from the trash can that was given as a special reward, but now, she could use her powers pretty well. She was also full of energy because she received regular consumption.


Uriel looked at Adelaide’s back with sharp eyes.


I’m sure you’re the one who released the wyverns. She whispered in a cold voice. She had no evidence but she instinctively knew that it was Adelaide who released the wyverns. Greenville was a new dungeon that had not even been heard of until recently, and Adelaide also had no known powers. She had researched beforehand but nothing useful came up.


On the other hand, Adelaide, who had successfully completed the perfect crime, freed the short-haired demon only after reaching the entrance to the building.


“Come, rest here for a bit. It looks like you’ve been trembling since a while ago. Your arm is also bleeding quickly. There is a lot of blood.”


“Oh……. um, th-thank you…….”


“There’s no need to thank me.”


She clicked her tongue as she watched the blood dripping from the woman’s body.


‘Shavarma you j*rk. Hurting innocent demons.’


He was so vicious that even after killing two demons his face remained unfazed. The same was true of the other dungeon owners who did not show any reaction even when their demons died.


Adelaide clenched her fists and walked out of the building. She didn’t want to be in a place like this any longer. The golden walls and jewel ornaments, which seemed cool until they entered, were now only disgusting.


Soon the scorching desert sun pierced her. The sweltering heat hit her, but she felt more relaxed than when she was in that cooler place. Adelaide said to Raham as she stepped onto the scorching sand.


“Raham, you worked hard. It must have been hard to bear.”


“No. You suffered more.”


Raham shook his head slowly. In fact, he was in a state of utter helplessness.


He obviously wanted to kill Shavarma, but he couldn’t. In the beginning, he endured because of Adelaide, however, at the latter part of it, it was closer to being forced into submission. It was difficult to lift even a single finger against the pressure Shavarma exuded.


‘I still have a long way to go.’


He thought that his skills had improved a bit, but it seems that he was not yet at a level that could deal with Shavarma. Raham thought, gritting his teeth.


He did a good job following Adelaide this time. It helped him to objectively see his position. Based on his current sense of helplessness, he must grow further. He clenched his fists and vowed. 




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