After some time, Adelaide was deeply hurt when she found out that the story about the investment had been a lie. The sense of loss was as great as the expectation that her money could double.

‘I even already had a plan for what to do with my increased fortune! I thought I was finally escaping that mountain of debt, but I guess it was too much.’ She sat still on the sofa staring into space with sad eyes. Her pink pupils gleamed endlessly, drenched in melancholy.


Lisianthus came over with an awkward expression and knelt down on one of his knees by the sofa. He didn’t know that she’d be so heartbroken by his half-joke. He truly did not expect it.

Adelaide didn’t even give him a glance, and remained silent.

“Master, please look at my face.”

His voice was so pitiful and captivating that it felt like her heart was melting away. But Adelaide did not easily give in. She just stared at the other side and snorted.

Her sulking figure is cute too. Lisianthus could barely manage to hold back the smile that was about to form on his lips. Adelaide’s resentment will only grow bigger if she catches him smiling.

Soon, Adelaide’s hair was pulled over to the side, revealing her neck. Her fair nape looked exceptionally pale as it contrasted with her hair that was as black as the night sky.

At the same time, there was an insidious desire in his sweet eyes. Smiling was something he could hold back, but not lust.

“If you keep acting so cute…….”

His pretty hands slowly climbed up her legs. Her waist twitched as he gently tickled her knees and reached her thighs.

“It’ll stand again.”

Heat radiated from the hands that covered her thighs. The tips of his fingers rubbed the area around her secret place as if he was seducing her.

“Ack! G-Go away!”

Adelaide, who instinctively recalled her love affair with him, stuttered and pushed Lisianthus away. Why are you so excited all of a sudden? In a public place at that!

There was no one around right now, but you never know when the other demons would suddenly appear. Lisianthus didn’t seem to care at all. That seemed to be the case, looking at his thickly raised lower leg.

Adelaide shuddered at the p*rv*rsion of her manager and lover.

“There is nothing more to do today. Yes?”

However, the bigger problem was that even she, who had a very normal mind, was stunned because of his perfect appearance. She almost nodded her head involuntarily at the sight of him looking down at her with a coy smile.

With the way things were going, even she would start feeling weird. Adelaide raised her voice slightly in response to the sudden anxiety.


She argued and slapped him on the shoulder, Lisianthus laughed at her as if he found it too cute. The golden eyes looking at Adelaide were like those of a beast. A predator with his prey between his legs while watching it struggle leisurely. It felt like that.

“Go and get more information related to Los Halde! If you have nothing to do, make one!”

Adelaide gave the order with an angry expression on her face. He should at least suffer a few hours with this. She had to be resolute.

“I already organized everything I needed to organize and gave it to the master…… Well, I understand. As Adele commands.”

Lisianthus stood up with an innocent face as if he had never said something p*rv*rted. The gentle kiss on the back of her hand was also modest.

“If you want something to eat or need something else, please call me anytime.”

He quickly returned to being the manager and smiled kindly. However, what he then added with a low-pitched tone was not kind at all.

“If you want to eat below, even better.”

Adelaide squeezed her eyes shut. She had been tormented by him all day yesterday, and she heard a lot more naughty things than this, but it felt different to hear them with a clear head. She was embarrassed and felt her ears get hot.

She pushed Lisianthus to quickly leave so he wouldn’t say any more strange things.

However, it was Adelaide who was saddened when he left. She forgot the sense of loss of doubling her fortune, thanks to Lisianthus’ teasing, but boredom rushed in instead. It was because she didn’t have much to do. Since it was night, there were no demons to talk to, and when she went back to her room to sleep, she couldn’t because she had just woken up.

Adelaide reviewed the documents on the table a few more times, and looked at the dungeon pad meaninglessly. There was nothing that she needed to do as Lisianthus took care of the dungeon while she was struggling in Helheim.

Yawn. In her boredom, even a yawn jumped out. She yawned with her mouth wide open. As she slowly turned her head, something bright purple caught her attention. It was the portal connected to Helheim.

‘I have to go once.’

Adelaide thought so, and felt the energy rippling through her skin. The power Hela had given her had completely melted within. Naturally, she remembered her last conversation with Hela.

[That was amazing, Ganglati.]

Just before Adelaide left Helheim, Hela spoke to her in a hushed voice. She couldn’t hear it properly because she felt like she was dying just before then, but from what she remembered, it seemed like it was an admiration of some sorts. Even as a goddess, she did not seem to expect that Adelaide would survive.

[Normally, a god shouldn’t interfere with a Ganglati’s life any further, but I will give you a special blessing because you made me happy. If there’s anything you want—]

Hela said in a sweet voice. Now that she thought about it, it was a great offer.

But Adelaide was so out of it at that time. She wanted to return home quickly, and leave the place that had so terribly confined her. So Adelaide-


She cut off the goddess’ words as if it was bothersome and ran away. To be exact, she didn’t run away, but returned to Greenville in a hurry, but in Hela’s eyes, it must have looked like a dine and dash after getting Helheim’s power.

She dared treat the goddess like that and left her anyway, so she should have a quick conversation as soon as possible. The problem was, she didn’t want to.

Whenever she thought of Helheim, she instinctively remembered the pain that felt like her insides were melting. No matter what sweet words Hela enticed her with, she still didn’t want to go there for a while.

But thinking of her last words, she felt it a waste. She talked as if she would give her anything she wanted. Maybe Hela can even double her fortune.

‘Oh, but she hates me now. She’s a god though, she wouldn’t say *two things with one mouth, would she?’

[T/N: She was saying that she wouldn’t take it back since she’s a god.]

Adelaide shrugged her shoulders, and then jumped up from her seat. Then she strode towards the other side of the portal. For the time being she wasn’t going to pay any attention to anything that has a color similar to purple.

‘Is Lupin still sleeping?’

She had to confess to Lupin right away. She snooped at his door, hoping that Lupin, who had gone to bed early, might have woken up thirsty.

In the past, when he lived in the log cabin in Mediar, the young Lupinus would often wake up in the middle of the night. In truth, it was a habit that had arisen because he was afraid that Adelaide would have already left when he woke up. Unaware of this fact, she only thought that Lupinus was not a deep sleeper.

‘Sometimes when he slept deeply, he would make cute wheezing sounds.’

Adelaide smiled sweetly and leaned her ear over Lupin’s door. Perhaps he was still sleeping, but she could hardly feel any presence inside.

Smacking her lips with regret, she was about to back off when.


Adelaide’s expression quickly hardened, sensing the abnormality. The sound of Lupin’s breathing, barely audible beyond the door, was strangely harsh. Exactly, like someone who was sick.

Come to think of it, has Lupin ever been sleeping whenever she wakes up?

Never. After coming to Greenville, Lupinus did not try to separate from Adelaide at all, and even set a time for sleep. There was something strange, just thinking about his attitude. If it were the Lupin that she knew, he would get up in the middle and check her situation, no matter how sleepy he was.

When her thoughts arrived at this point, her body began to move.


Adelaide slammed the door open and entered his room. If she was mistaken, she would only be waking a normal demon in the middle of the night, no, a human, but it was more important for her to confirm. Because the mere fact that he was staying in the Demon Realm with his half-human, half-demon body, had always been her concern for Lupinus.

Lupin was lying on the bed with a calm face. However, it was not his normal state. It was because she could see his short hair turn blonde and then back to black over and over again.

“Lupin, Lupin!”

Adelaide became anxious and ran towards him. Even after making such a loud noise, Lupin showed no signs of waking up. It was clear that something was wrong with him.

She hurriedly touched Lupin’s forehead. It was as hot as a fireball. Her heart felt like it was sinking. Suddenly, a child’s figure overlapped Lupin’s face. It was the very same figure that was sleeping due to medication on that day.

“Li-Lisian! Pia!”

Adelaide cried out, screaming in desperation. Then she felt a thump in the distance, and within a few seconds Lisianthus appeared behind her.

“What’s going on!”

“Lisian, Lupin is……!”

Lisianthus quickly grasped the situation just by looking at Lupinus once. No wonder he was strangely quiet even when he was shoving himself inside Adelaide all day. He wasn’t in a state that he could interfere.

What could a half-demon do in the Demon Realm?

Lightly clicking his tongue, he reached out to Lupinus. Lisianthus’ characteristic thick energy flowed out in an instant and covered the entire room.

Soon the silver eyebrows frowned heavily. It was a bad sign.

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