

Even though she had prepared in advance, she still hit her butt on the floor. The height of the fall was low so it didn’t hurt much.

Adelaide quickly opened her eyes and looked around. Beautiful crystal lights twinkled from tall ceilings, and arched windows stretched out along the hallway on either side. And in the far distance, she could see the main hall, the place where she suffered in pain. She had arrived in Helheim.

Soon she felt something warm in her arms. As she lowered her gaze, she saw Lupinus hugging her.


He was still unconscious. Was it just an illusion that he had woken up? Adelaide checked his condition with disappointment.

But, clearly, there was a change. The rate at which his hair was changing colors was noticeably slower than when he was in Greenville. When she observed him in full concentration, she could see that the fluctuating aura gradually faded away. Lisianthus’ guess that Helheim’s power would stabilize the energy that rampaged within Lupinus’ body seemed to have been correct.

‘What a relief.’

Color slowly returned to Adelaide’s face. She was able to breathe again.

‘Yes, Lupin can’t die just because he absorbed demonic energy. He’s a Legendary Warrior!’

She nodded her head, saying it was absurd in the first place. As her tension eased, strength drained from her body. She carefully reached out her hand and wiped the sweat off Lupin’s forehead.

At that moment, an elegant voice echoed through the long hallway.

【You are finally here, Ganglati.】

Hela. She seemed to have been waiting for Adelaide. It was not surprising that she wanted to see her again. After all, she ran away after gaining Hela’s power.

‘Maybe I can get help from Hela.’

Her voice was still soft and gentle, so she didn’t seem to be particularly angry about last time. It also felt like she liked her quite a bit, so maybe she could heal Lupinus.

Her heart swelled at her wishful thoughts.

But there was one thing she had forgotten: Hela was regarded as the goddess of death and one of the cruelest gods.

【Why did you bring a corpse to Helheim?】


The word Hela used forcibly pierced her chest.

A brief silence passed. Adelaide looked up into the air with menacing eyes.

“Who is the corpse?”

For a moment, her eyes were turned upside-down in anger and she forgot that she was talking to a god. She looked to the side where Hela’s voice was coming from and hugged Lupinus’ shoulders tightly.

I can feel his warmth. His body is much more stable. Who is going to die?

【Hmm……. That’s one strange ganglati. I can feel the aura of the dead from him, but at the same time he exudes the aura of the living……. Ah, I see. He’s not just a ganglati, he’s a mixed race. I’ve never seen such a strong mixed race before.】

Fortunately, Hela did not point out Adelaide’s rude tone. Rather, she said that she had brought something interesting, and she seemed to be having fun.

‘That’s what you meant by corpse?’

Lupin has in fact, died several times. In the past, he was killed for the first time by humans, and he was also beheaded once by Lisianthus. Therefore, it would not be unreasonable to feel the aura of the dead. Hela did not know that he was a warrior, so she was puzzled.

When she realized this, her anger quickly cooled. The thought that she had been disrespectful to a god due to some misunderstanding crept into her mind.

However, that was only for a moment, as Hela’s words followed, her mood changed once again.

【It’s a pity. How could such a rare thing die soon?】

“What could you perhaps mean!”

Adelaide burst into anger. She barely suppressed the urge to talk informally, however there was barely any difference as she had yelled as loud as she could.

【Ganglati, can you not feel it? That mixed-race doesn’t haven’t much vitality left. You took my power, so you should feel it too.】

Hela added in a still sweet voice.

That’s ridiculous. Adelaide muttered with a pale, tired face. Her white hands stroking Lupin’s skin trembled.

She closed her eyes to concentrate again and felt for his energy. As she confirmed earlier, it was much more stable than when he was in Greenville. A lot of the fever that had risen had also subsided.

“Look, he’s fine—”

Just as she raised her head and was about to insist, she stopped speaking.

Lupinus’ aura had definitely stabilized. However, this was not a sign of recovery. Everything had already mixed together, so there was nothing more to clash with.

A brief peace just before the expl*sion. This was the true state of Lupinus now.

As Hela said, Adelaide could feel it instinctively. At this rate, Lupinus would die.

It was then that a sense of reality kicked in. His body, which had hardened like a stone, shook like a tree. His gaze flickered aimlessly.

‘What should I do? How can……!’

She had to do something right away, but she couldn’t think of anything. She tried to pull something out of her empty mind, but nothing useful came out.

Then, a possibility flashed through her head like a lightning bolt.

“Whatever I want!”

Adelaide hastily raised her voice.

“You told me to tell you if I want anything! S-Save him please! Save Lupinus!”

Unlike her, who can only do nothing but watch, Hela must know how to save Lupinus. She wouldn’t be able to deny what she said last time.

Thinking like this, she turned her head from one side to the other. She did not know where exactly Hela was. The goddess, whom she was just talking to until now, suddenly became silent. As a result, her anxiety grew.

“Please, please, please……!”

Adelaide begged desperately as she wrapped Lupin’s shoulder. She was so afraid that she wouldn’t hear an answer, tears welled up.

She was just about to reciprocate Lupinus’ feelings. How could Lupinus die now?

There was so much she had to say to him. There were a lot of things that she wanted to do. So she can’t let him suddenly leave her. She begged again, weeping like a child.


Finally, the goddess answered.

【Gods do not make promises that they cannot keep.】

Her voice was as soft as cotton candy, and at the same time hard, as if she was drawing the line somewhere. Adelaide sniffled and looked towards the source of the voice.

【However, life and death cannot be changed without any responsibility. Especially if someone wants to touch the fate of something so rare, someone has to pay for it.】

“I will do it!”

She hurriedly shouted in case Hela changed her mind. She even went so far as to raise one hand.

Tickling laughter came from the air. Adelaide didn’t like that she was laughing at the situation but she didn’t show it. She had to look good for now.

【You don’t even know what you’re going to have to deal with, yet you still answered first. Didn’t you learn a lesson from last time?】

“I’ll accept anything! Anything!”

【You say that……. So, would you risk your life?】


Again, the answer was quick. She didn’t know exactly what risking her life entailed, but saving Lupinus somehow was more important. This time, it wasn’t because of her simple-mindedness. It was just that Lupinus was so precious that she didn’t hesitate.

Laughter resounded again.

【The child you hold seems to have a different opinion.】

As she looked down wondering what she meant, a surprising scene was caught in sight. Lupin had opened his eyes and was looking at her. He frowned as if he had something to say.


Adelaide shouted his name with glee. It seems that what she had seen in the space earlier was not a mistake.

Since he opened his eyes like this, was it possible that Hela had already used her strength? But despite that, the aura she felt from him was still unusual.

“Are you awake? Are you okay?”

She was in tears and didn’t know what to do. Thick drops of tears ran down her haggard skin.

Lupinus didn’t answer. His condition was not good, so it was difficult to even open his eyes. His rough, dry lips moved slightly.

“Don’t worry, I will…….”


A cracked voice interrupted the conversation. Not immediately understanding what not to do, Adelaide blinked her eyes.

“Adela. I’m okay.”

So don’t do anything dangerous.

He whispered in a low voice. The face of the young Lupinus overlapped with his face again. It was even more similar because his hair had stuck to blonde.

“You don’t even have the strength to speak properly, how is that okay?”

He was the same in the past and now, he worries her the same. Adelaide smiled brightly at him, stroking his fine hair gently.

“Don’t worry. I will never let you die this time.”

She lifted her head upwards. Piercing the air with her stare. Surprisingly, it was exactly where Hela was.

“So please, Hela. I will pay any price, so please save Lupinus.”

Not even the slightest tremble could be found in her voice.

Hela looked at her and smiled with delight. Truly, this Ganglati did not disappoint her. As she looked forward to this Ganglati’s future, she might be able to pass time with excitement.

【Alright. I will take your life in return.】

Lupin’s face contorted. He tried to move his body, which was heavy with exhaustion. Blood flowed out of the lip he had bitten.

【Rare half-blood, there is no need to worry so much. I didn’t mean that I would kill her.】

Phew. Adelaide secretly sighed in relief. She expected that Hela, who adored her a lot, would not take her life so easily. But it was true that in her heart she was afraid that she would suddenly die.

Of course, she was willing to die for Lupinus, but if that happened, she wouldn’t be able to see Lisianthus. She honestly wanted to live together if possible.

【However, the lives of the two of you will be intertwined with the strings of fate.】

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