Chapter 64



“Okay then, I’ll go now. Everyone must be tired, but just rest. Let’s sign the contract tomorrow.”


Ucha, Adelaide got up. Exhaustion rushed in as she could not rest properly while she waited for Pia to wake up. It was already the middle of the night.


“Good night everyone!”


She waved her hand once then left the room. As usual, two demons followed, and another fell into her arms.




“Bell, do you want to sleep beside me?”




“Okay then.”


Adelaide hugged Bell and walked away. She felt even more tired as the soft, fluffy fur touched her skin.


“Master, do you need anything? Should I bring you a snack?”


Lisianthus asked kindly.


“Hmm, it’s okay. Lisian should hurry and get some rest too.”


“Lisian is probably more tired”. Adelaide added, and then turned her head to stare at Caladium.


“Caladi also worked hard today. You used your power the most.”


“Oh that? That was nothing. It didn’t even tickle.”


Caladium bluffed. But still, hearing her praise, he could not hide his joy and the corners of his lips twitched.


“Oh, Caladi. I lost a lot of energy because of the battle, so… Can I take my regular meal tomorrow or the day after?”


“Let’s do it right now.”


Passion blazed in his silver-gray eyes. He grabbed Adelaide’s wrist and was about to rush into her room. Unfortunately, Adelaide waved her hands.


“No, I’m fine now. I think it will be better to do it tomorrow.”


“Then let’s do it tomorrow.”


“Yes, yes. Well then, good night to both of you!”


Having finished their conversation in a hurry, she yawned and headed for her room.


After hearing the sound of Adelaide’s door closing, the faces of the two men who stood still at the place where they saw her off were sullen.


“Good night, Ma-na-ger.”


Caladium greeted him with an arrogant smile on his lips. In fact, it was more of a mockery than a greeting.


Lisianthus ignored his provocation with an expressionless face. No, he tried to ignore it, but somehow he couldn’t. He looked calm on the outside, but his heart felt hot as if he had swallowed a fireball. It was anger from an unknown origin.


Caladium snorted as if he was not expecting an answer then disappeared into his room. Alone, Lisianthus thought quietly with a cold face.


He didn’t know exactly what made him so angry, but one thing was certain, that word was offensive.




A being who took a step back from battle and assisted its master.


“I have to get rid of that first.”


Lisianthus twisted his red lips and murmured.




The next morning.


Adelaide, who was sitting in the living room and was looking around with half-awake eyes, exclaimed abruptly.




“What? Suddenly.”


Caladium, lying on the sofa, raised his head and asked. He really liked the red sofa. When he wasn’t following Adelaide, he would always be there. Lisianthus felt conflicted at the fact that he loved the furniture he made.


“I just thought that the number of people increased again.”


At her words, Caladium also turned his gaze around. In just a short amount of time, the living room became cramped. The number of demons indeed increased, but the fact that four out of all the additional demons were large Durahans also played a part. As the dungeon rating went up, the living room got bigger, and if it wasn’t for that, he wouldn’t be able to stand it because it was crowded.


“Adelaide, good morning.”


At Raham’s loud voice, Adelaide slowly turned her head. In an instant, her eyes widened.


“Raham! Your legs…!”


She stood up, beaming.


“Your legs are healed!”


“That’s great!” Adelaide clasped her hands together and stamped her feet.


As she said, his legs, which had been incomplete until yesterday, had completely regenerated. No matter how strong the Durahan race was, his regeneration speed was astonishing. The demons, including Adelaide, were amazed and cheered. Caladium, who recovered from any wounds quickly, had an unimpressed expression.


Raham opened his mouth with a slightly puzzled expression.


“Well, actually…”


“I did it.”


The answer came from behind him. The person with the gentle voice immediately showed her face. It was Pia, who was obscured by Raham’s huge size so they didn’t even know she was there.


“Pia? How?”


“Actually, I have the power to heal. I couldn’t tell you yesterday.”


Pia gently lowered her eyelashes and held out her hand. Soon, a pure white light flashed from her hand. It was a warm feeling unlike that of the demons.


“I’m really ashamed because I feel like I’m bragging even though I was not able to heal my eyes, but… It is a power that has been recognized in heaven, so it will be helpful to the Master.”


Pia’s pure white cheeks turned pink, perhaps embarrassed. She was so beautiful that Adelaide grabbed near her heart and let out a groan, ugh.


Healing was a power that only good people can obtain, regardless of race. Therefore, due to the characteristics of their race, there were not many demons that had healing powers, and most of them who had one were not at a very high level.


Still, it was a necessary ability so the dungeon masters tried to recruit demons with healing powers. Because most of the healers had already been recruited by famous advanced dungeons for a long time, small and medium-sized dungeons borrowed from other dungeons only when absolutely necessary as the next best solution. Just like Adelaide did yesterday. However, the cost was quite high so it was hard to afford.


Healing was a rare ability, but if there was one problem, it would be that you couldn’t heal yourself. Moreover, the healer’s body was not very good at accepting other people’s healing. It was a very self-sacrificing ability that only good people can manifest. It was also one of the reasons why Pia’s recovery was slow.


“Awesome, Pia. It is an honor to have such a talented person as an affiliate.”


“It’s my honor… I am more blessed to have met such a good person…”


Pia’s cheeks blushed even more and lowered her head. Even her voice, which was getting smaller due to her shyness, was so cute.


“Raham is so lucky. To have such a nice and pretty lover.” Adelaide looked at Raham with envy. He was gently stroking Pia’s back like he was praising her. Well, he was a good demon, so it was natural that he found a good mate. She was convinced.


“Then, shall we register the contracts now?”


Adelaide smiled brightly and handed out the contract to the Durahans. Raham read the clause for Pia. As she had promised yesterday, it was written that she would not receive monthly rent.


Everyone signed the contract without hesitation. Even the Durahans did not read the contract properly.


Adelaide, concerned about them, advised.


“You guys could get in big trouble! You didn’t even read the documents and just signed… What would you do if you inherited a debt of 666 Alma?”


“Hey, we’re not that thoughtless.”


“We’re not stupid.” Peter chuckled and added. The fool then shut his mouth.


Eventually, after everyone had signed, Adelaide took out the dungeon pad and registered the signed contracts.


[Greenville Dungeon]

―Owner: Adelaide

―Class: E-3

―Assets: 7.5 Alma

―Registered Demons: 8 (NEW!)

―Room Count: 25

―Trap rooms: 0

―Portal Count: 2



[Registered Demons Information]


Caladium (S-Class)
Position: High Level Devil

Title: The Great Devil of the Red Flame

Confirmed Powers: Unquenchable Red Flame (S-Class), Body Control (A-Class), Phoenix Transformation (A-Class), Hell Meteor (S-Class)


Skeleton (E-Class)
Position: Group of Monsters

Race: Skeleton


Bell (C-Class)
Status: Monster

Race: Cerberus

Confirmed Power: Polymorph (C-Class)






Now that there were eight people, the content was long. Adelaide roughly browsed through the information about her demons. It was fun, but now, something else was more urgent.


She flicked the transparent spear to confirm the condition for her to upgrade to E-2 Class. The number of demons had always been a problem, so she was hoping that she would be able to raise their level soon.


[Level Upgrade Conditions]

―Registered Demons: 5 or more (currently 8)

―Adventurer Kill Count: 1000 or more (currently 512)



Oh, there was another, the number of adventurers killed. Adelaide tapped her forehead.


For a while, she had closed the dungeon because she was concentrating on the dungeon match, so they haven’t met the requirement. She smiled brightly, trying to hide her gloomy heart. After that, she greeted her new demons once again.


“Welcome to Greenville! I wish you all the best in the future!”


“Please take care of us!” The Durahans loudly answered.


“Master Adele, the food is ready.”


“Yes! Thanks, Lisian!”


Just in time, everyone sat down at the table as Lisianthus came out of the kitchen. To commemorate the addition of the new affiliates, everyone decided to have a meal together. There were plenty of seats because Lisianthus had already made furniture such as tables and chairs in advance.


A noisy mealtime ensued. Raham and Pia ate, and the Durahans talked about battles. Bell slaughtered the meat, and the Skeletons who did not need to eat also drank juice with excitement. It didn’t spill on the floor this time thanks to the towel they placed under their necks. It was especially prepared by the neat Lisianthus.


“These waffles are really delicious. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside… Why do I like it so much? Lisian, did you read my mind?”


Adelaide, who took a full bite of the waffle, said with an ecstatic expression.


“I know the kind of food the Master likes. Pancakes or waffles with fruits. Omelette with plenty of cheese, pasta with spicy oil… You usually prefer brunches. For dinner, you like meat.”


“That’s right!”


“You seem to know my taste better than I do!” Adelaide clapped her hands happily. Caladium, who sat across from her, poked the sausage with puffed cheeks.


Swallow. After she swallowed her food, she opened her mouth again.


“By the way, we need to quickly kill adventurers… It’s taking longer to collect kills than I thought. Is there any other way?”


“I know!”


Caladium wanted to intervene at this time. It was a good opportunity to prevent further conversations with the ugly Lisianthus b*st*rd.


“You just need to summon stronger warriors and kill them.”


“Eh? Aren’t we going to call the weak warriors? Since they die faster.”


“It doesn’t matter how long they take to die, whether strong or weak. Because they’re all weak for me anyway. Well, unless they’re a ranked champion.”


‘He’s bragging again.’ Adelaide stared at him half-tired. She looked at him with irritation, but when she looked at his face, she felt better. His appearance was so pleasing to gawk at.


Because of his large size, the way his eyes twinkled was pretty cute. Now, Adelaide could enjoy admiring his beauty without any reservation. It was thanks to him that she had corrected the habit of being afraid and wary of handsome men in her life, because the most handsome of them was in front of her.


His chest muscles visible above his open collar were astonishing. She didn’t know that she liked things like this. Adelaide was amazed.

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