Chapter 90



The faces of the warriors turned white. The Succubus Queen. Even those who had been trading succubi for a long time had only heard of the name floating around.

One of the warriors trembled as he recalled a recent conversation he had with a colleague.

“Hey, have you heard? Among those pretty succubi, once every few hundred years, a ‘Succubus Queen’ comes out.”

“A Succubus Queen? What is it?”

“Literally, she is the queen of succubi, and she’s said to be very pretty. It can’t even be compared to other succubi.”

“Oh, I could sell that for a high price.”

“Ah, my friend. She’s called the ‘Queen’ so how strong could she be? Our seniors told me that if I find one, to get away from it because it’s a high-level demon.”

At that time, he just laughed at him saying no matter how strong she was, a taste of his club would be enough. He was confident because he thought that it would be impossible to meet such a rare demon. And even if he met her, he would just run away or give up a piece of his soul.

However, when he faced the demon in front of him, he could not think of such a leisurely thought. She wasn’t even the real succubus queen, she was just the ‘next’ succubus queen.

He still had a spare soul piece so he thought it was okay to be confident right now, however, he couldn’t pull himself together due to the intimidation emanating from her. Even taking a single step was difficult.

“Imenti Dura!”

Among the warriors, the most experienced wizard stood up bravely and cast a spell on Adelaide. It was high-level magic in which dozens of blazing fire arrows flew in an instant and would pierce through an opponent.

However, before one of the fire arrows could properly reach its target, his magic was quickly destroyed and scattered in the air. With just one light gesture from Adelaide.

“I’ve always wondered, why do humans always shout the spell name first when using magic?”

“You’re using magic, not advertising.”

She murmured as if she found it pathetic.

The sorcerer’s face was dyed red and then quickly continued his attack with the next spell. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to have the intention to answer her question.

Adelaide escaped all of his magic attacks with an indifferent face. The warrior, who was said to be Lupin’s father, and the remaining warriors were now free from the pressure, so they helped the wizard and attacked Adelaide.

Even in a 3 to 1 unfavorable situation, she remained just calm. The two high-level warriors and a lesser one, was not a difficult opponent for Adelaide, who would soon rise to the position of Queen.

‘Besides, I can never show a weak performance against such garbage.’

Adelaide vowed and swung her sharp claws at her champion.


The warrior who let out a startled sound hurriedly backed away. Thanks to the timely creation of a shield in front of him by the wizard, the warrior was spared from getting his head cut off.

Adelaide frowned angrily at him. She wanted to cut off their necks at once. However, if she launched a wide attack range, Lupinus could get caught in it.

The bed was not far from the living room, and Lupin, lying dead on it, was nothing more than a feeble human child. Even the warriors were having a hard time with her energy, but he who was not a hero would be more affected. Because of that, unlike the warriors, she could not attack with ease.

Despite such restrictions, Adelaide pushed the warriors back without any injuries. She had nothing to be afraid of, it was not difficult, just needed a little more effort. How scary was it for mere cakes to attack with weapons?


The warriors soon realized the difference in skill and groaned. The succubus in front of them was obviously not fighting with her full power. Still, they couldn’t even touch her fingertips. While the warriors already had wounds all over their bodies, Adelaide was as fresh as a person who had just washed up.

While the two warriors were humiliated, the wizard stared at her, squinting his eyes. He had skillfully noticed that there was another reason why she didn’t show her true abilities.

It didn’t take him long to realize why. The wizard soon noticed that the succubus would never strike at the boy’s bed.

‘This is it.’

He felt like he had found a new possibility in a battle he thought they had no chance of winning. The wizard gently turned his head to peek at Lucius, the father of Lupinus, the warrior next to him. Lupinus didn’t care about him anyway, and was concentrating on avoiding the succubus’ fierce attack.

‘His life is more precious than his own son whose existence he had forgotten.’

It was natural. If not, there was no way he would try to attract a succubus by feeding his son some kind of medicine. Even if his predictions were wrong, it would be over with a half-a**ed apology later. Thinking like this, the wizard ordered them in a low voice.

“Buy time.”

I have a way to catch that b*tch. He whispered. At his words, the faces of the two warriors visibly brightened.

“Yes, Lidwell!”

The two warriors blocked the front of the wizard and covered for him. Even if they had to lose one arm while fighting too hard, it was beneficial in many ways to listen to him. They would clearly make a lot of money by selling that succubus. With that money, they would be able to recover their arm by receiving expensive healing magic.

The wizard was shielded by the warriors and continued to gather his magical powers. He was determined to cast the most powerful and difficult magic he could do. No matter how strong the next succubus queen was, she wouldn’t be able to stay standing if she got hit with this.

On the other hand, Adelaide only snorted at their obvious plan. It was enough to avoid strong magic. A magic that takes a long time to prepare can be avoided quickly if you know the casting direction in advance.

‘You look st*pid.’

It was absurdly pitiful. Adelaide dug into the gap, avoiding the sword of the warrior with a move that was as natural as flowing water. However, Lupin’s father quickly blocked her. She was at a distance wherein she could pierce his heart immediately if she stretched out her hand. His trust in the wizard seemed to be great.

He started screaming as if he had realized that his life was in danger, although it was a bit too late. Adelaide, who did not miss the chance, quickly extended her hand. But just before her nails could pierce his skin, she paused.

“Even though it may look bad in the eyes of others… I like my father. After all, he’s my only family.”

For a moment, Lupin’s smiling face came to mind.

Adelaide could not bear to kill the warrior in front of her, the only family of Lupinus. She didn’t have the courage to be hated by her one and only friend. She bit her molars tightly and glared at the warrior. The only thing she didn’t have was that thing called family.

He slumped on the floor as his legs gave out, it was a pathetic appearance.

“Step aside!”

At that moment, the wizard, who had finally gathered all the magic required for his spell, shouted in a loud voice. He raised his wrinkled hands into the sky.

Until then, Adelaide had not been very impressed. But the moment she saw that the wizard’s hands were pointed at something just past her, her face quickly contorted. His fingertips were aimed precisely at Lupinus.


Adelaide hurriedly leaped from her position.

“Dragosha Pol!”

Soon, huge flames erupted from the wizard’s hand, creating the shape of a dragon. The blazing dragon cut through the air in an instant, approached Lupinus with its mouth wide open. The flames were about to engulf the boy.


A terrifying sound echoed through the hot room. At the same time, a smile spread across the wizard’s face.

Drip, drip.

Drops of red blood stained the wooden floor. The blood that flowed from Adelaide’s abdomen gradually increased and pooled like a puddle.

As the wizard expected, Adelaide blocked Lupinus. She quickly spread her wings to protect Lupinus, but the dragon only pierced her wings as well as her abdomen before disappearing. There was a hole in her flat stomach the size of a child’s fist.


Adelaide swallowed her moan. Terrible pain rushed in like a shovel. She was dizzy and her limbs trembled. She could hear the warriors cheering through her buzzing ears.


A lump of blood came out of her mouth. She felt energy draining away from her body.

Thump, thump.

The sound of her heart beating was particularly loud. Her vision grew blurry, and her whole body became hot from her fingertips to her toes. Recognizing the burning pain on her skin, she opened her eyes wide as she murmured.


“Hurry and grab her! Tie her up!”

The warriors spit curses as they tried to tie her up. Adelaide squeezed out her last remaining strength and hit their hands away.


However, perhaps because she no longer had strength, she fell to the floor.

“Pu ha ha! You look good!”

The voices of the warriors gradually became fainter.


Adelaide mumbled desperately and started crawling on the floor. She dragged her bloody belly towards the living room. She looked pathetic.

“You were so confident, and now you’re trying to crawl and escape.”

“Stop running your mouth and tie it up!”

Eventually, Adelaide’s legs were bound by the iron cord brought by the warrior. Even in that situation, she tried her best to somehow get away from the bed. But she soon reached her limit. A pain like being fried in boiling molten iron ate up her reason.


The warrior grabbed her hair roughly and lifted her up. Adelaide closed her eyes and fainted.

“Little b*tch, acting all high and mighty.” The warrior chuckled and mocked her.

“I wonder how delicious the next succubus queen is?”

The wizard approached with a smile and tapped Adelaide’s cheek.

At that moment, his eyes met pink pupils that looked almost blood-red.


When the succubus, whom he had thought had fainted, suddenly opened her eyes, the wizard took a step back in surprise.

The fear that was in her eyes was gone. Instead, a mad-like gleam flashed within them.

The warriors may not have known. She feared death. But even more than death, she feared losing her rationality and following her instincts due to excessive hunger.

An otherworldly beautiful smile rose over Adelaide’s face. Their eyes sparkled in admiration.


A clear voice came out from between her red lips.

“You look delicious.” Together with the sound of her lips smacking.


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