Sacred Devil

Chapter 1001

Li laolang began to carefully observe Jiang Hao's face, and then he took off his whole body's clothes, so as to observe the changes in his body and the extent to which they had changed.

For the first time, Jiang Hao undressed in front of outsiders. Li laolang also occasionally pulled his skin, but it was more accurate to say that it was fat.

As a hard-working monk, his posture has never been so bloated.

"How about it? Do you feel it? " Mr. Li pulled a piece and pinched it hard.

Under normal circumstances, people's consciousness will feel sharp pain, but Jiang Hao is more itchy and numb.

"Of course I feel it, but it doesn't hurt at all." Jiang Haoru Shi's answer.

Old doctor Li sighed and said: "like the giant infant disease many years ago, there was a method passed down. However, I am not sure how effective it can be. Moreover, once the disease is infected, it will attack very quickly. Under normal circumstances, you will become a giant baby at night."

Even if he is calm like Jiang Hao, he takes a cold breath and becomes a giant baby, which means that he will lose consciousness and be swallowed up by the dark shadows.

"Let's start the treatment now."

"I also want to start as soon as possible, because you can't afford it. But as I said before, the treatment of this disease needs to pay a great price. This price is not paid by you, but by others."

Jiang Hao frowned, "how do you say that?"

"There is only one way to prevent GMD, that is to exchange blood, and there is a huge demand for blood. We need to find dozens of people willing to exchange blood."

"It's easy to do," Jiang Hao thought the price he said would be. It was just this. He took all the amethysts out of his body, and there were 560000 in total!

"Mr. Li takes these amethysts to the street and shouts. He can find 50 people who are willing to donate blood."

Li laolang didn't expect that he had so many amethysts, which was very easy to handle. For ordinary people in Weidan City, 100 Amethyst is a big number. Money can make ghosts move the mill. What's more, it's just blood donation, not to mention human life.

Jiang Hao's words were true as expected. Li laolang called out outside the hospital, and there was a long queue in front of the shutter. The number of people was far more than 50.

He had to follow the principle of "first come first, then come", and let the top 50 stay while the others dispersed.

The remaining 50 people secretly congratulated themselves, and the others were very depressed. After all, they worked hard to earn these 100 amethysts. I'm afraid it will take several years.

The process of blood exchange is very complicated. First, the contaminated blood should be drained from Jiang Hao's body, and then fresh blood should be injected from the meridians of his neck. In order not to let Jiang Hao lose blood, he should put some blood into his body and inject some.

When all the blood of 50 people was injected into Jiang Hao's body, Jiang Hao almost replaced all the cursed or polluted blood in his body.

This kind of therapy once made Jiang Hao regain his normal consciousness. However, as the blood can not be replaced at one time, the newly injected blood will always be infected by the previous infection. Therefore, fundamentally, it can not completely cure megaloblastic disease, but can only slow down the rate of megaloblastic transformation.

"I don't think you should understand that this method is not complete," Li said. "If you want to eradicate it, I'm afraid you need other methods."

Jiang Hao nodded and gave thanks to Li laolang.

Exchange of blood is very time-consuming. After finishing these tasks, Jiang Hao leaves in a hurry and returns to the city Lord's house.

If Meng Tian's side is smooth enough, he should have come back. Unfortunately, Meng Tian has not returned.

Night soon fell. Even if Meng Tian had arrived outside Weidan city at the moment, he could only enter the city early tomorrow morning. Jiang Hao sighed, and it would be a sleepless night again.

After the massive exchange of blood, Jiang Hao began to slow down the rate of megainfantization. However, because the exchange of blood could not be completely cleaned at one time, and the treatment technology could not reach that standard, there was still contaminated blood in his cursed body. These polluted blood constantly promoted his body changes and polluted the newly injected blood.

The next morning, Jiang Hao's body still changed, but it was not obvious yesterday. He tried his best to delay the time, but Meng Tian still had no news.

In the evening, it seemed that the blood after cleaning was polluted again, and the speed of his giant Infantization began to increase. In the latter half of the night, he felt that his body was going to rise.

Body changes, with the gradual disappearance of consciousness, he hid behind the fortress of the city Lord's house, and his body was gradually engulfed by darkness.

The power of the undead played a role again in the crisis. The fire of Honglian industry made Jiang Hao recover his consciousness. He knew clearly at the moment that Meng Tian might have encountered problems and could not wait any longer.

"It's better to fight hard than to wait for death." Jiang Hao was not willing to die. He pushed the door open and rushed into the darkness with his huge body.

In the dark, countless paper men were floating around Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao was not a complete giant baby because of the exchange of blood. They seemed to be curious. They felt that the species was familiar and strange, and hesitated to launch an attack.Jiang Hao has no mind to pay attention to these paper men. He must rush to the abyss kingdom as soon as possible. His last experience tells him that if he wants to solve the secret of the dark world, he must enter the abyss kingdom.

He did not drift slowly with these paper men, but took a huge step forward. If he did not consider that flying against the wind would arouse suspicion of the paper man and attack himself, he would like to fly directly.

After entering the dark world, the process of Jiang Hao's giant infantilization has been further accelerated. The dark shadow that appeared only after giant baby had eaten enough paper figurines might have coveted the aura of Jiang Hao, and had begun to follow him all the way.

Finally, there was a body that didn't hold back. He bit Jiang Hao's face fiercely. His nerves were numb. Although his face was dripping with blood, he just felt bitten by a mosquito.

Blood stimulates more eager shadows, and countless shadows begin to pounce on Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao didn't expect that they would do it so quickly. In his surprise, the left half of his face had disappeared with his eyes attached.

He didn't know if the giant baby's eyes meant his own, but after he lost his left eye, his left eye saw another world.

Where should be in the kingdom of the abyss, he once saw the barren world, where there are so many paper people have prepared tables and chopsticks, seems to be waiting for his arrival.

These shadows may be manipulated by them. It is the paper men in the abyss Kingdom who actually eat these babies.

With the sound of "miso", Jiang Hao's huge body ignited the fire of Honglian industry. He was not a gentle lamb waiting to die. Even if he was really eaten, he would hold those who ate him to death.

Like a small volcano, it lit up the dark world and unfolded the great wings of the undead.

Countless paper people were burned to ashes, those who were swallowing his shadow, met the fire of honglianye and hissed and were steamed into gas.

This time he entered the dark world, it was not like the initial situation when he first came to Weidan city. Now he has touched the threshold of the robbery period. However, in adversity, when he meets the strong, he becomes strong, and the momentum of his outburst will frighten the unknown paper people.

Jiang Hao didn't want to tangle with these paper men. His wings shook and flew to the abyss kingdom. He wanted to burn all the paper men there to ashes.

The dark world did not know how big, Jiang haofei for a long time, still can not see the shadow of the abyss Kingdom, but saw a baby with the same size as yesterday.

The baby, like yesterday's, blindly grabbed the paper man and stuffed it into his stomach.

Jiang Hao knew that he was a poor man again. He did not stop when he was near, but continued to move forward. However, when the giant baby saw Jiang Hao, he was stunned for a moment and hit him with a fist.

Jiang Hao did not know that these giant babies, who had lost their consciousness completely, only remembered two things: swallowing the paper man and then being eaten by the black shadow. The other thing was that the same kind of people were mutilated to entertain the paper figures behind the scenes.

Jiang Hao, who had already blown up his hair, was more angry after being attacked.

Jiang Hao broke out of the scabbard and cut off the fist. The giant baby, like a small mountain, is just powerful. Compared with Jiang Hao, who has been concentrating on the peak of his life, he is nothing but a small one.

Giant baby's arm was cut off by a knife, blood sprayed on countless paper people, and soon there was a riot.

However, with the appearance of the black shadow that engulfs the giant baby in time, the arm of the giant baby has no blood in the stool.

The giant baby, who did not know the pain, waved his other arm and patted Jiang Hao. The flame on the heartless knife had not been extinguished. He looked at the so-called giant baby coldly, without a trace of expression.

He sidestepped away from the giant baby's arm. At the moment of his side, he was facing the giant baby. Although he was not as big as the giant baby, he was half his height.

"I'll help you out!"

The heartless sword with the immortal bird's loud song, a knife cut, the fierce sound of breaking the air mixed with flame rising, let this strange world without sound like spring thunder.

The moment the two bodies were wrong, the giant baby's body was split in two, and he didn't even make a sound before he died.

The shadow did not hesitate to cover the sky and the earth, and quickly submerged the giant baby's body. They were like locusts all over the sky. After flying over, there was no grass.

After eating the giant baby, these black shadows did not stop and went towards Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's repeated use of force was quite different from the impression of giant babies. They realized that this giant baby like monster was the enemy of the dark world, and ants would drown Jiang Hao when they crossed the river. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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