Sacred Devil

Chapter 1240

Jiang Hao didn't fight any more, not because he couldn't fight, but because today was going to end. After all, it's a grand event, and it's not done for the sake of completion.

So there was no competition in the evening, and Jiang Hao was off the challenge arena.

As soon as he got down, he was surrounded by several young people. The burning light in his eyes kept flashing, and he could not speak with excitement.

After all, the elder was old and calm. He was ready to speak a few words. Then a man ran over and said to Jiang Hao in a loud voice, "but you of kuaoshan sect? We have left you the manor to rest. "

With his opening, more and more people gathered around him, either to provide accommodation, or to send Amethyst, there are many attracted, there are also some young people want to learn.

Now Jiang Hao is really hot.

"That man has won several games in a row." Pear flower whispered, "it seems that the Dragon Palace, the magic sword sect, the Xianling sect, several gate sects all lost to him, and they were directly defeated by one move ... "

that's why Jiang Hao nodded his head secretly when he heard that. No wonder he would have caused such a great response when he won. However, Jiang Hao was not surprised by his victory. That move was really terrible. If he didn't have Shenwen to protect his body, he would probably be immersed in it, so it's not surprising that he could win.

A group of people pushed aside the crowd, and then hurriedly found a restaurant to live in. The shopkeeper insisted on free, so Jiang Hao simply let him go, and the party lived here.

At this time, several talents have a time to speak.

The young people all gathered together. The elder came in cautiously and closed the door.

Then he came over and said to a few young people, "be careful when you talk. Don't say everything. Be careful. The walls have ears."

"Elder brother, you are too thoughtful. Who dares to come here with elder brother Jiang here?"

"Be careful." The elder said and glared at the youngest young man inside.

After that, he looked at Jiang Hao. No doubt, Jiang Hao has become the core member of the team and can determine the direction of the whole team, and everyone is convinced.

Jiang Hao saw that all the people had arrived, and then he said his ideas.

"I decided to leave after the group competition. Although I can't control you, I hope you can leave as soon as possible. I always felt someone watching me during the match today. I felt like an enemy but not a friend

"And there are people like that? Didn't he see your strength? " The peach is broken and startled.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said: "in the whole Zhongzhou, I'm just an ordinary monk. I'm much better than me. I don't know how many of them can enter the final and I'm almost the same."

"Now, according to our success, the resources of koushan sect should be preserved. There is no need to take this risk. I also agree with you. We will leave as soon as possible. " Old way.

The two of them made a decision, and the other young people had no choice, even if they had regrets.

Seeing that all of them had reached an agreement, Jiang Hao also showed a smile and said, "although you can't take part in the Zhongzhou big match, you can't take part in the next time with good practice."

"How long will it take next time?" Someone whispered.

"Now that you are allowed to participate, do you dare to enter the arena?" The elder martial brother said with a glance.

The man was afraid to speak.

Then Jiang Hao also looked at him and said, "time flies, and the world is far beyond your imagination. Don't just focus on Zhongzhou."

"Not bad." The elder nodded and his eyes became serious. Unlike usual, he said, "it depends on you whether the koushan sect can be revitalized in the next hundred years."

"In that case, we can't dream about it all night long. We'll leave tonight." Said the elder.

"Tonight? It's too fast. Brother Jiang has a competition tomorrow. " Pear flower says, other people also one after another answer and way.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "the group match of my group will be over tomorrow. I don't intend to participate in the final, so it is estimated that there is no big risk. Listen to the elder and go first. "

But Pear flower also want to open mouth, but do not know what to say.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "the end of the world is short, so long as you don't drive me out, I'm also a part of your koushan sect. We'll see you later."

"See you again!" Several young people said one after another.

Jiang Hao made an appointment with them, and then several people left by the transmission array overnight. After sensing their departure, Jiang Hao slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate.

But before he settled down, there was a signal outside, and a voice came over.

"Mr. Jiang, someone is looking for you outside."

"No Jiang Hao refused directly.

"It's an elder of the Dragon Palace." The man quickly added."Which elder?" Jiang Hao stopped for a moment, then asked.

"It's elder Lei Fei."

As long as he is not the elder Zhengchu, Jiang Hao is not interested in the Dragon Palace, and he has never heard of the elder's name. So he resolutely refused.

By the way, he turned off the communication array and completely isolated from the outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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