Sacred Devil

Chapter 1253

But Jiang Hao still stopped absorbing. Although blood essence is good, he can't be greedy It's not that he is polite, but he can't absorb it. Even the undead can absorb the limit.

Jiang Hao took back the undead bird again, felt the progress of his cultivation, and felt that he was closer to the later stage of Dujie. It was almost impossible for Jiang Hao to rise several levels at a time in his cultivation. He could only make a little progress.

And the attack of the array did not come again, because he could not feel the outside world at all, and Jiang Hao did not know how much time had passed. But now he has a single discovery, to be exact, the discovery of the undead.

There's something under the pool.

A white jade coffin.

Jiang Hao hesitated, not knowing whether he wanted to explore. But in addition, he seems to find nothing else. Although his cultivation has improved, he still can't break through here.

And no matter the transmission array, or even the Shenwen array, are invalid here.

But just when Jiang Hao was tangled, the water suddenly began to roll! Jiang Hao had no choice but to defend and stare nervously.

Water waves, or blood waves, carry something out.

It's the coffin.

The coffin slowly floated and helped up. Through the coffin, Jiang Hao could see it. It was It's an old man. It's a man. He looks very old, but he looks dignified.

What Jiang Hao didn't notice was that behind him, a mirror gradually became bright, and the figure of one of them became more and more clear, and then he collapsed out of the mirror.

It seems that this old man has been dead for a long time. He seems to have been seriously injured before his death, but his body has been broken, but he was forced to gather by a force. Jiang Hao looked carefully and found that there was a rune around him.

It's the word in Shenwen. Jiang Hao knows this word, it's Ning!

Who is this man? Jiang Hao's heart was beating wildly. What kind of dignity was this man's identity that the Dragon Palace could spend so much energy on supporting his body with a pool of blood essence, and then condensing his body shape with countless divine writings.

This is clearly a dead man, who should have been in the ashes for a long time, but he was born by this means to stay.

"Why is that?" Jiang Hao is very puzzled about this kind of behavior. After all, even if the Dragon Palace is a big sect, there is no need to waste so much, so he mumbles to himself.

He had no idea who would answer him.

It's like he didn't expect to be trapped in this place when he first arrived.

But it all happened.

"This is a great elder of the Dragon Palace in those years. He has laid a foundation for the development of the Dragon Palace to this day." A girl's voice sounded faintly, but Jiang Hao's scalp felt numb in an instant.

His body immediately rushed back, but found that he had been fixed, a pair of hands suddenly put on his shoulder, came a trace of cold, but also tightly bound his action.

"How can we absorb this and not absorb it?" The female voice rings again.

Jiang Hao bit his teeth and said, "thank you for your chance. But the younger generation is really shallow, unable to absorb. "

"Chance? No, you are my chance. " At the same time, Jiang Hao felt nervous.

A force rushed into his body, directly to control his body, expel his spirit. Jiang Hao knows exactly what this means. It's taking over the house!

Jiang Hao naturally refused to leave his body, and tried to counterattack back, so the two people fell into a fight. Jiang Hao found that although the spirit of the other side was weak, the quality was much higher than he did not know.

"Baby, you give up. Maybe when I go out, I will find you a body. If you continue to fight, I'm sure you will die."


Jiang Hao's body became very strange. Sometimes he spoke in a female voice, sometimes he spoke in his own voice. His body did not shake actively and made all kinds of strange movements.

"Toast without penalty." Jiang Hao's left eye suddenly turned blue, which was filled with blue light.

The white jade coffin that was floating on the pool of blood essence was suddenly opened. The old man inside suddenly turned up, and then his mouth suddenly opened.

A spirit rushed out of it and directly penetrated into Jiang Hao's body.

"So this is your whole spirit." Jiang Hao opened his mouth, but his voice became more strange.

With the appearance of the spirit, the old man's body began to decay. Maybe it was because it had been stored for too long. It didn't appear for a long time, and then it just disappeared.

"How can you be so stubborn? Grandma told you that I'm going to fix your body today!"


Jiang Hao was forced back by a powerful spirit. He could control less and less physique. He saw that he was about to be robbed.

Jiang Haoxin a horizontal, in his other eye, suddenly fire diffuse.The power of the undead's blood was activated, and then it summoned the flame, which appeared directly around his body, and the sparks burned and covered his whole body.

Jiang Hao's spirit escapes also generally came out, this fire most injures yuan Shen.

Even if it is to fight for the body and soul, Jiang Hao will not give up to this woman! A woman's shrieking voice came from Jiang Hao's body. A streamer flew out quickly and landed near Jiang Hao's spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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