Sacred Devil

Chapter 1263

Jiang Hao and the sword solidified on the spot.

Huo Fen was connected with his heart. He roared and broke away from the fire directly. Then he attacked Wuren directly. How much power could a sword without sword be left?

But Jiang Hao was wrong.

Wuren looked at the flame, and his expression was very calm. When Jiang Hao's split body was about to hit him, he gently bent down and grabbed the scabbard beside him.

Because of the resistance array generated by scabbard, there is a new sword in Wuren's hand. Obviously, it's just a scabbard, but it seems to have incomparable sharpness at this time.

One arm of the flame body is directly smashed. Different from the sword, when waving the scabbard, the speed of Wuren is very slow, which seems to be another sword technique.

Light sword, fast enough to make the enemy despair.

Epee, oppress the enemy to collapse.

Jiang Hao suddenly let out a low roar and went forward. The sword took advantage of the situation and stabbed him a little bit, but the momentum of the above must have been weakened a lot.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao grabbed the sword and threw it aside. Then he yelled at Wuren: "you forced me."

Wuren looked at him and didn't speak. Then he broke a part of the flame. What should we care about the threat of mole ants? Even if it was not to cover up his identity as much as possible, how could this young man have so many opportunities to talk to himself? Although he is good at this age, but unfortunately, in Wuren's opinion, he has no chance to go down.

Jiang Hao's face was ferocious. He reached out his hand and quickly made a resolution.

Wuren didn't stop him. On the contrary, he was quite curious because he had been in Zhongzhou for so many years, and he had practiced it many times, but he felt that he had seen it for the first time.

A strange Rune floated, sending out a strange wave.

Wuren still didn't stop him. He didn't think Jiang Hao could threaten him. No matter how powerful the magic was, it also needed the support of cultivation. In his opinion, Jiang Hao's cultivation was far from enough.

So he was very curious and expected Jiang Hao to show his magic, and he didn't waste his time on this trip.

Jiang Hao is still a murderous face, and the light in his hand is more and more prosperous.

Wuren did not know what Jiang Hao thought at this time.

"The transmission array will be ready soon! Hold him Jiang Hao controls the fire and makes him attack more crazily, which is to find something for this man.

However, he put the transmission array in an upright manner. Of course, this is Shenwen transmission array. It seems that because of Jiang Hao's light, Wuren did not associate with this aspect, and he still allowed him to release.

As long as you succeed, you can send it thousands of miles away, and then you can escape. This is Jiang Hao's idea. As for going on fighting, he didn't want to die. As for today's hatred, as Wuren said, he is still very young.

But at this time, Wuren's face suddenly changed, and he felt the space fluctuation.

"It's a teleportation array, boy. How dare you!"

Fire split crazy attack.

"Give it to me." Wuren suddenly broke out all his accomplishments, and a sword broke the flame. But at this time, Jiang Hao's body was about to disappear. Seeing that he was about to transmit successfully, Wuren suddenly waved and the sword flew past.

He directly chopped around. Instead of attacking Jiang Hao's transmission array, he destroyed the surrounding space fluctuation.

But Jiang Hao's figure still disappeared.

Almost just at the beginning of Jiang Hao's appearance, before he could be happy about his success in transmitting, he felt a strong edge towards his side. Then, Wuren stood in front of himself.

Holding the long sword in his hand, regardless of the scars on his body, he just stared at Jiang Hao. He is not as indifferent as at first, but with a lot of murderous spirit.

Jiang Hao looked around with a bitter smile. The flame was destroyed, the aura was almost exhausted, and the talisman was completely used up, but he still did not escape.

After all, the time was too short, and the Shenwen transmission array didn't volatilize at all. The Wuren stirred the power of the surrounding space, so Jiang Hao could only transmit it here, and he was in a dead end.

A mountain peak thousands of feet high.

Jiang Hao stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. He could only see a vast expanse of white. I don't know if it's too high here. The light snow in other mountains becomes heavy snow here.

"It's good to have such accomplishments and courage at this age." Wuren finally opened his mouth, still without any anger.

Jiang Hao sighed and said, "would you like to let me go once? To let go of a future master is to hold the thigh of a potential stock in advance.

Hearing this, Wuren burst into laughter. After a while, he stopped and said with a smile: "but for these people, the most important thing is luck.

"You shouldn't know. You know something and come to the place where it shouldn't appear, so you have to choose death, young genius, and your luck is very bad.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath. Now how can he not understand? It's obviously suitable for the big witch, but he doesn't blame the big witch because it's his choice to come here.Now it seems that I have only one choice but to die under the sword.

Jiang Hao looked at the abyss behind him. He suddenly grinned and took out a large number of elemental crystals. He thought carefully that his crystal of these elements did not use much, but was detonated by himself.

"You don't want to jump, do you?" Wu Ren's heart suddenly flashed a trace of not a second.

Jiang Hao laughed and looked up at him.

And then the element crystallizes.

The mountains split, the snow melted, and the aura around him began to be disordered. In this way, he could not lock his own Qi machine. Such a high cliff?

Will you be killed?

All this happened almost at the same time. Jiang Hao jumped down, detonated the element crystal, and Wuren drew his sword and cut it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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