Sacred Devil

Chapter 1266

"Good." The elder took a deep breath and looked around. Some people lowered their heads, while others looked at themselves with anger.

Now that these people have become elders, they are not young. They have been hanging out in the Xiuzhen world for so many years, and their skin is not thin at all.

The second palace master, holding the oil paper umbrella in his hand, stood at the front and looked at the elder quietly.

"Elder, I gave you a chance. It's your choice." The second palace Master said lightly, "so you have to pay for it now."

"When are you going to talk to me like that?" The elder sneered and said.

"According to the rules of the sect, I now control the whole Ice Palace, and you, as the elder, by virtue of your status, not only do not contribute to the sect, but also kill the same sect without permission.

Therefore, I am here today to announce that you will be removed from the position of elder elder and detained in Wuhua palace. I will deal with it after the chief palace master has gone out of the pass! "

"If you are stubborn and disobedient, don't blame me for not thinking about my family. I will kill you here to respect the rules of the gate."

The second palace Master said one by one, and his righteousness was awe inspiring.

After hearing this, the elder just laughed and his voice became colder and colder.

"Come on, then, and let me see what you are capable of, and what you people are capable of." She directly burst out of all momentum, reaching out between the hair, a piccolo appeared in her hand.

"Since the elder is stubborn, let's do it."

The second palace master seems to have expected the ending. He is not surprised at this time, but just lightly waves his hand.

Dozens of experts in the ice palace are also the confidants of the second palace master, or some other neutral people. This is an ice palace coup, which belongs to the confrontation between the old and the new forces.

There are many people also rushed to come, these people are standing on the side of the elder.

The great elder held the piccolo and said, "the second leader of the palace betrayed the sect. With the order of the elder, I announced to abolish the position of the second palace leader. If you are stubborn and stubborn, they will be punished according to the door crime. "

The two sides are at daggers drawn.

When the second palace Master heard the elder's censure, she didn't say much at this time. She just waved. There were more people behind her than the elder, and it seemed that she had been prepared for it.

People on both sides collided.

The elder picked up the piccolo and put it on his mouth. The melodious flute gradually sounded.

The fluctuation of psychic power.

The dance of magic.

Magic weapons and weapons.

Blood, death, this past battle between the same sect is milder than that with other sects. It is also a fight.

there are fewer and fewer people on the side of the elder, because they are not as good as those from the second palace master. After so many years of neglect, there are fewer and fewer people who are loyal to the elder, and many experts are also killed by the second elder The master of the palace is out.

Snowflakes are becoming more and more dense, which is a favorite of literati and scholars on earth, but now it has become a powerful killing weapon.

"Kill her first!" Seeing several people killed by snowflakes, several people from the second palace leader looked at each other, and then rushed to the elder's side at the same time, trying to kill her first.

Some people on the elder's side wanted to go back to help, but they were pestered by their opponents. Moreover, there were more and more people on the side of the second palace leader. At this time, more and more people rushed to the elder, all of whom wanted to kill her.

Seeing these people approaching, the elder did not seem to notice. He even closed his eyes. The color of the piccolo in his hand gradually began to change. The original blue gradually became transparent.

Snowflakes fall on the ground, quickly grow high, and then become a snowman.

Waving his fist, he stopped at these people.

The second palace master is holding an oil paper umbrella in her hand. She has not participated in the battle. Instead, she looks at a mountain in the distance. There is a person in it. She may decide the significance of this battle!

"But are you alive or dead?" The second palace master murmured.

As for the girl who was hiding in a corner at this time, her face was shocked. Her cultivation could not be involved in the battle. Moreover, she did not expect that the second palace master would fight with the elder.

At this time, the first few people who rushed to the elder were stopped by the snowman. They were too difficult to deal with.

But as the number of people increased, the speed of recovery of the scattered snowmen became slower and slower, and these people were closer to the elder.

The snowman's defense circle is about to be broken.

The sound of the great elder's Piccolo changed suddenly. The original sound of the flute became melodious, even a little cheerful.

It seems to be fueling the war.

But at this time, a man suddenly yelled: "no, this is the song of snow rising to immortality!"

With his words, other people's faces have changed greatly.

The elder slowly floated up, the snowflakes in the sky gradually stopped, but the snowflakes on the ground slowly floated up. They had accumulated a thick, do not know how many layers, at this time layer by layer to the sky floating.It seems that you can go back wherever you want.

But there are a lot of people on it, so it takes some people together and flies into the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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