Sacred Devil

Chapter 1268

It was a great creation. Jiang Hao looked at the weapons on the ground and took a deep breath. Greedy eyes burst out of his eyes, not that he had never seen the world.

But I have never seen such a world.

These weapons are not high-level weapons, but they are all with a trace of aura. These weapons are the most natural weapon embryos. Whether they are made or decomposed, they are first-class products.

Jiang Hao's heartless Sabre is the easiest to fuse, and the best fusion effect is these weapons containing heaven and Earth Spirit.

Resisting the impulse of uprooting the tree, Jiang Hao went to the tree and picked up the weapons one by one. The surrounding area was calm and there was no danger. Jiang Hao was relieved.

After accepting these weapons, Jiang Haocai stepped aside and swept away his divine sense. His heart was even more crazy. All of these were made of natural extremely cold pith.

Who is so big?

Jiang Hao didn't know, but at this time he was very grateful to this man, who was a real man of great spirit. He pointed to the direction of the tree and said in a loud voice, "thank you for saving my life, and leaving such an opportunity!"

And then I said goodbye.

It was quiet, and the sun and snow fell on the ice.

Jiang Hao didn't care about these things either. Instead, he continued to worship for three times before he began to refine these weapons.

The tree in the distance, gently shaking. More and more weapons are falling.


"the snow is the spirit of heaven and earth. It is the ice palace outside the boundary." The elder read it gently at this time.

At this time, the last paragraph of the song of rising to immortality by snow.

At this time, only half of the people on the side of the second palace leader were left, and most of them were injured. They were all blocked by the oil paper umbrella.

At this time, they gathered together on the ground and looked at the elder in the air with grief. They also knew the song and knew that it was an access control technique.

Only the girl, from the beginning to the end of the battle, stood in a corner, but unexpectedly, as one of the disciples of the second palace master, she was not affected by the snow song.

As for this time, she was completely stupid. She didn't know how the elder and the second palace master fought. There were more and more people, and more and more people died, but they were still fighting.

She also felt that the battle seemed to have been premeditated for a long time. If she had to say something right or wrong, it seemed that her master was wrong She had a natural instinct that the elder was not a bad man.

So is it my master who is a bad person? Why did the master want to kill that man? Why does he want to kill the elder now?

She doesn't know that, but no one cares if she knows it or not.

"If there is vulgarity stained with snow, the cover will not fall." The elder said the second sentence.

The oil paper umbrella suddenly began to tremble. The second palace master's face was dignified. At this time, she severely bit the tip of her tongue. She quickly made several decisions, and the oil paper umbrella stabilized.

But a little bit of damage has already appeared on it.

"Please go back to the snow without leaving the spirit of this place!" When the elder said this, the flute in his hand turned into pieces, and her figure began to fall.

Boom! The oil paper umbrella has turned into pieces directly!

The snow on the ground turned into a storm, and then poured into the air. The ground gradually exposed. The color of the mountain peak was red, and the red rocks were exposed.

Looking at the high-strength snow, the elder's head was numb.

At this time, the two palace masters spat out a big mouthful of blood. Her face was pale.


This is the second palace master's first thought now. I still underestimate this elder.

Looking at the people around, her own people have disappeared, she wryly smile a few times, and then wipe the blood stains on the corner of her mouth, step by step to the girl's side.

She had one last move, and the battle was not over, and it was a sufficient backhand.

"Master lost." The second palace master looked at the girl and said.

The girl was puzzled and was about to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

At this time, the elder also fell down. Several people who were still alive on the side of the elder rushed to the front and helped the elder up in a hurry. The elder's breath was dying.

Although the enemy still plays the final song, it seems that there is no one who plays the final part of the snow.

At this time, the second palace master did not look at the elder. He did not even look at the wind and snow around him.

Instead, he stared at the girl and said slowly, "if the master loses, I will be abolished and become a residential sect, and even killed by them."

"What do you think of Master Zhu Er?"

The girl nodded subconsciously and said to the second palace master, "master took me as an apprentice and taught me magic arts. She is very kind to me.""Good." The second palace master nodded with a smile, and then asked, "how is the development under the master's management?"

Zhu'er thought for a moment, and then said, "the ice palace is growing, and it is also the leading school in Zhongzhou. People outside dare not disrespect us when they hear our name outside." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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