Sacred Devil

Chapter 1275

I'll see you again in the future, but it's not the same.

However, just a year of time, the original unruly and willful but very righteous woman, has become a mature and quiet woman.

"My father is injured and needs nine you long cold ice lotus. He is the only one who has and is willing to give it to me. Now that the iron sword gate is in decline, he needs a big man to support him. Therefore, I choose to be his concubine, which should be regarded as a choice with more than one stone. "

Two people are separated by a table with a pot of tea in the middle, which is a good tea for guests.

Jiang Hao sighed and said, "it's just a pity."

"It's no pity." With a smile, tiexinlan said, "my aptitude is not so good, and my future accomplishments are limited. Now I have found a good way out, don't you think?"

Jiang Hao was speechless.

"After all, it's a concubine. It's not a prosperous thing. I won't leave you a drink." Tiexinlan spoke again, but it was already the word to drive people.

Jiang Hao also heard that, and he stood up.

Then he took out a jade vase, which contained the next drops of water in Wanren valley. Now there are still some left. According to the elder, this object can almost replace most of the water attribute spiritual objects.

Jiang Hao put the rest on the table.

"At the beginning, you and I had a lot of iron essence. These are my belated returns, which should be able to cure your father's injury."

Tiexinlan was stunned for a while, quite a bit can't believe it. Even though she has already had an idea in her heart, what does Jiang Hao mean and what does he want to get? Because in this short period of time, she saw too many people with evil intentions.

Jiang Hao didn't care what she thought. After leaving the jade bottle, he said, "and your wedding, you'd better prepare yourself. When I came to the wedding party, I met the wedding party, and then there was some contradiction. I killed some people

One of them seems to be a high-level sacrifice of the eclosic Dynasty. I think it's enough to allow you to be busy for the concubine. So, I can't guarantee whether you can get married

"You This time, she was completely shocked.

Jiang Hao gave a wry smile and said, "don't think about it. I just passed by, but I didn't expect those people to challenge me actively. Therefore, this result has nothing to do with you."

Although Jiang Hao's explanation is very reasonable, it's her thing that tiexinlan doesn't listen. After all, in her opinion, it's too coincident. Don't you want me to marry him?

Because he ruined the wedding and felt ashamed, he left the treasure to heal your father. This is Jiang Hao's idea, but in tiexinlan's opinion, it is quite different.

You heard that I was going to take concubines for others. First, I killed people and destroyed the wedding ceremony. Then I took out the treasure. Isn't it that you're interested in me or something else?

Two people with their own mind, but also embarrassed to chat a few words, Jiang Hao ready to leave.

But at this time, the deputy head of the gate suddenly rushed in and said to them, "no, I heard that a high-level sacrifice died in the eclosion Dynasty. Now a secret Explorer has been sent. "

Jiang Hao frowned and thought that the other party would come soon. But the face of tiexinlan changed.

"The detective has come to the hall now. He says he wants to see Mr. Jiang!"

"Me?" Jiang Hao said, "I'm sorry to see him."

"I have teleportation here. You don't have to see him!" Iron heart LAN at this time but suddenly said, said a step in front of Jiang Hao, stopped his way.

Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment, then he gently laughed, patted tiexinlan on the shoulder, and said, "don't have to. This kind of thing can't run. I'll meet him. You don't have to worry. "

With that, he walked over. The deputy head of the gate took a complex look at tiexinlan and sighed a long time. Then he went to lead the way. Tiexinlan hesitated for a moment and followed him quickly.

Living room.

Jiang Hao saw the detective.

He was dressed in black with a picture of a heavenly dog in the middle. It is said that it was a fierce beast in ancient times. He was alert, cunning and ferocious. But if he was tamed by a monk, he was very loyal.

"You are Jiang Hao." The detective saw Jiang Hao come in, looked at him several times, and obviously had mastered some of his information, and then said.

Jiang Hao was also aware of this. At the same time, he could not help but sigh that there was a reason for the growing strength of the eclosic Dynasty. He only found himself in a short time, but also knew some basic information about himself.

"Yes, it's me." Jiang Hao nodded directly.

"You killed mu Binghan." Asked the explorer.

"If you're talking about the monk who used ice gas, and his accomplishments were probably in the later stage of the robbery, I killed him, about a few hours ago." Jiang Hao said lightly.

He breathed freely, but he said.A robber monk, do you want to kill him? And how easy is it to kill? What's more, it seems easy to kill.

Their own strength is not enough, the position of the station is not the same, so the things we see are also different. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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