Sacred Devil

Chapter 1281

They used mortal things, but they had weapons similar to friars, and the three people I saw in the daytime. They looked ordinary, but their accomplishments were extraordinary. They were also around the void period when they were in the cultivation world.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is really a strange place. After Jiang Hao stayed for three days, the door of the secret room suddenly opened. Three guards came in.

"Take it." One of them was dressed differently from the other two, he said to the other two.

The two men came to take Jiang Hao's arm. The chain that had been bound to Jiang Hao's body was removed just after they came here. Therefore, he has nothing to restrain now, except the suppression of this world. But even so, Jiang Hao naturally wants to kill these people in front of him.

But now he knows nothing about this place, and although his action here is restrained, there is no danger. So he might as well stay here and find out what the place is.

"Where are you taking me?" Jiang Hao didn't use the two guards, so he walked up.

"Of course, I took you to the prison. Do you think you will be released?" The man who took the lead said coldly.

Jiang Hao frowned, puzzled way: "I am not a foreign race, you caught the wrong person, I have not been interrogated."

"I know that you have not been interrogated. If you are a different race, you will not go to prison, but to a mass grave." The man snorted coldly, then went on: "close first, wait for adults to judge you naturally when they are free."

Jiang Hao had nothing to say, so he had to take him to a cage below.

"Close him on the third floor." The man looked at the surrounding environment, then glanced at Jiang Hao and said, "boy, stay here and think about what mistakes you have made."

Without giving Jiang Hao time to speak, he opened the door and pushed him in. As soon as Jiang Hao went in, the door outside was heavily locked.

All of a sudden, there was no light in the cage, only a few pots of flame.

Hearing the sound of the door being locked, there was a clamor, a roar and a cry. I could not hear the content clearly, but I could feel the madness inside.

Jiang Hao looked around and found that several people were looking at themselves, greedy, cruel and teasing.

"There's a little white face. It's really nice to treat us first." One of them Jie Jie Jie said.

"Come on, little white face, come here!" A man with a strong back and a strong back was sitting on a bed and hooked his finger to Jiang Hao.

"Tribulus bear, can't you wait now? Let's have a good time first. " The other man, with only one eye, exclaimed.

"Come on, boy, what have you done to come in?"

"No offense. They thought I was a stranger, so they arrested me. It seemed that they were busy and didn't have time for interrogation. Let me wait here. "

As Jiang Hao said this, he had already looked around. In addition to the pots of flames, there was a bed, and the rest were straw and other things spread on the ground. There was a bucket in the corner, which emitted a stench.

In addition to himself, there are five other people, all of whom seem ferocious. However, such people are easy to obey. Jiang Hao is very experienced in this regard. These people live by their own fists. You just need to be bigger than their fists.

There is no doubt that Jiang Hao's fist is the biggest.

Hearing Jiang Hao's reply, these people burst into laughter.

"You want to wait for interrogation? Who has the air traffic control over you, you just stay here. " The Cyclops laughed. "I think you're going to be in jail for the first time."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "not bad." It was indeed the first time for him to enter a cage like this. The conditions were very bad, and the inmates were also very bad. Moreover, he was still a few ordinary people.

In addition, it is comfortable, because from Jiang Hao standing here, it can only explain one thing. From then on, this is Jiang Hao's territory.

However, these people obviously did not pay attention to this. After hearing Jiang Hao say so, the big man sitting on the bed, called the Tribulus bear, suddenly showed a ferocious expression and said, "in that case, I have to tell you the rules here."

Then he stood up and walked towards Jiang Hao with a grim smile.

"It's a good show." Someone laughed and said, "Hey, new man, how do you want to listen to the rules here?"

"Lie down or lie down?" A man followed with a dirty smile.

"I love men." Jiang Hao looked at the speaker. He was quite different from the Tribulus bear. He was extremely short, but there were several scars on his face, which was quite frightening.

"Grandfather likes your little white face. He doesn't have the ability to fart. He still drags on his face every day." Said the man, with a fierce expression.

At this time, the Tribulus bear had come to Jiang Hao. Hearing Jiang Hao's words, his face suddenly sank and said, "boy, I see if you haven't realized what this is."Jiang Hao looked at him and said in a low voice, "I realize that, but you don't have to tell me the rules here."

The others were stunned and puzzled.

Jiang Hao calmly continued: "next, you just need to follow my rules." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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