Sacred Devil

Chapter 1286

There were two guards in front of him, escorting a cart, with prisoners on top of them. Jiang Hao followed him in the back, followed by several bodyguards.

The conditions were very difficult, but they were extremely patient this time. In fact, the prisoners who were at the bottom of the line did not make any noise. They all tried to show the appearance of being on the verge of death. Of course, they could not hold on for long.

The party soon reached the gate.

"I'm going to go out and throw away the scum." Jiang Hao said lightly.

The guard at the door didn't feel strange about the scene in front of him. He just nodded and then said, "please show me the general."

Will the symbol? What kind of thing is this. Walking beside him, the Tribulus bear was also stunned. His heart leaped wildly, holding the weapon tightly in his hand. At this time scar suddenly called out: "you know who we adults are! Open your dog's eyes and see clearly

The guard at the door was not moved, and continued: "sorry, this is a new rule. All people must have a general when they go in and out."

Seeing that this group of people was about to be stopped here, Jiang Hao took a breath and said, "then we won't go out. You can throw these corpses out."

The guards at the door looked at each other and nodded: "of course! If they are dead prisoners, they can go out naturally. "

Jiang Hao's big beard grinned ferociously, pulled out his sword from his waist and said, "I'll kill here, kill one and throw one away."

The prisoners in the car all of a sudden shiver, but think of Jiang Hao's terror, or forced to resist the idea of saying all this.

"My Lord, if you must do so, I will not stop you." The gatekeeper said faintly, then with a wave of his hand, the gate opened with a bang.

Then he said, "but if there is a living person out, and has not yet fufu, whether it is a mortal or a bodyguard or an adult, then take responsibility."

The door opened. Looking at this door, Jiang Hao was also congratulating himself. There were countless divine texts carved on it. If you let yourself use magic to blow it, it would take three days and three nights. Even then, he might not be able to open it.

It's a desolation outside.

Jiang Hao felt the emergence of a faint aura.

He came to the door with a long sword. The bear followed him shivering and scarred. The other guards were also very envious and pushed the car over, waiting for Jiang Hao to kill one by one.

The guard at the door stood by, keeping a cool eye.

Jiang Hao held up his sword and faced the first prisoner. Just as he was about to chop down, he suddenly turned his sword and hit the gatekeeper!

A raging flame boils.

"What are you doing?" The guard at the door yelled.

Jiang Hao snorted coldly and handed a sword to him. His powerful aura tore up the armor of these men. As for whether they could live or not, it was up to their luck.

Then Jiang Hao rushed out without hesitation.

as soon as he left the gate, Jiang Hao felt a ray of light shining on his body, and his illusion was directly broken. And behind the cage also sounded a ring, Jiang Hao has run out.

The rest of the inmates were running out in a frenzy.

However, unlike others, Jiang Hao did not run far, but ran more than a mile, which was only a short distance. This distance, let alone as a monk, even ordinary mortals also ran out of the field more than ten miles.

Jiang Hao found a jungle, he did not run again, watching those villains running madly to the outside, more and more far away from here, Jiang Hao has been cold eyed side.

It took about a quarter of an hour for a team of bodyguards to come out, and several chariots appeared in the sky, and then spread around quickly, completely covering the collection.

Instead, Jiang Hao was ignored because he was too close to his cell.

Jiang Hao didn't dare to cast a spell. Now he found that the remnant had great restraint on his own magic, but he didn't have such restraint for his own fire. However, his own flame can only be used to attack and heal special wounds at most.

Looking for a slightly more dense place, Jiang Hao took out a weapon and quickly dug a hole toward the ground. Then he jumped in, and then carefully controlled the surrounding land to gather here.

It was not until the exit was completely closed that Jiang Hao closed his eyes and began to meditate. He did not need to breathe any air because of his accomplishments of robbing friars.

Jiang Hao began to practice and comprehend Shenwen, and came to this world full of Shenwen, whether it was engraved on the wall, or could be used directly, even as the writing of ordinary people. This gave Jiang Hao a great touch, he needs to digest this touch.

Time a little bit of the past, blink of an eye, has been half a month of time.

At this time, the land with good vegetation suddenly began to roll. A man gradually showed his head. It was Jiang Hao. He found that the hole he sealed was full of plants.Looking at the cell from a distance, the huge building seemed to be at peace.

Jiang Hao didn't think that those seriously injured prisoners could run out a lot. If one or two of them could be lucky, he still had courage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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