Sacred Devil

Chapter 1293

According to vagrancy, there are about 300000 permanent residents living in Mocheng, and countless people come and go. This remnant world has been regarded as the first big city, and it has always been lively and prosperous.

But Jiang Hao seemed depressed from a distance. Although the gate was open, there were not many people coming and going.

Then look at the city, piled up with all kinds of things. There are also many people walking around the wall, holding all kinds of things in their hands, sketching the divine text to the wall.

As soon as Jiang Hao got close to the past, he was stopped by several people. Jiang Hao noticed that their armor seemed to be similar to those who had caught him at the beginning.

"Who are you?" A bodyguard yelled at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "people who travel far away have something to do here. How come Mo City is not allowed to enter now?"

"People who travel far away? I don't think you have a good intention. Now there are people who have traveled far and dare to come to Mo City! " The bodyguard waved his hand and said, "catch up!"

Jiang Hao, who had seen their judicial interrogation system, naturally would not be arrested again. He immediately stepped forward and avoided several guards who were ready to arrest him, but he did not hurt anyone.

Jiang Hao said again, "I'm looking for your bodyguard commander, Wei Fang."

"You can wait until we have interrogated you."

"I'll come back later." Jiang Hao turned to go.

The bodyguard suddenly gave a big drink and said, "where to go! Here's a spy. Get him. "

In an instant, hundreds of people poured out around him and surrounded Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, and the fire spread from his fist. If he wanted to do something, none of these people would survive, but he estimated that he would run away again.

Just then, a cry came from the distance.

"What happened?"

"Report to the commander!"

It was this address that made Jiang Hao suppress the idea of starting his hands. He said in a loud voice: "but commander Wei, I have a letter from the wandering elder of liuzu."

The crowd suddenly dispersed, and Jiang Hao saw the commander. He thought it was Wei Fang.

Wei Fang took a look at Jiang Hao and then said, "follow me."

They went to a room. Jiang Hao found that not only outside the city, but also the city was solemn.

At this time, Wei Fang also finished reading the letter. His face made a smile and said to Jiang Hao, "it turns out that it's the younger generation of Liu elder. It's disrespectful."

Then he covered the letter and put it in his pocket, then motioned to Jiang Hao to sit down.

"The vagrant elders have said that. I shouldn't have refused, but it's been a troubled time recently. I really don't have time to help you find these things. I'm sorry. You'd better leave as soon as you can

Wei Fang said he was going to drive people out.

Naturally, Jiang Hao would not leave like this. Instead, he asked, "what's the matter? How do I feel? People are worried all over the place."

The leader of Wei Fang sighed and said, "it's the tide of animals. It's coming in a few days. Most of the people in the city have been evacuated, and most of the rest have no place to go. "

"Animal tide?" Jiang Hao couldn't help exclaiming, let alone here. Even in the Xiuzhen world, there are more monks and more magic weapons and pills, but it is still a terrible thing to face the tide of animals.

Wei Fang nodded heavily and said: "at most three days, the tide of animals will come, and then Mo City will be in danger."

Before the beginning of his own side of a so no fighting spirit, Jiang Hao can not help but ask: "if you can't hold on for a while, it's OK to leave for a while. After all, people are in the city."

Wei Fang shook his head without hesitation, and said: "no, if I wait to leave, what about the rest of the 100000 people in the city? What's more, even if we escape, the tide of beasts will continue. Even if we don't stop us, the number of them will be even more. We will not escape from our guilt. "

Then Wei Fang suddenly murmured: "what's more, the Falcon King's people will always be watching here. Other people may leave. People like us can't run. So it's better to guard the city pool and have a chance of life here than to die under the Falcon king."

Jiang Hao also nodded, saying that he understood that the man who had caught himself in prison was the Falcon king, who was also the ruler here, but the management was very loose, so there were not many systems that could be used in all parties. However, a large city like this is undoubtedly in the charge of the Falcon king.

"In this case, I'll fight against the beast tide here." Jiang Hao laughed and said calmly.

Wei Fang was stunned after hearing this, and said in disbelief, "are you kidding?"

Jiang Hao was not surprised, but his voice was still flat. He said, "since I have this ability, I'm willing to make some contributions. But it's not why the Falcon king is, but for those ordinary people, do my best."After hearing this, Wei Fang was silent. Then he stretched out his fist, deeply worshipped him, and said, "your honor knows the righteousness! You can rest assured that if you and I can survive in this wave of beasts, I will be bound to take care of you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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