Sacred Devil

Chapter 13

"Jiang Hao, what else do you want?" Liu Bin and several of his entourage stopped and turned to look at Jiang Hao, his eyes twinkling with fierce and fierce color.

He is a disciple of the elder and has a high status in the clan. Therefore, he is not afraid of Jiang Hao, a boy without background. What is his fear?

Jiang Hao has a sneer on his face. In his previous life, he was known as the old devil of Jiang. His strength is powerful and his means are fierce.

Liu Bin now offends himself, that he always has to pay a price, if let him leave so safely, isn't everyone able to humiliate himself? Can you stand on your head and shit?

In the past life, no one dares to challenge him like this. Even if there is, those people are dead!

Today, but even two people appear provocation, which makes him incomparably angry.

Jiang Hao's hands quickly knot a formula, suddenly, a white aura formed a light cone, straight to Liu Bin's arm.

"Jiang Hao, dare you!" Liu Bin looked at this powerful blow, and his face twisted and angry.

Through the cloud cone!

Jiang Hao used the cloud piercing cone which was transformed according to the cloud splitting cone of Lingyun sect. After his own transformation, the cloud piercing cone was not many times stronger than the cloud splitting cone with many disadvantages, but it was also very convenient to use.

In his previous life, he had a lot of magic tricks and martial arts skills, but now his strength is very difficult to use. Instead, he can use this cloud piercing cone more easily.


Liu Bin's arm was broken when a stream of blood rushed out. The two attendants beside him were suddenly angry, their hands were sealed, and all kinds of aura gushed out and killed Jiang Hao.

"Lion and tiger fist!"


Two people up and down, eyes crazy without cover up.

Liu Bin was abandoned an arm by Jiang Hao. As an entourage, they will be punished by Liu Bin's elder teacher father when they go back. If they can catch Jiang Hao, they will not be punished, and even get the reward they deserve.

A fist and a palm roared to Jiang Hao's chest, mixed with gusts of fierce wind.

Jiang Hao stepped back like a ghost, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. The strength of the two attendants was much stronger than that of Liu Feng, but in Jiang Hao's opinion, their strength was still not enough!

No matter how strong the ants are, they are still ants, which is an unchangeable fact.

"He's finished!"

"Just now he and elder martial brother Liu have consumed a great deal of spiritual power. Now he has to fight against two disciples in the foundation period. He will surely lose!"

"Elder martial brother Liu was accepted as a disciple by the sect elder martial brother. Even if he was lucky enough to defeat them, the Revenge of elder martial brother Liu would not be able to bear."

"You see, what is he doing?"

Jiang Hao didn't pay attention to these people. He made a seal on his hands, and a line of spiritual power gushed out of the sea of spirits. In front of Jiang Hao, the powerful spiritual power condensed into two curved moons.

"The moon is falling!"

Jiang Hao drank softly, and the two curved moons in front of him were brilliant and holy. Driven by Jiang Hao's Dharma formula, the two curved moons roared out of the sky and ran straight to the two followers.

This formula is not Lingyun Zong's, but some of Jiang Hao's own in his previous life. Although it is not powerful, it can be used to bluff children.

Of course, the Dharma formula that he didn't look up to was also extremely powerful. In the eyes of these disciples at least, this dharma formula was also a metaphysical formula at the lowest level.


Before the two attendants arrived at Jiang Hao's side, they were directly hit by Jiang Hao's magic formula. Suddenly, a torrent of blood came out.

The two people's Dharma formula was broken, their faces were pale, their vitality was fading, and they were obviously seriously injured and on the verge of death!

"Jiang Hao, you forced us!" The two attendants took out a dark pill from their arms.

Jiang Hao looked at the pills they took out, and his heart was shocked. Then he had a cold and sharp look on his face.

This is magic pill!

Crazy magic pill is a taboo pill for friars, because it is called magic pill. Once you take it, your body will become crazy instantly, and your spiritual power will soar to a small level. However, as a price, their cultivation will stagnate and it will be extremely difficult to break through.

They swallowed without hesitation, and their momentum suddenly soared. Their pale cheeks flushed instantly, and their physical strength recovered as before. They got up, and the aura gushed out from the sea of spirits and covered the whole body.

The two gave up their martial arts skills and rushed to Jiang Hao.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao sneered at him. He clenched his fists with both hands, running the aura in the sea of spirits, which covered Jiang Hao's fists.

He strides forward with great momentum, and his fists are waved in an instant.

Hiss! Hiss!

Their fists cut through the air and made a piercing sound. They looked at Jiang Hao's fist, and a trace of excitement appeared on their ferocious faces.

After using the magic pill, they feel unprecedented strong, and the endless aura makes them use it endlessly, which makes them full of confidence.

Tear him, crush him!

There was only one idea in their hearts, tearing Jiang Hao apart and crushing him.Unfortunately, they think very well, but the reality is not like this.


The fist fell on one of the attendants, and the one immediately flew out. Jiang Hao stepped back a few steps, and his face was calm. The fist of the other follower had already dropped and hit Jiang Hao's chest.

His entourage's fist is very fast, and Jiang Hao can't retreat. His aura condenses in his chest. He quickly pinches a formula with his hands, and a faint aura mask covers his whole body.


The attendant's fist fell, and the originally faint aura mask was instantly smashed by the powerful fist. Then, the fist did not stop and fell towards Jiang Hao's chest. Jiang Hao's body was straight and fearless.


Just when his fist was an inch away from Jiang Hao's body, he grasped the follower's fist with one hand as his claw. A trace of ferocity flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes, and a trace of spiritual power was used. The strength of his hands increased again, and a crisp sound of broken bones resounded through the audience.


The attendant gave out a trace of painful screams. The originally ferocious and twisted cheek was full of ferocity. His eyes were red and looked at Jiang Hao.


The attendant slapped his hand on his arm, and his arm was immediately dripping with blood, and his arm was directly broken. The attendant touched the blood on his broken arm, and then licked the blood on his finger like a beast. His eyes were also full of bloodthirsty madness, which was obviously zombie.

Another attendant also stood up, although he was not intelligent, but he was full of killing intention.

Two people one after another, never retreat, Jiang Hao looked at the two entourage, eyes flashing thick murder.

Jiang Hao showed mercy for several times. Instead of retreating, they became more crazy. This moment aroused the killing intention in Jiang Hao's heart.

Since they want to die, they will be done by themselves!

Jiang Hao's eyes twinkled with ferocity. A Taoist formula was quickly squeezed out of his hand. The aura in the sea of spirits instantly emerged from the pupa, and a Taoist formula emerged from his hand.

"Through the cloud cone!"

Jiang Hao roared and waved his arm toward the two attendants. He saw two white auras rushing towards the two attendants.

"Split cloud cone!" The two attendants also quickly seal, a aura gushed from the body, straight away.

They have almost the same skills, but in terms of momentum, the two attendants are more powerful. The cloud splitting cone has a great momentum, but it is much inferior to the cloud piercing cone.

The cloud splitting cone seems to be extremely powerful, and the consumption is also extremely huge. The theory of "splitting cloud" is only a superficial one. However, the cloud piercing cone is improved by Jiang Hao, and it is not much stronger than the cloud splitting cone.

Boom! Boom!

The cloud piercing cone and the cloud splitting cone collide, and the two auras collide and make a loud noise. However, the cloud splitting cone slowly dissipates, and the cloud piercing cone falls on the two attendants.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The blood gushed out. Originally, the vitality of the two attendants slowly faded, but the broken arm of the entourage stood up and rushed to Jiang Hao again.

Jiang Hao didn't care. He didn't pay any attention to the counterattack of a dying man.

Jiang Hao clenched his fist with one hand, and his aura concealed his fist. Looking at the broken arm follower who rushed towards him, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.



The momentum of the fist is like a rainbow, and the Qi shakes the mountains and rivers. The fist carries nearly a kilogram of huge force, leaving a roaring sound in the air. The strong fist directly runs through the follower's chest, and all the viscera and internal organs roll down from the abdomen, while the followers have no vitality.

The follower's eyes glare round, originally the blood red eyes still have a trace of madness, but this look forever stops at this moment.

He's dead!

Killed by Jiang Hao, the scene is bloody!

Those disciples in the outer courtyard who watched the scene were shocked and looked at Jiang Hao with a trace of fear.

The martial law of Lingyun sect is very strict. If a private fight is found, it will be handed over to the disciples of the sect. Now, Jiang Hao and others not only fight in private, but also kill a disciple in the outer courtyard.

Fighting with each other is the most intolerable commandment of Lingyun sect. Once it happens, he will abandon his cultivation and be tortured by the clan.

"You dare to kill him. Aren't you afraid to be judged by the clan?" Liu Bin looked at one of his entourage was killed by Jiang Hao, with a trace of fierce tone.

"Shut up!"

Jiang Haomei frown, dark transport a aura, toward Liu Bin waved.

Jiang Hao's words just fell, saw Liu Bin spit out a mouthful of blood, the cheek immediately swelled, the mouth then burst into pain.

The disciples around him looked at Jiang Hao, who was domineering and side leaking. Liu Bin was a member of the clan elder. He was gifted and had a high status. However, Jiang Hao did not pay any attention to him.

In front of him, Jiang Linghao followed another one.


The blood splashed around, and the red and white objects intersected, which made him feel particularly bloody and disgusting. Jiang Hao stood in the center and glanced at Liu Bin, and his eyes flashed.

When Jiang Hao's eyes fell on Liu Bin, Liu Bin also felt a shiver.He's scared!

I'm afraid that the killing God will end himself.

Jiang Hao naturally saw Liu Bin's fear. He stepped forward and walked slowly to Liu Bin. There was no emotion in his eyes.

He can kill these two followers, and he doesn't have to worry about being punished by the sect's discipline disciples, but he can't kill Liu Bin. After all, Liu Bin is a disciple of the sect elders and has a high status. Once he is killed, he will no longer be able to stand on Lingyun sect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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