Sacred Devil

Chapter 1300

Jiang Hao crushed the neck of the blazing eagle, but he did not leave directly, but began to gather aura in his hands. The goal was obvious, that is to destroy the body of the blazing eagle.

Both his blade and his soul were connected with his mind and spirit. In the other two ways, he didn't find a monster like the king of wisdom. Therefore, Jiang Hao thought that his journey was very likely, unless he made a mistake.

Jiang Hao didn't hide his breath. The breath condensed by aura and shrouded with killing intention made the surrounding breath more dignified and could be easily perceived by any creature.

So at this time, the colorful insects came out of the body of the blazing eagle.

Then they spread their eight transparent wings.

Is this the king of wisdom? Jiang Hao's mind moved, but at that moment, his mind suddenly hummed and fell into numbness. Jiang Hao suddenly felt a little faint and could not lift himself.

What are you doing here?

I don't know, but I'm sleepy.

Then go to bed.

No, I'm here for something important.

I'm too tired to think about it when I wake up

Jiang Hao was about to kill the tip of his tongue. A sharp pain made him wake up!

At this time, the king of wisdom has been flying out one meter far .

the insect turned his head in horror, and he saw Jiang Hao's eyes. He didn't expect Jiang Hao to wake up so quickly.

Jiang Hao also sighed. Fortunately, his power of divine consciousness was stronger than ordinary monks, otherwise he would really become a monk. So he caught up with the monster in the next two steps. Without the monster as the driving force, his divine sense attack had not yet worked, and the king of wisdom became pitiful.

Jiang Hao also saw its eyes, fear, beg for mercy.

If in ordinary times, Jiang Hao may think about whether to recover it or not. Maybe it will be useful. But now he just wants to quickly end the animal tide and find a way to leave here, so he made a move.

Grab the heartless knife and cut it down.

The insect of the king of wisdom was cut off without any resistance. Then Jiang Hao was still staring at it nervously for a while and was relieved to make sure that it would not revive.

Jiang Hao looked at the girl in his arms, and then made several resolutions to stabilize his mind. After thinking about it, he picked up the king of wisdom, refined it and put it into the girl's mouth. He thought it would be useful to stabilize his mind.

Then he held the comatose girl and went back to Mo City. From a distance, he saw that the monster had been scattered, but there were corpses everywhere on the ground.

The animal tide is finally over.

The battle lasted for less than a day, but it was a heavy casualty. Thousands of bodyguards died alone. With ordinary people, the number would be even more.


looking at the respectful manner of the other party, Jiang Hao was helpless. He had explained it countless times, but none of them was of any use. The other party even felt that he was testing their faith.

By this time, seven days had passed before the animal tide.

After talking to the girl, Jiang Hao was still in a bad state of mind, because she was not in a good state of mind.

Then he insisted on thanking Jiang Hao for saving his life and taking him to his family as a guest. Jiang Hao originally wanted to ask for some information and see if he could get a way out of here. Naturally, he readily agreed, but he didn't think it was important to go, but his identity changed directly.

For example, the scene in front of us.

"Lord Huoshen, your sculptures are under construction. They are made of the best materials. They are very helpful to absorb incense and fire. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

It was an old man with a white beard, his head almost bent over his stomach, but his face was full of fanaticism.

Jiang Hao gave two bitter smiles and said, "have you really built it?"

The old man said in a hurry: "Lord Huoshen's coming down to earth and coming to our family is our supreme glory. Naturally, we dare not neglect it. Everything is already under construction."

"But I'm really not the Vulcan you said. I can promise that I can't help you if you have to do this, but I told you what I said. If you find it wrong in the future, don't blame me."

Hearing this, the old man's face changed greatly. He knelt down on the ground with an ordinary voice and said in a loud voice: "Lord Huoshen, please believe our heartfelt. Thousands of years ago, the God of fire gave our ancestors blood. Now, how can future generations be slighted?"

Jiang Hao has nothing to say. He has said similar words many times in recent days. He has also explained countless times and said all kinds of words, but the other side insists that Jiang Hao is the God of fire ...

"well, you can step down." Jiang Hao waved impatiently.

On the contrary, the old man was very pleased. He kowtowed several heads respectfully and then turned away slowly. In their opinion, this is the demeanor of the God of fire. It's your blessing to speak to you. What else do you want?Both the old man and the person in charge of the service were scattered by Jiang Hao. Only when he was left in the room did he feel relieved. To tell the truth, although he was forced, it was still a great pressure to run to the remnant world to be a prodigy.

The flame is generated at his fingertips, and there is no business fire.

Jiang Hao looked at the flame and murmured, "what is the connection between you and the God of fire?"

Just then, there was a burst of cheering footsteps outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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